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Adobe AD0-E722 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An Architect working on a headless Adobe Commerce project creates a new customer attribute named my_attribute. Based on the attribute value of the customer, the results of GraphQI queries are modified using a plugin. The frontend application is communicating with Adobe Commerce through Varnish by Fastly, which is already caching the queries that will be modified. The Adobe Commerce Fastly extension is installed, and no other modifications are made to the application. Which steps should the Architect take to make sure the vcl_hash function of Varnish also considers the newly created attribute?
A. Create a new class inheriting from Magento\GraphQlCache\Model\CacheId\CacheIdFactorProviderInterface and returning the value of my_attribute from the getFactorValue function and my_attribute from the getFactorName function. Then add this class through DI to the idFactorProviders array of Magento\GraphQlCache\Model\CacheId\CacheIdCalculator.
B. Create a new class inheriting from Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\Resolver\IdentityInterface and returning the value of my_attribute from the getIdentities function. Then specify a @cache(cacheIdentity: Path\\To\\IdentityClass) directive for each GraphQL query to include the newly created IdentityClass to each query that adds the cache tags for each customer.
C. Create a new class inheriting from Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionSourceInterface and returning the value of my_attribute from the getSectionData function. Then add this class through DI to the sectionSourceMap array of Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionPoolInterface.

A. Create a new class inheriting from Magento\GraphQlCache\Model\CacheId\CacheIdFactorProviderInterface and returning the value of my_attribute from the getFactorValue function and my_attribute from the getFactorName function. Then add this class through DI to the idFactorProviders array of Magento\GraphQlCache\Model\CacheId\CacheIdCalculator.

Question # 2

An Adobe Commerce Architect notices that queue consumers close TCP connections too often on Adobe Commerce Cloud server leading to delays in processing messages.
The Architect needs to make sure that consumers do not terminate after processing available messages in the queue when CRON job is running these consumers.
How should the Architect meet this requirement?
A. Set cohsumers_wait_for_max_MESSAGES variable true in deployment stage.
B. Increase multiple_process limit to spawn more processes for each consumer
C. Change max_messages from 10,000 to 1,000 for CRON_CONSUMERS_RUNNER variable.

A. Set cohsumers_wait_for_max_MESSAGES variable true in deployment stage.
Option A is correct because setting the consumers_wait_for_max_messages variable true in the deployment stage is the best way to meet the requirement. This variablecontrols whether the queue consumers should wait for a maximum number of messages to process before terminating. If this variable is set to true, the consumers will not terminate after processing the available messages in the queue, but will wait until they reach the max_messages limit or the cron job timeout. This way, the consumers can keep the TCP connections open and avoid delays in processing messages.
Option B is incorrect because increasing the multiple_process limit to spawn more processes for each consumer will not solve the issue of queue consumers closing TCP connections too often. The multiple_process limit determines how many parallel processes can be run for each consumer. Increasing this limit may improve the throughput of message processing, but it will also consume more server resources and may cause conflicts or errors. Moreover, it will not prevent the consumers from terminating after processing the available messages in the queue.
Option C is incorrect because changing the max_messages from 10,000 to 1,000 for CRON_CONSUMERS_RUNNER variable will worsen the issue of queue consumers closing TCP connections too often. The max_messages variable defines how many messages each consumer should process before terminating. Decreasing this variable will make the consumers terminate more frequently, which will result in more TCP connections being closed and reopened. This will increase the delays in processing messages.

Question # 3

An Adobe Commerce Architect runs the PHP Mess Detector from the command-line interface using the coding standard provided with Adobe Commerce. The following output appears:

The Architect looks at the class and notices that the constructor has 15 parameters. Five of these parameters are scalars configuring the behavior of MyService. The class also contains three constants referencing one other class.
How should the Architect fix the code so that it complies with the coding standard rule?
A. Modify the code of MyService so that the number of different classes and interfaces referenced anywhere inside the class is fewer than 13.
B. Consolidate the constants referencing other classes into a string representation.
C. Introduce a new class accepting those five scalars and use it in the constructor and the remaining logic of MyService.

C. Introduce a new class accepting those five scalars and use it in the constructor and the remaining logic of MyService.

Question # 4

An Adobe Commerce Architect is reviewing API-functional test code. Some tests send errors to indicate that the customer address does not exist. The test codes show the following:
Which step should the Architect take to fix the test errors?
A. Change the annotation to use @magentoApiDataFixture Magento/Customer/_files/customer_one_address.php instead of @magentoDataFixture Magento/Customer/_files/customer_one_address.php
B. Set the annotation to use @magentoPersistDataFixture Magento/Customer/_files/customer_one_address.php instead of @magentoDataFixture Magento/Customer/_files/customer_one_address.php
C. Update the annotation to specify address_id @magentoDataFixture Magento/Customer/_files/customer_one_address.php with:{"address_id":"$address.id$"}

A. Change the annotation to use @magentoApiDataFixture Magento/Customer/_files/customer_one_address.php instead of @magentoDataFixture Magento/Customer/_files/customer_one_address.php

Question # 5

An Adobe Commerce Architect designs a data flow that contains a new product type with its own custom pricing logic to meet a merchant requirement. Which three steps are required when adding a product type with custom pricing? (Choose three.)
A. Content of the etc/product_types.xml file
B. Data patch to register the new product type
C. Hydrator for attributes belonging to the new product type
D. New price model extending \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Price
E. Custom type model extended from the abstract Product Type model

A. Content of the etc/product_types.xml file

D. New price model extending \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Price
E. Custom type model extended from the abstract Product Type model

To add a product type with custom pricing, the Architect needs to do the following steps:

Create a content of the etc/product_types.xml file that defines the new product type, its label, model, index priority, and price model. This file is used to register the new product type and its associated classes in Magento1.

Create a new price model that extends \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Price and implements the custom pricing logic for the new product type. The price model is responsible for calculating the final price of the product based on various factors, such as special price, tier price, catalog price rules, etc2.

Create a custom type model that extends from the abstract Product Type model (\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\AbstractType) and overrides the methods related to the product type behavior, such as prepareForCart, getAssociatedProducts, etc. The type model defines how the product type interacts with other components, such as quote, order, cart, etc3.


How to add a new product type in Magento 2? (MageStackDay mystery question 1) - Magento Stack Exchange
Magento 2: How to create custom product types - BelVG Blog
Magento 2: How to create custom product types - BelVG Blog

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