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  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025
  • Certification: Adobe Experience Manager
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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We are providing all valid and updated Adobe AD0-E117 dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Adobe Experience Manager certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Adobe dumps and pass your Adobe Experience Manager Architect Master exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Adobe AD0-E117 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

In an AEM project, where is the recommended location for storing custom site content and components?
A. /etc
B. /content for site pages, /apps for custom components
C. /libs for both components and content
D. Directly under /var

B. /content for site pages, /apps for custom components
Explanation: In AEM, custom site pages are stored under /content, while custom code (components, templates, clientlibs) resides in /apps. /libs is Adobe’s core area and should not be overwritten.

Question # 2

A customer has a website with 10,000 pages and wants to improve performance. Which option should be used?
A. Specify a wildcard allow rule in the invalidate section
B. Advise to use URL parameters instead of sling selectors
C. Decrease .stat file level from the default
D. Increase .stat file level from the default

D. Increase .stat file level from the default

Question # 3

During an optimization session, a client using AEM 6.5 mentions that they face challenges with their AEM Author setup. The client has significant repository growth and can see an increased amount of TAR files in the segment store on disk. When editors are working, they see that workflows take up more time. The purging of workflows works as expected. Which two optimizations should an Architect suggest to took into and further investigate? (Choose two.)
A. Leverage workflow offloading for all workflows
B. Configure the Maximum Parallel Jobs
C. Increase the maxFileSize of the TAR segment store
D. Leverage Transient Workflows where possible
E. Execute an offline tar compaction twice a day

A. Leverage workflow offloading for all workflows
D. Leverage Transient Workflows where possible
Explanation: Leverage workflow offloading for all workflows and Leverage Transient Workflows where possible. According to Adobe Experience Manager documentation, workflow offloading is a technique that distributes processing tasks among AEM instances in a topology. This can improve performance and scalability of AEM author instances by using dedicated instances for executing workflows. Transient workflows are workflows that do not persist any data or history and are automatically purged after completion. This can reduce repository growth and improve workflow efficiency.

Question # 4

A large AEM enterprise site is implementing authentication and requires a true optimal load balancing across the site's multi AEM publish instances. Which approach should an Architect take to meet this requirement?
A. Configure Sticky Connections
B. Configure the Dispatcher to run with a Dedicated System Usei
C. Enable Encapsulated Token Option
D. Enable Round Robin processing in Dispatcher configuration

C. Enable Encapsulated Token Option

“enabling Encapsulated Token Option can provide optimal load balancing across multiple AEM publish instances by using a token-based authentication mechanism”.

Question # 5

Which Adobe Experience Cloud product integration is typically used to personalize content for different user segments in AEM?
A. Adobe Analytics
B. Adobe Campaign
C. Adobe Target
D. Adobe Audience Manager

C. Adobe Target
Explanation: Adobe Target is the primary tool for personalizing site experiences. It works with AEM to serve personalized content to user segments.

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