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B2B-Commerce-Administrator Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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  • Total Questions: 119
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025
  • Certification: Salesforce Administrator
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
  • Verified Answers by Experts
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We are providing all valid and updated Salesforce B2B-Commerce-Administrator dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Salesforce Administrator certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Salesforce dumps and pass your Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Administrator (SU24) exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Salesforce B2B-Commerce-Administrator Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

What happens if a language is deleted from Experience Builder?
A. The content moves to the recycle bin
B. The content is no longer visible and it is deleted
C. The content is no longer visible but is not deleted
D. The content is deleted

C. The content is no longer visible but is not deleted
Explanation: If a language is deleted from Experience Builder,C. The content is no longer visible but is not deleted. This means that while the content associated with that language will not be displayed in the Experience Builder or the storefront, it remains in the system. This allows for the possibility of re-adding the language at a later time and restoring the visibility of the content without having to recreate it.

Question # 2

Which two features are enabled after creating public groups to enable anonymous uteri if
the Organization-Wide Default (OWD) for Account is set to Private?
Choose 2 answers






line level independence







Question # 3

Which requirement must be met before an Administrator can perform a search index?
A. All products must have at least one image assigned.
B. All products must have a SKU assigned.
C. At least one product must be marked Active.
D. At least one product must have a ProductCode assigned.

D. At least one product must have a ProductCode assigned.
Explanation: Before performing a search index in Salesforce B2B Commerce, it is crucial that at least one product has aProductCode assigned (D). The ProductCode is a unique identifier for products in Salesforce B2B Commerce, and it is essential for indexing and searching products within theplatform. While images (A) and SKUs (B) enhance product listings and navigation, they are not prerequisites for indexing. Ensuring products are marked as Active (C) is important for them to appear in search results, but the presence of a ProductCode is fundamental to the indexing process itself.

Question # 4

An Administrator needs to set up a variation product for the first time in a new org and prepare the search index. 26m 164 Before creating the product, in which two places does the Administrator need to go to establish a variation attribute structure?
A. Commerce Setup
B. Product Workspace
C. Catalogs
D. Object Manager

A. Commerce Setup
D. Object Manager

Before creating a variation product and preparing the search index, the Administrator needs to establish a variation attribute structure inA. Commerce Setupto configure the overall commerce settings, including attributes, and inD. Object Managerto customize the Product object and its fields, including setting up specific attributes for variations.

Question # 5

While setting up B2B Commerce, which setting should an Administrator enable to defend against session hijacking and cross-site scripting?
A. CrossSiteSec
B. Require HttpOnly
C. HTTP Security
D. Cross Site Security

B. Require HttpOnly

To defend against session hijacking and cross-site scripting in Salesforce B2B Commerce, an administrator should enableB. Require HttpOnlysetting. This setting helps prevent access to cookie data via client-side scripts, significantly reducing the risk of XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks and protecting session cookies from being hijacked.

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