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ECCouncil 312-38 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

You are tasked to perform black hat vulnerability assessment for a client. You received official written permission to work with: company site, forum, Linux server with LAMP, where this site is hosted. Which vulnerability assessment tool should you consider using?
A. OpenVAS
B. hping
C. wireshark
D. dnsbrute

A. OpenVAS

OpenVAS stands out as the most suitable tool for conducting a vulnerability assessment on a Linux server with LAMP. It is a full-featured vulnerability scanner that’s actively maintained and updated, capable of detecting thousands of vulnerabilities in network services and software. For a black hat vulnerability assessment, which implies testing from the perspective of a potential attacker, OpenVAS can simulate attacks on the network services running on the LAMP stack and identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

References: The choice of OpenVAS is supported by its inclusion in various lists of top vulnerability assessment tools for Linux servers. It is specifically designed to perform comprehensive scans and is frequently updated to include the latest vulnerability checks12.

Question # 2

Richard has been working as a Linux system administrator at an MNC. He wants to maintain a productive and secure environment by improving the performance of the systems through Linux patch management. Richard is using Ubuntu and wants to patch the Linux systems manually. Which among the following command installs updates (new ones) for Debun based Linux OSes?
A. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
B. sudo apt-get update
C. sudo apt-get dist-update
D. sudo apt-get upgrate

A. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Explanation: The command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is used to install updates for Debian-based Linux operating systems, which includes Ubuntu. This command intelligently handles changes with new versions of packages and will install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system. It also handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages and will attempt to upgrade the most important packages at the expense of less important ones if necessary. The dist-upgrade command, therefore, will install or remove packages as necessary to complete the full update.

Question # 3

Which of the following is an example of Indicators of Attack?
A. Malware
B. Signatures
C. Exploits
D. Remote code execution

C. Exploits

Indicators of Attack (IOAs) are behaviors or actions that suggest an attacker’s intent to compromise a system. Unlike Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), which are evidence that an attack has already occurred, IOAs focus on the detection of attack attempts before they can cause harm. Exploits are a prime example of IOAs because they are tools or techniques used to take advantage of vulnerabilities in systems, often before any actual damage is done. This can include exploiting security holes, system weaknesses, or software bugs to gain unauthorized access or perform unauthorized actions.

References: The concept of IOAs, including the use of exploits as an example, aligns with cybersecurity best practices and the objectives of the Certified Network Defender (CND) program. The information provided is based on standard cybersecurity frameworks and the CND’s focus on understanding and identifying potential threats before they manifest into actual attacks123.

Question # 4

Which encryption algorithm h used by WPA5 encryption?
B. RC4


WPA5 is not a standard term used in the industry, and there seems to be a confusion or typo in the question. However, based on the context of Wi-Fi security and encryption, the closest relevant standard is WPA3, which uses AES-GCMP 256 as its encryption algorithm. WPA3 is the successor to WPA2 and provides enhanced security features. It uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with Galois/Counter Mode Protocol (GCMP) 256-bit encryption, which offers a higher level of security than the previous encryption methods used in WPA2, such as AES-CCMP. AES-GCMP 256 provides robust protection against various attacks and is designed to work efficiently on a wide range of devices, including those with limited processing capabilities.

References: The information provided is based on the current understanding of Wi-Fi security protocols, specifically the WPA3 standard, which is known to use AES-GCMP 256-bit encryption123.

Question # 5

Which technique is used in RAID level 0 where the data is split into blocks and written evenly across multiple disks?
A. Disk mirroring
B. Disk stripping
C. Data splitting
D. Disk partition

B. Disk stripping

RAID level 0 employs a technique known as disk stripping, which involves splitting data into blocks and distributing them evenly across multiple disks. This method enhances performance by allowing simultaneous read and write operations on multiple drives. However, it does not provide redundancy, meaning if one drive fails, all data on the array could be lost. The primary advantage of disk stripping is the improved I/O performance due to the parallel processing of data across the drives.

References: This explanation is based on standard RAID technology descriptions, which are part of the Certified Network Defender (CND) curriculum that covers various data storage strategies, including RAID configurations1234.

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