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Oracle 1z0-599 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

What are the two proper locations of deployment descriptors files inside of archives
deployed to WebLogic?


the WEB-INF subdirectory for a WAR file


the META-INF subdirectory for an EAR file, or EJB-JAR


the DD-INF subdirectory


the root of archive


any searchable location


the WEB-INF subdirectory for a WAR file


the META-INF subdirectory for an EAR file, or EJB-JAR

 The WEB-INF directory contains the deployment descriptors for the Web application
(web.xml and weblogic.xml) and two subdirectories for storing compiled Java classes and
library JAR files.
* Web Application - WEB-INF/web.xml ( WEB-INF/weblogic.xml )
The WEB-INF directory is a vital component of your web application. Web application wont
run without it.It contains a heirarcy in which you’ll find the necessary configuration
information for your web application, and all the class files for your servlets and classes
that are called up by your JSPs.
WEB-INF folder contains all the class files for your servlets and classes that are called up
by your JSPs
Enterprise Application - META-INF/application.xml (META-INF/weblogic-application.xml)
and META-INF/ejb-jar.xml ( META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml )
Generally comprises of EJBs. Bussiness Tier of an application and EJB basically handels
the Bussiness logic of application (distributed objects)
META-INF/application.xml containes Mappings and security roles etc.whereas METAINF/
ejb-jar.xml containes ejb classes , session beans mapping etc.,
The META-INF directory is related to .jar files, It contains the manifest file which has list of
A context-root setting in application.xml takes precedence over context-root setting in
weblogic.xml (The context root of a web application determines which URLs weblogic will
delegate to your web application.
* Deployment descriptors are xml documents that describe runtime behaviour for the
deployment unit. The XML file contains information such as the context root of the web
application and the mapping of the portable names of an application's resources to the
application Server's resources

Question # 2

Identify the two options that can be used to patch WebLogic Server without Incurring
application downtime.


automated process using the Admin Server


automated using JDeveloper


manual process with or without Smart Update


scripted with WLST


automated process using Enterprise Manager 12c


manual process with or without Smart Update


scripted with WLST

* Rolling Upgrade is the process of upgrading a running WebLogic Server cluster with a
patch, maintenance pack, or minor release without shutting down the entire cluster or
domain. During the rolling upgrade of a cluster, each server in the cluster is individually
upgraded and restarted while the other servers in the cluster continue to host your

Question # 3

Identify three advantages of Active GridLink for RAC over multidata source.


isolates WebLogic from RAC changes


has a simple configuration


enables statement caching


performs faster failure detection and failover


is supported in WebLogic Domain Templates


isolates WebLogic from RAC changes


has a simple configuration


performs faster failure detection and failover

B: With Active GridLink for RAC, WebLogic instances are isolated from
RAC configuration changes, and DBAs only need to contend with a single data source
rather than multiple data sources.
D: Active GridLink for RAC distributes work based on different backend node capacities,
automatically detecting and adapting to overworked nodes and hangs. It enables smart
load balancing across RAC nodes. This makes it easier to route traffic around node
failures, enhancing availability and performance.
Reference: Introducing WebLogic Server 12c

Question # 4

A customer stores environmental settings in the deployment descriptors of an application.
Whenever they promote the application version from testing to the production environment,
they need to open the archive and modify the deployment descriptor. This process is
against their security policy.
What approach should you recommend to leverage WebLogic features such that they do
not have to modify the application archive for different environments?


Keep environmental data in the global settings of domain and the application can read it
from the domain where it runs.


Keep environmental data in Deployment Plan XML files. It allows you to change
parameters in the deployment descriptor without opening the archive file.


Keep environmental data in the database because it is the most effective way of
parametrizing the environment.


Keep archive in exploded format so the customer does not have to open the archive


Eliminate all environmental settings from the application. There should not to be any
environmental settings in the application.


Keep environmental data in Deployment Plan XML files. It allows you to change
parameters in the deployment descriptor without opening the archive file.

WebLogic Server uses the standard J2EE web.xml deployment descriptor for
defining a Web Application. Some applications also require the WebLogic-specific
deployment descriptor, weblogic.xml. You use these deployment descriptors to define
components and operating parameters for a Web Application. Deployment descriptors are
standard text files, formatted using XML notation. You package them in the Web
Reference: Overview of Web Application Deployment Descriptors

Question # 5

Identify three unique integration features of Spring and WebLogic Server.


ability to automatically convert Spring application to JavaEE 6 framework


ability to export the WebLogic Container feature to another Spring enabled JavaEE


ability to extend the WebLogic Server console with some Spring-related pages


 official support of Spring apps inside WebLogic by Oracle Support


support for injection of WebLogic MBeans and Resources into Spring applications


ability to extend the WebLogic Server console with some Spring-related pages


 official support of Spring apps inside WebLogic by Oracle Support


support for injection of WebLogic MBeans and Resources into Spring applications

Spring Console Extension. WebLogic provides an Admin Console
extension for Spring to provide administrators with visual tools for monitoring the Spring
parts of deployed applications (first navigate to WebLogic Admin Console's Preferences |
Extension menu option and and enable spring-console). This Spring console extension is
basically a set of pages which are added amongst the normal pages of the standard
WebLogic admin console, rather than being a separate console per se. The extension
provides a view onto the values of the WebLogic generated Spring MBeans
D: If you have an issue, you use the Oracle Support organisation for help with WebLogic
specific problems and any Spring parts to your application are treated just like your own
custom code is, from an Oracle Support perspective.
E: WebLogic Injected Spring Beans is a Weblogic feature that is enabled by default.
Reference: WebLogic and Spring

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