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  • Certification: Adobe Commerce
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Adobe AD0-E716 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

When checking the cron logs, an Adobe Commerce developer sees that the following job occurs daily: main.INFO: Cron Dob inventory_cleanup_reservations is successfully finished. However, the inventory_reservation table in the database is not emptied. Why are there records remaining in the inventory_reservation table?
A. Only reservations matching canceled orders are removed by the cron job.
B. Only reservations no longer needed are removed by the cron job.
C. The "Auto Cleanup" feature from Multi Source Inventory was disabled in configuration.

B. Only reservations no longer needed are removed by the cron job.
Explanation: The reason why there are records remaining in the inventory_reservation table is that only reservations no longer needed are removed by the cron job. The inventory_reservation table tracks the quantity of each product in each order and creates a reservation for each product when an order is placed, shipped, cancelled or refunded. The initial reservation has a negative quantity value and the subsequent reservations have positive values. When the order is complete, the sum of all reservations for the product is zero. The cron job removes only those reservations that have a zero sum from the table, leaving behind any reservations that are still needed for incomplete orders.

Question # 2

On an Adobe Commerce Cloud platform, in which order does the ECE-Tools package apply patches?
A. 1. All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.
2. Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.
3. Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.
B. 1. All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.
2. Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.
3. Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.
C. 1. Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.
2. All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.
3. Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.

B. 1. All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.
2. Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.
3. Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.
The order in which the ECE-Tools package applies patches is as follows:
  • All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.
  • Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.
  • Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.
The ECE-Tools package is a set of scripts and tools designed to manage and deploy Adobe Commerce Cloud projects. The Cloud Patches for Commerce package is a dependency of ECE-Tools that provides a set of required patches for Magento core issues that affect Adobe Commerce Cloud functionality. The Quality Patches Tool is an optional tool that allows developers to apply individual patches for specific Magento issues without waiting for a full product release. The /m2-hotfixes directory is a directory where developers can place their own custom patches for their Adobe Commerce Cloud projects.

Question # 3

On an Adobe Commerce Cloud platform, what type of environment will be provisioned when launching the CLI for Commerce command magento-cloud environment:branch ?
A. An empty integration environment without any code or database.
B. An integration environment with fresh Adobe Commerce Cloud installation.
C. An integration environment with the code and database from the parent environment.

C. An integration environment with the code and database from the parent environment.
Explanation: The type of environment that will be provisioned when launching the CLI for Commerce command magento-cloud environment:branch is an integration environment with the code and database from the parent environment. Integration environments are temporary environments that are used for testing and development purposes on the Adobe Commerce Cloud platform. They can be created from any branch of code and have their own dedicated database and services. When creating an integration environment using the CLI for Commerce command, the code and database from the parent environment are copied to the new integration environment, creating an exact replica of the parent environment.

Question # 4

An Adobe Commerce developer has added an iframe and included a JavaScript library from an external domain to the website. After that, they found the following error in the console:
Refused to frame [URL] because it violates the Content Security Policy directive.
In order to fix this error, what would be the correct policy ids to add to the csp_whitelist.xml file?
A. frame-src and script-src
B. default-src and object-src
C. frame-ancestors and connect-src

C. frame-ancestors and connect-src

Question # 5

An Adobe Commerce developer is about to deploy a critical feature to their Adobe Commerce Cloud (Pro Plan) production. They want to create a snapshot in order to be able to rollback if there is an issue with the feature. How would they create the snapshot?
A. Use the dedicated button on Project Web Interface.
B. Use the Cloud CLI for Commerce dedicated command.
C. Create a ticket to Adobe Commerce Cloud support.

A. Use the dedicated button on Project Web Interface.

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