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ARA-C01 Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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Snowflake ARA-C01 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A healthcare company wants to share data with a medical institute. The institute is running a Standard edition of Snowflake; the healthcare company is running a Business Critical edition. How can this data be shared?
A. The healthcare company will need to change the institute’s Snowflake edition in the accounts panel.
B. By default, sharing is supported from a Business Critical Snowflake edition to a Standard edition.
C. Contact Snowflake and they will execute the share request for the healthcare company.
D. Set the share_restriction parameter on the shared object to false.

D. Set the share_restriction parameter on the shared object to false.
Explanation: By default, Snowflake does not allow sharing data from a Business Critical edition to a non-Business Critical edition. This is because Business Critical edition provides enhanced security and data protection features that are not available in lower editions. However, this restriction can be overridden by setting the share_restriction parameter on the shared object (database, schema, or table) to false. This parameter allows the data provider to explicitly allow sharing data with lower edition accounts. Note that this parameter can only be set by the data provider, not the data consumer. Also, setting this parameter to false may reduce the level of security and data protection for the shared data.

Question # 2

A retail company has 2000+ stores spread across the country. Store Managers report that they are having trouble running key reports related to inventory management, sales targets, payroll, and staffing during business hours. The Managers report that performance is poor and time-outs occur frequently. Currently all reports share the same Snowflake virtual warehouse. How should this situation be addressed? (Select TWO).
A. Use a Business Intelligence tool for in-memory computation to improve performance.
B. Configure a dedicated virtual warehouse for the Store Manager team.
C. Configure the virtual warehouse to be multi-clustered.
D. Configure the virtual warehouse to size 4-XL
E. Advise the Store Manager team to defer report execution to off-business hours.

B. Configure a dedicated virtual warehouse for the Store Manager team.
C. Configure the virtual warehouse to be multi-clustered.
The best way to address the performance issues and time-outs faced by the Store Manager team is to configure a dedicated virtual warehouse for them and make it multi-clustered. This will allow them to run their reports independently from other workloads and scale up or down the compute resources as needed. A dedicated virtual warehouse will also enable them to apply specific security and access policies for their data. A multi-clustered virtual warehouse will provide high availability and concurrency for their queries and avoid queuing or throttling.

Using a Business Intelligence tool for in-memory computation may improve performance, but it will not solve the underlying issue of insufficient compute resources in the shared virtual warehouse. It will also introduce additional costs and complexity for the data architecture.

Configuring the virtual warehouse to size 4-XL may increase the performance, but it will also increase the cost and may not be optimal for the workload. It will also not address the concurrency and availability issues that may arise from sharing the virtual warehouse with other workloads.

Advising the Store Manager team to defer report execution to off-business hours may reduce the load on the shared virtual warehouse, but it will also reduce the timeliness and usefulness of the reports for the business. It will also not guarantee that the performance issues and time-outs will not occur at other times.

Question # 3

A user has activated primary and secondary roles for a session. What operation is the user prohibited from using as part of SQL actions in Snowflake using the secondary role?
A. Insert
B. Create
C. Delete
D. Truncate

B. Create
Explanation: In Snowflake, when a user activates a secondary role during a session, certain privileges associated with DDL (Data Definition Language) operations are restricted. The CREATE statement, which falls under DDL operations, cannot be executed using a secondary role. This limitation is designed to enforce role-based access control and ensure that schema modifications are managed carefully, typically reserved for primary roles that have explicit permissions to modify database structures.References: Snowflake's security and access control documentation specifying the limitations and capabilities of primary versus secondary roles in session management.

Question # 4

How can the Snowpipe REST API be used to keep a log of data load history?
A. Call insertReport every 20 minutes, fetching the last 10,000 entries.
B. Call loadHistoryScan every minute for the maximum time range.
C. Call insertReport every 8 minutes for a 10-minute time range.
D. Call loadHistoryScan every 10 minutes for a 15-minutes range.

D. Call loadHistoryScan every 10 minutes for a 15-minutes range.
The Snowpipe REST API provides two endpoints for retrieving the data load history: insertReport and loadHistoryScan. The insertReport endpoint returns the status of the files that were submitted to the insertFiles endpoint, while the loadHistoryScan endpoint returns the history of the files that were actually loaded into the table by Snowpipe. To keep a log of data load history, it is recommended to use the loadHistoryScan endpoint, which provides more accurate and complete information about the data ingestion process.
The loadHistoryScan endpoint accepts a start time and an end time as parameters, and returns the files that were loaded within that time range. The maximum time range that can be specified is 15 minutes, and the maximum number of files that can be returned is 10,000. Therefore, to keep a log of data load history, the best option is to call the loadHistoryScan endpoint every 10 minutes for a 15-minute time range, and store the results in a log file or a table. This way, the log will capture all the files that were loaded by Snowpipe, and avoid any gaps or overlaps in the time range. The other options are incorrect because:
Calling insertReport every 20 minutes, fetching the last 10,000 entries, will not provide a complete log of data load history, as some files may be missed or duplicated due to the asynchronous nature of Snowpipe. Moreover, insertReport only returns the status of the files that were submitted, not the files that were loaded.
Calling loadHistoryScan every minute for the maximum time range will result in too many API calls and unnecessary overhead, as the same files will be returned multiple times. Moreover, the maximum time range is 15 minutes, not 1 minute.
Calling insertReport every 8 minutes for a 10-minute time range will suffer from the same problems as option A, and also create gaps or overlaps in the time range.

Question # 5

What built-in Snowflake features make use of the change tracking metadata for a table? (Choose two.)
A. The MERGE command
B. The UPSERT command
C. The CHANGES clause
D. A STREAM object

A. The MERGE command
D. A STREAM object
Explanation: In Snowflake, the change tracking metadata for a table is utilized by the MERGE command and the STREAM object. The MERGE command uses change tracking to determine how to apply updates and inserts efficiently based on differences between source and target tables. STREAM objects, on the other hand, specifically capture and store change data, enabling incremental processing based on changes made to a table since the last stream offset was committed.

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