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Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE) Exam Dumps


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ECCouncil 312-40 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Daffod is an American cloud service provider that provides cloud-based services to customers worldwide. Several customers are adopting the cloud services provided by Daffod because they are secure and cost- effective. Daffod complies with the cloud computing law enacted in the US to realize the importance of information security in the economic and national security interests of the US. Based on the given information, which law order does Daffod adhere to?


Question # 2

Global SciTech Pvt. Ltd. is an IT company that develops healthcare-related software. Using an incident detection system (IDS) and antivirus software, the incident response team of the organization has observed that attackers are targeting the organizational network to gain access to the resources in the on-premises environment. Therefore, their team of cloud security engineers met with a cloud service provider to discuss the various security provisions offered by the cloud service provider. While discussing the security of the organization's virtual machine in the cloud environment, the cloud service provider stated that the Network Security Groups (NSGs) will secure the VM by allowing or denying network traffic to VM instances in a virtual network based on inbound and outbound security rules. Which of the following cloud service provider filters the VM network traffic in a virtual network using NSGs?
C. Azure
D. Google

C. Azure
Explanation: Network Security Groups (NSGs) are used in Azure to filter network traffic to and from Azure resources within an Azure Virtual Network (VNet). NSGs contain security rules that allow or deny inbound and outbound network traffic based on several parameters such as protocol, source and destination IP address, port number, and direction (inbound or outbound).
NSG Functionality: NSGs function as a firewall for VM instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic at the network interface, VM, and subnet level1.
Security Rules: They consist of security rules that specify source and destination, port, and protocol to filter traffic1.
Traffic Control: By setting appropriate rules, NSGs help secure VMs from unauthorized access and ensure that only allowed traffic can flow to and from the VM1.
Azure Specific: This feature is specific to Azure and is not offered by IBM, AWS, or Google Cloud in the same manner1.
References: NSGs are a key component of Azure’s networking capabilities, providing a way to control access to VMs, services, and subnets, and are an integral part of Azure’s security infrastructure1.

Question # 3

An organization wants to implement a zero-trust access model for its SaaS application on the GCP as well as its on-premises applications. Which of the following GCP services can be used to eliminate the need for setting up a company-wide VPN and implement the RBAC feature to verify employee identities to access organizational applications?
A. Cloud Endpoints
B. Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP)
C. Cloud Security Scanner
D. Web Application and API Protection

B. Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP)

Question # 4

Scott Herman works as a cloud security engineer in an IT company. His organization has deployed a 3-tier web application in the same Google Cloud Virtual Private Cloud. Each tier (web interface (UI), API, and database) is scaled independently of others. Scott Herman obtained a requirement that the network traffic should always access the database using the API and any request coming directly from the web interface to the database should not be allowed. How should Scott configure the network with minimal steps?
A. By adding tags to each tier and setting up firewall rules to allow the desired traffic flow
B. By adding tags to each tier and setting up routes to allow the desired traffic flow
C. By setting up software-based firewalls on individual VMs
D. By adding each tier to a different subnetwork

A. By adding tags to each tier and setting up firewall rules to allow the desired traffic flow

Question # 5

An organization is developing a new AWS multitier web application with complex queries and table joins. However, because the organization is small with limited staff, it requires high availability. Which of the following Amazon services is suitable for the requirements of the organization?
A. Amazon HSM
B. Amazon Snowball
C. Amazon Glacier
D. Amazon DynamoDB

D. Amazon DynamoDB


For a multitier web application that requires complex queries and table joins, along with the need for high availability, Amazon DynamoDB is the suitable service. Here’s why:

Support for Complex Queries: DynamoDB supports complex queries and table joins through its flexible data model and secondary indexes.

High Availability: DynamoDB is designed for high availability and durability, with data replicated across multiple AWS Availability Zones1.

Managed Service: As a fully managed service, DynamoDB requires minimal operational overhead, which is ideal for organizations with limited staff.

Scalability: It can handle large amounts of traffic and data, scaling up or down as needed to meet the demands of the application.


Amazon DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. It is suitable for applications that require consistent, single-digit millisecond latency at any scale1. It’s a fully managed, multi-region, durable database with built-in security, backup and restore, and in-memory caching for internet-scale applications1.

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