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  • Last Updation Date: 24-Feb-2025
  • Certification: Azure AI Engineer Associate AI-102 - Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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Getting Ready For Azure AI Engineer Associate AI-102 - Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution Exam Could Never Have Been Easier!

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Azure AI Engineer Associate AI-102 - Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution Exam Dumps


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Microsoft AI-102 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

You have a 20-GB file named file1, avi that is stored on a local drive.
You need to index file1, avi by using the Azure Video indexer website.
What should you do first?


Upload File1 avi to an Azure storage queue.


upload File1.avi to the www.youtube.com seepage


Upload file1 avi to the Azure video indexer website.


Upload file1 avi to Microsoft OneDrive.


Upload file1 avi to Microsoft OneDrive.

Explanation: This is because the Azure Video Indexer website allows you to upload videos from a URL or from your file system, but there are some limitations and considerations for each option1.

If you upload from your file system, the size of the file is limited to 2 GB, which is less than the size of file1.avi (20 GB). Therefore, this option is not feasible.

If you upload from a URL, the size of the file is limited to 30 GB, which is enough for file1.avi. However, the URL must be publicly accessible and valid, and the file must be accessible. You cannot use URLs from streaming services such as YouTube1. Therefore, options A and B are not valid.

The best option is to upload file1.avi to a cloud storage service such as Microsoft OneDrive, and then generate a shareable link for the file. You can then paste the link in the Azure Video Indexer website and upload the video from the URL. This way, you can avoid the file size limitation and ensure that the file is accessible and valid2.

Question # 2

You build a custom Form Recognizer model.
You receive sample files to use for training the model as shown in the following table.

Which three files can you use to train the model? Each correct answer presents a complete
solution. (Choose three.)
NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.

















Input requirements
Form Recognizer works on input documents that meet these requirements:
Format must be JPG, PNG, PDF (text or scanned), or TIFF. Text-embedded PDFs are best because there's no possibility of error in character extraction and location.
File size must be less than 50 MB.

Question # 3

You are building an app that will share user images.
You need to configure the app to perform the following actions when a user uploads an image:
• Categorize the image as either a photograph or a drawing.
• Generate a caption for the image.
The solution must minimize development effort.
Which two services should you include in the solution? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.
NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.


object detection in Computer Vision


content tags in Computer Vision


image descriptions in Computer Vision


image type detection in Computer Vison


image classification in Custom Vision


image descriptions in Computer Vision


image type detection in Computer Vison

According to the Microsoft documentation, Computer Vision is a cloud-based service that provides developers with access to advanced algorithms for processing images and returning information. By uploading an image or specifying an image URL, Computer Vision algorithms can analyze visual content in different ways based on inputs and user choices.

According to the Microsoft documentation, image type detection is one of the features of Computer Vision that can categorize an image as either a photograph or a drawing. You can use the image type detection feature by calling the Analyze Image API with the visualFeatures parameter set to ImageType. The API will return a JSON response with an imageType field that indicates whether the image is a photo or a clipart.

According to the Microsoft documentation, image descriptions is another feature of Computer Vision that can generate a caption for an image. You can use the image descriptions feature by calling the Analyze Image API with the visualFeatures parameter set to Description. The API will return a JSON response with a description field that contains a list of captions for the image, each with a confidence score.

Therefore, by using these two features of Computer Vision, you can achieve your app requirements with minimal development effort. You don’t need to use any other services, such as object detection, content tags, or Custom Vision, which are designed for different purposes.

Question # 4

You are developing an application that will use Azure Cognitive Search for internal
You need to implement document-level filtering for Azure Cognitive Search.
Which three actions should you include in the solution? Each correct answer presents part
of the solution.
NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.


Send Azure AD access tokens with the search request.


Retrieve all the groups.


Retrieve the group memberships of the user.


Add allowed groups to each index entry.


Create one index per group.


Retrieve the group memberships of the user.


Add allowed groups to each index entry.

Your documents must include a field specifying which groups have access. This
information becomes the filter criteria against which documents are selected or rejected
from the result set returned to the issuer.
D: A query request targets the documents collection of a single index on a search service.
CF: In order to trim documents based on group_ids access, you should issue a search
query with a group_ids/any(g:search.in(g, 'group_id1, group_id2,...')) filter, where
'group_id1, group_id2,...' are the groups to which the search request issuer belongs.

Question # 5

You are developing a new sales system that will process the video and text from a publicfacing
You plan to notify users that their data has been processed by the sales system.
Which responsible AI principle does this help meet?








reliability and safety



Explanation: "When an AI application relies on personal data, such as a facial recognition
system that takes images of people to recognize them; you should make it clear to the user
how their data is used and retained, and who has access to it." from:

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