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VMware 2V0-33.22 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which two steps must an administrator take in order to deploy an instance of Azure VMware Solutions? (Choose two.)
A. Create a support request with Microsoft Azure Support to create a host quota.
B. Deploy and configure Microsoft Enterprise Edge (MSEE) appliances.
C. Create a support request with VMware Support to create a private cloud.
D. Associate the subscription with a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement.
E. Deploy and Configure Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute.

A. Create a support request with Microsoft Azure Support to create a host quota.
E. Deploy and Configure Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute.

To deploy an instance of Azure VMware Solutions, an administrator must take the following two steps:

Create a support request with Microsoft Azure Support to create a host quota. This is required because Azure VMware Solution hosts are dedicated bare-metal servers that are not shared with other customers1. The host quota determines the number and size of hosts that can be provisioned in a subscription1. The host quota can be requested for an eligible Azure plan, such as Microsoft Enterprise Agreement or Cloud Solution Provider2.

Deploy and configure Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute. This is required because Azure VMware Solution uses ExpressRoute to connect the private cloud to the Azure virtual network and the on-premises network3. ExpressRoute provides a secure, high-bandwidth, and low-latency connection that enables seamless workload migration and hybrid cloud scenarios3. The administrator must deploy and configure an ExpressRoute circuit, a virtual network gateway, and a virtual network3.

References: 1: Deploy and configure Azure VMware Solution, 2: Plan the Azure VMware Solution deployment, 3: Tutorial: Deploy an Azure VMware Solution private cloud

Question # 2

A customer is running a software-defined data center (SDDC) In the US-East-2 region and wants to connect the workload network segment to their on-premises data center and multiple company Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) running In US-East-2. Which connectivity option can they use to accomplish this?
A. AWS Direct Connect
B. Two VPN connections
C. VMware Transit Connect
D. One VPN connection

C. VMware Transit Connect

To connect the workload network segment to their on-premises data center and multiple company Amazon VPCs running in US-East-2, the customer can use VMware Transit Connect. VMware Transit Connect is a service that provides secure connectivity between AWS and on-premises data centers or other clouds. It allows customers to connect and extend their networks to the AWS cloud with minimal effort and cost.

VMware Transit Connect provides high-speed, resilient connectivity and is integrated with the AWS Transit Gateway. With VMware Transit Connect, customers can connect their software-defined data center (SDDC) network, Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), and on-premises data centers. This allows them to have a seamless networking connectivity between their VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC and their native AWS environment. So, for the given scenario where the customer wants to connect to both their on-premises data center and multiple VPCs in the same AWS region, VMware Transit Connect would be the most appropriate choice.


Question # 3

In VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VCDR), a protection group consists of which two components? (Choose two.)

A. Members
B. Policies for snapshots
C. Virtual Machine File System (VMFS) datastores
D. VM customizations
E. Clusters

A. Members
B. Policies for snapshots


A protection group in VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VCDR) consists of members (virtual machines or VMs) and policies for snapshots. These policies define the consistent point-in-time copies of the VMs, which are used for disaster recovery. The protection group also includes virtual machine file system (VMFS) datastores, which are used to store the copies of the VMs, and VM customizations, which are used to customize the VMs. Clusters are not part of a protection group in VCDR.

Question # 4

A cloud administrator is using VMware HCX to migrate application workloads between an on-premises data center and a VMware Public Cloud (UI!) capability of VMware HCX is being used to extend a number of on-premises network segments into the cloud to avoid IP re-addressing concerns. When the cloud administrator tries to extend a native layer 2 network segment from the cloud back into the on-premises data center. an error is encountered and the extension fails. What should the administrator do to enable network extension from the cloud side to on-premises in this scenario?
A. Enable reverse L2E in the advanced configuration menu of HCX. Make the appropriate change and re-deploy the HCX Service Mesh.
B. Ensure that the on-premises environment that has at minimum a VMware vSphere Distributed Switch with version 6.5 configured.
C. Install VMware NSXT into the on-prerinse data center.
D. Enable reverse L2E in the advanced configuration menu of HCX. Make the appropriate change, re-deploy the on-premise HCX Manager and re-pair the sites together.

B. Ensure that the on-premises environment that has at minimum a VMware vSphere Distributed Switch with version 6.5 configured.

The best solution for enabling network extension from the cloud side to the on-premises data center in this scenario is to ensure that the on-premises environment has at least a VMware vSphere Distributed Switch with version 6.5 configured. This will enable the reverse L2E feature, which is necessary for extending the native layer 2 network segment from the cloud back into the on-premises data center. For more information on how to configure reverse L2E and extend a network segment from the cloud to the on-premises data center, please refer to the official VMware documentation here.

Question # 5

A cloud administrator needs to create a virtual machine that requires layer 2 connectivity to an on-premises workload. Which type of network segment Is required?
A. Existing
B. Outbound
C. Extended
D. Routed

C. Extended

An extended network segment is required for a cloud administrator to create a virtual machine that requires layer 2 connectivity to an on-premises workload. Extended networks allow for the virtual machines to communicate directly with the on-premises workload while remaining isolated from the public cloud. This allows for the virtual machines to access the same services and workloads as the on-premises workloads while still remaining secure.

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