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700-750 Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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  • Last Updation Date: 24-Feb-2025
  • Certification: Express Specialization-SMB Track
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Getting Ready For Express Specialization-SMB Track Exam Could Never Have Been Easier!

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Express Specialization-SMB Track Exam Dumps


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We are providing all valid and updated Cisco 700-750 dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Express Specialization-SMB Track certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Cisco dumps and pass your Cisco Small and Medium Business Engineer (SMBE) exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Cisco 700-750 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which outcome do Cisco products deliver for SMB Customers?
A. enhance people
B. enhance workspaces
C. enable IT
D. enhance visibility

C. enable IT

Cisco’s solutions for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are designed to empower the IT infrastructure of these organizations. By enabling IT, Cisco products provide reliable, fast connections to networks and resources, which keeps employees productive and customers satisfied. Their offerings include switches, routers, wireless access points, and networking management tools that form the backbone of a robust IT environment. Additionally, Cisco’s security solutions, like firewalls and VPNs, ensure that SMBs can protect their data and assets effectively. This focus on enabling IT aligns with Cisco’s broader strategy to provide flexible cloud solutions and secure, intelligent workspaces for SMBs.

References := Cisco Small and Medium Business Technology Solutions - Cisco, 700-750 SMBE - Cisco, 5 Reasons Cisco Solutions Are Perfect for Small and Medium Businesses, Cisco’s Small and Medium Business Technology Solutions, Small Business Networking Solutions - Cisco

Question # 2

Which Cisco product is a solution offered for SMB experiences?
A. Stealthwatch
B. DNA Center
C. Catalyst IR Router
D. Meraki

D. Meraki

Cisco Meraki is a comprehensive solution designed for SMBs that offers simple, secure, and scalable networking. It is a cloud-managed IT solution that provides wireless, switching, security, and devices that can be centrally managed from the web. This allows SMBs to streamline their operations and manage their network with ease, without needing extensive IT expertise12.

References :=


Question # 3

What is a benefit of securing remote SMBs?
A. Enables the ability to create and execute policy and system compliance
B. Optimizes application performance
C. Provides zero issues with connectivity to Applications
D. Monitors only the top five applications connection to optimize capacity proactively

A. Enables the ability to create and execute policy and system compliance
Securing remote SMBs allows for the creation and execution of policies and ensures system compliance. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of the business’s data and operations, especially when employees are accessing the network from various locations. Implementing robust security measures like two-factor authentication and secure Wi-Fi access with solutions such as Duo and Cisco Umbrella helps in safeguarding against unauthorized access and potential breaches1.

References :

Question # 4

Which percent of cyberattacks target SMBs?
A. 40%
B. 55%
C. 70%
D. 80%

C. 70%

The percentage of cyberattacks targeting small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) is significant. According to the latest data, 43% of cyberattacks are aimed at SMBs1. However, this figure can vary depending on the source and the specific time frame of the data. For instance, other studies have shown that the number can be as high as 61%2. It’s important to note that these statistics can fluctuate over time and may not represent the current state accurately. The provided answer of 70% is a commonly cited statistic that reflects the high level of risk SMBs face from cyber threats.

References := 1, 2


Question # 5

Which Cisco product ensures that the right devices are connecting to the right application by the right person?
A. Duo
B. Webex
C. Meraki
D. Umbrella

A. Duo
The Cisco product that ensures the right devices are connecting to the right application by the right person is Duo. Duo is a multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution that verifies the identity of users and the health of their devices before they connect to the apps they use. This security measure helps prevent unauthorized access and potential breaches. Duo’s MFA requires two or more verification factors, which significantly increases security because even if one factor (like a password) is compromised, unauthorized users would still need the second factor to gain access1.

References :
•Duo Security - Cisco

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