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Alibaba Cloud ACP-Cloud1 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Many of Alibaba Cloud services provide highly reliable data storage capacity. For example, Object Storage Service (OSS) promises that its data reliability is no less than 99 99999999%. This high data reliability is solely achieved by RAID 0+1 redundancy technology.
A. True
B. False

B. False
Explanation: Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) does not solely rely on RAID 0+1 redundancy technology to achieve high data reliability. OSS uses a distributed system architecture to store data across multiple devices and servers. OSS also supports crossregion replication (CRR) to replicate data across different regions for disaster recovery. OSS is designed for 99.9999999999% (12 9’s) data durability and 99.995% service availability12. References: Object Storage Service (OSS) - Alibaba Cloud What is OSS? - Object Storage Service - Alibaba Cloud Documentation Center

Question # 2

Recently, response speed of a certain Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance is unacceptably slow. By using CloudMonitor we discovered that the ECS instance utilizes more than 80% of the assigned bandwidth. Which of the following approach can address this issue and without the need to reboot the ECS instance?
A. Upgrade the bandwidth of the ECS instance
B. None of the above
C. Upgrade the CPU and memory of the ECS ins
D. Add a disk to the ECS instance

A. Upgrade the bandwidth of the ECS instance
Explanation: According to the Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service documentation, if the current public bandwidth does not meet your business requirements, you can upgrade or downgrade the public bandwidth configurations without the need to reboot the ECS instance. This can improve the network performance and response speed of the ECS instance. Upgrading the CPU, memory, or disk of the ECS instance may not solve the issue of bandwidth utilization, and may require rebooting the ECS instance. References : Public bandwidth - Elastic Compute Service

Question # 3

An online education website is built based on ECS. SLB and Auto Scaling, which greatly reduces resource cost, O&M cost and without compromising system stability and user experience.
Now. the website admin wants to keep the user information (such as source IP, accessed URLs, and duration on each page) for analysis to support their upcoming campaign events In this case, which of the following statements is NOT correct?
A. Let each ECS instance in the scaling group keeps the user access information it processes Thus, the data saved by these ECS instances can be accessed and analyzed at any time, making the solution not only simple, but also efficient reliable, and cost-effective.
B. Save user-related access information to ApsaraDB for RDS in real time or quasi real time, which can then be used for performing query and analysis.
C. Synchronize user-Synchronize user-related access information to ApsaraDB for Memcache in real time or quasi real time. Then, access Memcache using an application or make the data in Memcache persistent based on certain rules and then can use the persistent data for further analysis.
D. Synchronize user-related access information to OSS in real time or quasi real time for further use

A. Let each ECS instance in the scaling group keeps the user access information it processes Thus, the data saved by these ECS instances can be accessed and analyzed at any time, making the solution not only simple, but also efficient reliable, and cost-effective.
Explanation: This statement is not correct because it is not a good practice to store user access information on each ECS instance in the scaling group. This is because the ECS instances are dynamic and can be added or removed by the Auto Scaling service based on the load and demand. Therefore, the data stored on the ECS instances may be lost or inconsistent if the instances are terminated or replaced. Moreover, this approach does not provide a centralized and unified way to access and analyze the data, which may affect the accuracy and efficiency of the analysis. Therefore, it is better to use other services such as ApsaraDB for RDS, ApsaraDB for Memcache, or OSS to store the user access information in a persistent and scalable manner. References: Auto Scaling, ApsaraDB for RDS, ApsaraDB for Memcache, OSS

Question # 4

The daily PV volume of a community website is as high as 20 million. The applications of the website are deployed on ECS instances while logs are stored on the data disks of a single ECS instance.
Now, the website wants to extend the log retention period to 24 months and ensure that logs can be quickly downloaded when needed. The current data disks they have can only help retain three months of logs In this case, ________ is the ideal solution for solving the log retention issue.
B. Container Service
D. ApsaraDB for RDS

Explanation: OSS (Object Storage Service) is a secure, cost-effective, and highly reliable cloud storage service that allows you to store, back up, and archive any amount of data in the cloud1. OSS is ideal for storing logs, as it provides 99.9999999999% (12 nines) durability and 99.995% availability or service continuity1. OSS also supports lifecycle management, which allows you to automatically delete or transition objects to lower-cost storage classes based on your predefined rules2. OSS offers four tiers of storage: Standard, Infrequent Access, Archive, and Cold Archive. Each tier is cost-optimized for specific storage patterns1. The Archive and Cold Archive tiers are suitable for storing infrequently accessed data, such as logs, for a long time. The Archive tier offers data retrieval time within one minute, while the Cold Archive tier offers expedited data retrieval time within an hour1. Therefore, OSS can help the website extend the log retention period to 24 months and ensure that logs can be quickly downloaded when needed.
CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a distributed network that delivers content to users based on their geographic locations, the origin sites, and the content delivery nodes3. CDN is mainly used for content distribution, such as static web pages, images, videos, and downloads3. CDN is not suitable for storing logs, as it does not provide data durability or lifecycle management.
Container Service is a high-performance and scalable container application management service that enables you to use Docker and Kubernetes to manage the lifecycle of containerized applications4. Container Service is mainly used for deploying and orchestrating microservices, serverless applications, and big data applications4. Container Service is not suitable for storing logs, as it does not provide data durability or lifecycle management.
ApsaraDB for RDS (Relational Database Service) is a stable and reliable online database service that supports MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and PPAS5. ApsaraDB for RDS is mainly used for storing and processing structured data, such as user information, transaction records, and product catalogs5. ApsaraDB for RDS is not suitable for storing logs, as it is more expensive and less scalable than OSS. References: Object Storage Service (OSS) - Alibaba Cloud, Lifecycle management - Object Storage Service - Alibaba Cloud Documentation Center, Content Delivery Network (CDN) - Alibaba Cloud, Container Service - Alibaba Cloud, ApsaraDB for RDS - Alibaba Cloud

Question # 5

Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed network that is built and overlaid on the bearer network Moreover it is composed of edge node server clusters distributed across different regions. It replaces the traditional data transmission mode, which is centered on Web servers. When using Alibaba Cloud CDN, a user's request wilt first reach the edge node, and then receive data from the origin site by means of back-tosource Moreover, the admin can obtain visitor's real IP on the origin site. Which of the following descriptions relate to "obtaining visitors real IP" are correct? (Number of correct answers: 2)
A. "Visitor's real IP" is saved in "X-Forwarded-For" header in HTTP protocol. It can be directly obtained in the user-defined LOG of Apache and Nginx.
B. "Visitor's real IP" can only be obtained by modifying the application
C. You can one-step activate the "recording visitor's real IP" function in Alibaba Cloud CDN console to directly view the visitor's real IP in the access log.
D. In Windows, if IIS is used: after installing "F5XForwardedFor" extension module. 'Visitor's real IP" can then be seen in the log.

A. "Visitor's real IP" is saved in "X-Forwarded-For" header in HTTP protocol. It can be directly obtained in the user-defined LOG of Apache and Nginx.
C. You can one-step activate the "recording visitor's real IP" function in Alibaba Cloud CDN console to directly view the visitor's real IP in the access log.

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