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Salesforce B2B-Commerce-Developer Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A developer has created a custom Lightning web component for the Cart page that needs to react to changes to cart items from the standard cart component. How should the developer implement the custom component so changes to cart items and quantities are reflected?
A. Subscribe to events on the lightning_commerce_cartChanged channel using the Lightning Message Service.
B. Add a listener for the cartltemUpdate Lightning event.
C. Listen for events on the lightning_commerce_cartChanged channel with the Lightning Event “Listener component.
D. Add an event listener for the cartchanged DOM (Document Object Model) event.

A. Subscribe to events on the lightning_commerce_cartChanged channel using the Lightning Message Service.

The developer should implement the custom component so that it subscribes to events on the lightning_commerce_cartChanged channel using the Lightning Message Service. This is the recommended way to communicate between custom and standard components on the Cart page, as it allows the custom component to receive updates from the standard cart component whenever the cart items or quantities change.

The Lightning Message Service is a pub/sub mechanism that enables components to communicate across the DOM, regardless of their namespace, technology, or source. The lightning_commerce_cartChanged channel is a predefined channel that carries information about the cart state, such as the cart ID, the cart items, and the cart total. References : Custom Component APIs, Lightning Message Service, Communicate Across the DOM with Lightning Message Service

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Question # 2

Which cookie stores the effective account ID when effective account is enabled?
A. apex__cclgtkn
B. apex__effacc
C. apex__currCartId
D. apex__cc_anonymous_Country

B. apex__effacc

The cookie that stores the effective account ID when effective account is enabled is apex__effacc. This cookie is set by the cc_hk_EffectiveAccount hook when a user switches to another account that they have access to. The cookie value is the ID of the effective account, which is used to determine the pricing, availability, and visibility of products and categories for that account. Salesforce References: B2B Commerce and D2C Commerce Developer Guide, Effective Account

Question # 3

What are the templating, Javascript, and CSS frameworks what the cloudcraze managed package leverages?
A. Angularjs, Backbonejs, and handlebarsjs
B. Bootstrap, Backbonejs, and handlebarsjs
C. Bootstrap, Angularjs, and Backbonejs
D. Angularjs, react.js, and handlebarsjs

B. Bootstrap, Backbonejs, and handlebarsjs

The templating, JavaScript, and CSS frameworks that the cloudcraze managed package leverages are Bootstrap, Backbone.js, and Handlebars.js. Bootstrap is a CSS framework that provides responsive design and layout components. Backbone.js is a JavaScript framework that provides models, views, collections, and events for building single-page applications. Handlebars.js is a templating engine that allowsgenerating HTML from JSON data. Salesforce References: B2B Commerce and D2C Commerce Developer Guide, Front-End Development

Question # 4

Universal Containers (UC) needs to display data from standard objects (entities) in a different format than what comes with B2B Commerce out of the box. In doing this, what is one advantage of using the Lightning Data Service vs using a custom Controller class?
A. Lightning Data Service translates the developer's component implementation to a VisualForce page for backward compatibility.
B. JavaScript proxies for transport objects are created in the developer's IDE automatically.
C. The developer can read, create, or modify single records or metadata without writing Apex code.
D. There is a Visual Studio add-in that accelerates the layout process

C. The developer can read, create, or modify single records or metadata without writing Apex code.

Lightning Data Service (LDS) is a Salesforce UI API layer that empowers developers to perform CRUD operations and manage Salesforce data without the need for custom Apex controllers. LDS is designed to improve performance, user interface consistency, and developer productivity by handling data operations and sharing rules, thus reducing the need for server-side code. For more details, refer to the Salesforce documentation on Lightning Data Service:Salesforce Lightning Data Service Documentation.

Question # 5

A developer has just deployed a new Lightning web component called myNewLwcComp to an authorized org. The developer tries to find the component in the Lighting Page Builder, but it does not come up in searches. Which two steps should the developer take next?
A. Ensure that the metadata isExposed property is set properly in source code
B. Redeploy the component
C. Close the browser and reopen the page
D. Ensure it has a target of lightning__FlowScreen

A. Ensure that the metadata isExposed property is set properly in source code
D. Ensure it has a target of lightning__FlowScreen

To make a Lightning web component available in the Lightning Page Builder or Experience Builder, the developer needs to do two things: set the isExposed property to true in the component’s metadata file, and define at least one target that specifies where the component can be used, such as a Lightning page type or a flow screen. Redeploying the component or closing and reopening the browser will not make the component appear in the searches if the metadata file is not configured properly. References: XML Configuration File Elements Supported Salesforce Targets and Tools #8: Use Lightning Web Components in Salesforce Targets

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