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Adobe AD0-E906 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An implementation consultant wants to configure the enhanced connector inside a customer's Adobe Experience Manager environment. The customer needs to sync comments on linked documents from Adobe Workfront to Adobe Experience Manager. how should this request be implemented?
A. Select the Advanced tab Inside the enhanced connector configuration properties, and click Enable Comment Sync.
B. Select the Event Subscriptions tab inside the enhanced connector configuration properties, and click Enable Workfront Event Subscriptions
C. Select the Event Subscriptions tab inside the enhanced connector configuration properties, and click Unable Comment Sync.

B. Select the Event Subscriptions tab inside the enhanced connector configuration properties, and click Enable Workfront Event Subscriptions

To synchronize comments on linked documents from Adobe Workfront to Adobe Experience Manager, you need to enableWorkfront Event Subscriptionsin the enhanced connector configuration properties. Event Subscriptions allow AEM to track changes and updates from Workfront, including comment synchronization.

Workfront Event Subscriptionsensure that comments made in Workfront on linked documents are automatically synced to AEM.

Option A incorrectly references the Advanced tab, and Option C incorrectly states "Unable" instead of "Enable" Comment Sync.

Refer toAEM Enhanced Connector documentationon Event Subscriptions for step-by-step configuration.

Question # 2

An internal marketing department is building a new workflow where they need to have the task assignee upload a document. That document then needs to be reviewed and potentially marked up with annotations as part of the review process. Then the document needs to be approved by the director of creative marketing and the customer. Which document management process meets this requirement?
A. Upload the document using Approvals under document details
B. Upload the document with a proofing approval workflow attached
C. Upload the document to subtask assigned to approvers

B. Upload the document with a proofing approval workflow attached

For a workflow where a task assignee must upload a document, have it reviewed and marked up with annotations, and then have it approved by the director and customer, the best option is toupload the document with a proofing approval workflow attached. Proofing workflows allow for:

Annotations: Reviewers can mark up the document with comments and annotations.

Approvals: Once the document is reviewed, it can go through the necessary approval stages, including the director and customer.

Option A (using approvals under document details) does not allow for the same level of markup and annotation as a proofing workflow. Option C (uploading to a subtask) is not an ideal way to manage the review and approval process with annotations.

Refer toWorkfront’s proofing documentationfor more information on setting up proofing workflows with annotations and approvals.

Question # 3

A customer sets up a calculatedfield on a request form. A user manually converts the request to a project and selects a template fromthe available active templates.How should the administrator configure the Project custom form tomake sure the value is passed to the project on conversion?
A. Add a new field with the same name but make it a text field.
B. Add the same field will a different calculation
C. Add the-same- field but leave the calculation blank

C. Add the-same- field but leave the calculation blank

When converting a request to a project in Adobe Workfront, it's important to ensure that custom fields and their values are correctly passed from the request form to the project form. To achieve this, you need to add the same custom field on the project form, but in this case, the calculation should be left blank because the calculated value from the request form will be passed over and does not need to be recalculated at the project level.

Same field: The field needs to be exactly the same (same internal name) so the data can flow between the request and the project during the conversion.

Blank calculation: By leaving the calculation blank, you ensure that the field will accept the value from the request without overriding it or attempting to recalculate it.

For more details on setting up custom forms in Workfront and handling calculated fields during request-to-project conversions, refer to theAdobe Workfront Form Customization Guide.

Question # 4

A web designer creates interactive web content via a URL. which needs to be approved I he user doing the reviewing has a Manager proofing permission profile in Adobe workfront. which they are currently accessing through the latest version of the Chrome browser. As part of the feedback process, the reviewer is required to leave comments on one page of the arte being reviewed before leaving the approval status. The Designer must be tagged in any updates required which tool should be used to accomplish this?
A. Desktop Proofing viewer
B. Web Proofing viewer
C. Legacy Proofing, viewer

B. Web Proofing viewer

In this scenario, the reviewer needs to leave comments on an interactive web content URL and tag the designer. TheWeb Proofing vieweris the appropriate tool for reviewing interactive web content in Adobe Workfront. The Web Proofing viewer allows users to:

Review and commenton web-based content directly in the browser.

Tag usersin comments and updates.

Approve or rejectthe content with the necessary feedback.

Option A (Desktop Proofing viewer) is typically used for offline or downloadable content, and Option C (Legacy Proofing viewer) refers to an outdated tool that lacks modern proofing functionalities.

Refer toWorkfront’s proofing documentationfor more information on using the Web Proofing viewer for interactive content.

Question # 5

A creative agency submits proofs for review to stakeholders from multiple companies on a regular basis prior to releasing final assets the creative agency only requires one decision from a company prior to releasing a final asset.

Before the proofs are sent to the stakeholders, the creative director must review the proof. Since this is a standard workflow used for the majority of the work, a proofing workflow template can be set up to expedite the proof approval.

In which two ways may this proofing workflow template be set up? (Choose two)

A. Stage 1 activate on proof creation, routing to the creative director, select do not allow this stage to be deleted.
B. Stage 1 activate on proof creation, routing to the creative director, set as a private stage, select do not allow this stage to be deleted
C. Stage 2 activate when all decisions are approved on parent stage and select only one decision required.
D. Stage 2 activate when all decisions are made on parent stage and select only one decision required.

A. Stage 1 activate on proof creation, routing to the creative director, select do not allow this stage to be deleted.
D. Stage 2 activate when all decisions are made on parent stage and select only one decision required.

In this scenario, the proofing workflow needs two stages:

Stage 1: This stage routes the proof to thecreative directorupon proof creation. By selecting "do not allow this stage to be deleted," the workflow ensures that the creative director must always review the proof before it is sent to stakeholders. This ensures consistency in the review process and makes sure the creative director is always involved.

Stage 2: This stage activates whenall decisions are madeon the parent stage (i.e., the creative director’s approval). Additionally, since the creative agency only requiresone decision from each company, the "only one decision required" setting is appropriate to speed up the process while ensuring the necessary approvals are gathered.

Option B is incorrect because setting the stage as private may hinder collaboration, and Option C suggests waiting until all decisions are approved, which is not necessary in this scenario.

Refer toWorkfront documentation on proofing workflowsfor details on setting up multi-stage approval processes.

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