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We are providing all valid and updated ECCouncil 312-85 dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by CTIA certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these ECCouncil dumps and pass your Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

ECCouncil 312-85 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Kim, an analyst, is looking for an intelligence-sharing platform to gather and share threat information from a variety of sources. He wants to use this information to develop security policies to enhance the overall security posture of his organization. Which of the following sharing platforms should be used by Kim?
A. Cuckoo sandbox
B. OmniPeek
C. PortDroid network analysis
D. Blueliv threat exchange network

D. Blueliv threat exchange network
Explanation: The Blueliv Threat Exchange Network is a collaborative platform designed for sharing and receiving threat intelligence among security professionals and organizations. It provides real-time information on global threats, helping participants to enhance their security posture by leveraging shared intelligence. The platform facilitates the exchange ofinformation related to cybersecurity threats, including indicators of compromise (IoCs), tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of threat actors, and other relevant data. This makes it an ideal choice for Kim, who is looking to gather and share threat information to develop security policies for his organization. In contrast, Cuckoo Sandbox is a malware analysis system, OmniPeek is a network analyzer, and PortDroid is a network analysis application, none of which are primarily designed for intelligence sharing.

Question # 2

A threat analyst wants to incorporate a requirement in the threat knowledge repository that provides an ability to modify or delete past or irrelevant threat data. Which of the following requirement must he include in the threat knowledge repository to fulfil his needs?
A. Protection ranking
B. Evaluating performance
C. Data management
D. Searchable functionality

C. Data management

Question # 3

Henry. a threat intelligence analyst at ABC Inc., is working on a threat intelligence program. He was assigned to work on establishing criteria for prioritization of intelligence needs and requirements. Which of the following considerations must be employed by Henry to prioritize intelligence requirements?
A. Understand frequency and impact of a threat
B. Understand data reliability
C. Develop a collection plan
D. Produce actionable data

A. Understand frequency and impact of a threat
Explanation: When prioritizing intelligence requirements, it is crucial to understand the frequency and impact of various threats. This approach helps in allocating resources effectively, focusing on threats that are both likely to occur and that would have significant consequences if they did. By assessing threats based on these criteria, Henry can ensure that the threat intelligence program addresses the most pressing and potentially damaging threats first, thereby enhancing the organization's security posture. This prioritization is essential for effective threat management and for ensuring that the most critical threats are addressed promptly.

Question # 4

Steve works as an analyst in a UK-based firm. He was asked to perform network monitoring to find any evidence of compromise. During the network monitoring, he came to know that there are multiple logins from different locations in a short time span. Moreover, he also observed certain irregular log in patterns from locations where the organization does not have business relations. This resembles that somebody is trying to steal confidential information. Which of the following key indicators of compromise does this scenario present?
A. Unusual outbound network traffic
B. Unexpected patching of systems
C. Unusual activity through privileged user account
D. Geographical anomalies

D. Geographical anomalies

Question # 5

An attacker instructs bots to use camouflage mechanism to hide his phishing and malware delivery locations in the rapidly changing network of compromised bots. In this particular technique, a single domain name consists of multiple IP addresses. Which of the following technique is used by the attacker?
A. DNS zone transfer
B. Dynamic DNS
C. DNS interrogation
D. Fast-Flux DNS

D. Fast-Flux DNS
Explanation: Fast-Flux DNS is a technique used by attackers to hide phishing and malware distribution sites behind an ever-changing network of compromised hosts acting as proxies. It involves rapidly changing the association of domain names with multiple IP addresses, making the detection and shutdown of malicious sites more difficult. This technique contrasts with DNS zone transfers, which involve the replication of DNS data across DNS servers, or Dynamic DNS, which typically involves the automatic updating of DNS records for dynamic IP addresses, but not necessarily for malicious purposes. DNS interrogation involves querying DNS servers to retrieve information about domain names, but it does not involve hiding malicious content. Fast-Flux DNS specifically refers to the rapid changes in DNS records to obfuscate the source of the malicious activity, aligning with the scenario described.

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