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Oracle 1z0-822 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

You are configuring a system on your network that was installed using LiveCD. You
configured applied a static IP address to the system. You now need to configure a default
router. Assume that name services are file based and the router’s IP address is
Which two methods should you use to configure a default route on this Oracle Solaris 11


svccfg –s network/physical setprop config/defroute=;svcadm refresh
network/physical; svcadm restart network/physical


svccfg –s routing/route setprop config/defroute=;svcadm refresh
routing/route; svcadm restart routing/route


 Add the IP address to the /etc/defaultrouter file and run route add default


 netadm modify –p ncp DefaultFixed set-prop –p defroute=


ipadm set-prop –p defaultrouter=


 Add the IP address to the /etc/defaultrouter file and run route add default

Explanation: * AI Server Software Requirements include:
Default router
Ensure that your AI server has a default route set by using the netstat command to show
network status. If your AI server does not have a default route set, you can set a static
default route by populating the /etc/defaultrouter file with the IP address of a static default
route for your server's network.
* For any currently active NCP (fixed or reactive), use the route command with the -p option
to persistently add a route:
# route -p add default ip-address

Because this command applies the specified route to the currently active NCP, the default
route is removed and potentially replaced, if the active NCP changes.

Not A, Not B: The svccfg command manipulates data in the service configuration
repository. svccfg can be invoked interactively, with an individual subcommand, or by
specifying a command file that contains a series of subcommands.

Question # 2

Your server has a package repository that local clients access remotely. Which option
manages HTTP access to the repository?


pkg set-property









Explanation: * pkg.depotd is the depot server for the image packaging system. It provides
network access to the data contained within a package repository. Clients that do not
support direct access to a repository through the file system, or for which network access is
the only available or preferred method of transport, typically use the package depot.

* Example:
Configure pkg.depotd to provide remote access. pkg.depotd provides an HTTP interface to
a pkg repo. Here we are going to make the repo server listen on port 10000, and use the
repo dir we created as its default.
# svcadm disable pkg/server
# svccfg -s pkg/server setprop pkg/inst_root = /data/myrepo
# svccfg -s pkg/server setprop pkg/port = 10000
# svcadm refresh pkg/server
# svcadm enable pkg/server

Question # 3

What is the purpose of the Service Management Facility (SMF) profiles?


an XML file that describes current services and the instances


allows the customization of services and instances


stores configuration information about each service instance


 used to start and stop processes or services


allows the customization of services and instances

Explanation: Profiles are, in many ways, similar to manifests in that they use the same
XML DTD. However, instead of providing information about a service, its dependencies,
and methods, a profile is used to provide customization of a service or an instance of a
service. Customizations include whether an instance of a service should be enabled or
disabled and any modifications to service configuration properties.
Not A: Manifests (not profiles) are used to describe services and instances of a service,
including any property groups and properties they might have.

Question # 4

Which scheduling class cannot be assigned to a zone?













Explanation: Scheduling classes provide different CPU access characteristics to threads
that are based on algorithmic logic. The scheduling classes include:
Realtime scheduling class (RT) (not a)
Interactive scheduling class (IA)
Fixed priority scheduling class (FX) (not b)
Timesharing scheduling class (TS) (not c)
Fair share scheduling class (FSS) (not E)

Question # 5

Which two statements are correct regarding IPS repositories?


Remote client access is governed by svc:/application/pkg/server.


 Every new repository contains the solaris publisher by default.


One repository can replicate the contents of another.


 The pkg.depotd process makes all local repositories remotely available.


A repository uses separate protocols for pkg and browser clients.


Remote client access is governed by svc:/application/pkg/server.


 The pkg.depotd process makes all local repositories remotely available.

Explanation: A: The pkd.depotd service is managed by SMF under the service identifier

* Example:
Configure pkg.depotd to provide remote access. pkg.depotd provides an HTTP interface to
a pkg repo. Here we are going to make the repo server listen on port 10000, and use the
repo dir we created as its default.
# svcadm disable pkg/server
# svccfg -s pkg/server setprop pkg/inst_root = /data/myrepo
# svccfg -s pkg/server setprop pkg/port = 10000
# svcadm refresh pkg/server
# svcadm enable pkg/server
* pkg.depotd is the depot server for the image packaging system. It provides network
access to the data contained within a package repository. Clients that do not support direct
access to a repository through the file system, or for which network access is the only
available or preferred method of transport, typically use the package depot.

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