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  • Last Updation Date: 17-Mar-2025
  • Certification: Lead Developer
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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Appian ACD300 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

You are reviewing the Engine Performance Logs in Production for a single application thathas been live for six months. This application experiences concurrent user activity and has a fairly sustained load during business hours. The client has reported performance issues with the application during business hours.
During your investigation, you notice a high Work Queue - Java Work Queue Size value in the logs You also notice unattended process activities, including timer events and sending notifications emails, are taking far longer to execute than normal.
The client Increased the number of CPU cores prior to the application going live
What is the next recommendation?
A. Add more engine replicas.
B. Optimize slow-performing user interfaces.
C. Add more application servers.
D. Add execution and analytics shards

A. Add more engine replicas.

Question # 2

You are designing a process that is anticipated to be executed multiple times a day. This process retrieves data from an external system and then calls various utility processes as needed. The mam process will not use the results of the utility processes, and there are no user forms anywhere. Which design choice should be used to start the utility processes and minimize the load on the execution engines?
A. Use the Start Process Smart Service to start the utility processes.
B. Start the utility processes via a subprocess synchronously.
C. Use Process Messaging lo star! the utility process.
D. Start the utility processes via a subprocess asynchronously

C. Use Process Messaging lo star! the utility process.


To design a process that is anticipated to be executed multiple times a day, that retrieves data from an external system and then calls various utility processes as needed, you should use Process Messaging to start the utility process and minimize the load on the execution engines. Process Messaging is a feature that allows you to send and receive messages between processes in Appian. By using Process Messaging, you can start the utility process asynchronously, which means that the main process does not have to wait for the utility process to finish before continuing. This way, you can improve the performance and scalability of your process design, and reduce the load on the execution engines.

The other options are not as effective. Option A, using the Start Process Smart Service to start the utility processes, would also start the utility process asynchronously, but it would require more configuration and maintenance than Process Messaging. Option B, starting the utility processes via a subprocess synchronously, would start the utility process as a part of the main process flow, which means that the main process would have to wait for the utility process to finish before continuing. This would reduce the performance and scalability of your process design, and increase the load on the execution engines. Option D, starting the utility processes via a subprocess asynchronously, would also start the utility process as a part of the main process flow,but it would not wait for the utility process to finish before continuing. However, this option would still create more overhead than Process Messaging, as it would create more instances of processes in Appian.

Question # 3

Your Agile Scrum project requires you to manage two teams, with three developers per team. Both teams are to work on the same application In parallel. How should the work be divided between the teams, avoiding issues caused by cross-dependency?
A. Group epics and stones by technical difficulty, and allocate one team the more challenging stories
B. Group epics and stones by feature, and allocate work between each team by feature.
C. Allocate stories to each team based on the cumulative years of experience of the team members.
D. Have each team choose the stones they would like to work on based on personal preference

B. Group epics and stones by feature, and allocate work between each team by feature.


The best way to divide the work between the teams, avoiding issues caused by cross-dependency, is to group epics and stories by feature, and allocate work between each team by feature. This way, each team can focus on a specific feature and minimize the need for coordination or integration with the other team. This also reduces the risk of conflicts or errors when merging the code from both teams.

Verified References:

Appian Documentation, section “Agile Development”.

Question # 4

You need to export data using an out-of-the-box Appian smart service. Which two formats are available (or data generation?
C. Excel

C. Excel

Question # 5

As part of your implementation workflow, users need to retrieve data stored in a third-party Oracle database on an interface. You need to design a way to query this information.

How should you set up this connection and query the data?
A. Configure a Query DataBase node within the process model Then, type in the connection information, as well as a SQL query to execute and return the data in process variables.
B. Configure a limed utility process that queries data from the thirdparty database daily, and stores It in the Applan business database, Then use alqueryEntity eating the Applan data source to retrieve the data.
C. Configure an expression-backed record type, calling an API to retrieve the data from the third-party database. Then, use allqueryRecordType to retrieve the data.
D. in the Administration Console configure the third-party database as a `'New Data Source,'' Then, use alqueryEntity to retrieve the data.

D. in the Administration Console configure the third-party database as a `'New Data Source,'' Then, use alqueryEntity to retrieve the data.

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