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IBM C1000-172 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An IT administrator is responsible for selecting the appropriate storage tier for a new application running on IBM Cloud Power Virtual Servers. They need to consider the workload's peak IOPS and the performance requirements. They are storing data for long-term archival purposes with a minimal I/O load and a peak IOPS requirement of 50. Which storage tier should they choose?
A. Tier 5 storage
B. Tier 2 storage
C. Tier 3 storage
D. Tier 1 storage

A. Tier 5 storage

For storing data for long-term archival purposes with a minimal I/O load and a peak IOPS requirement of 50,Tier 5 storageis the most appropriate choice.

Tier 5 Storage: This storage tier is designed for workloads with low performance and IOPS requirements, such as long-term data archival or infrequently accessed data. Tier 5 offers the lowest cost option and is ideal for scenarios where data is rarely accessed, and there is a minimal input/output operation per second (IOPS) requirement.

Workload Suitability: Given that the workload described involves minimal I/O load and a peak IOPS requirement of 50, Tier 5 provides an optimal balance between cost and the minimal performance needed for such an archival workload.

References from IBM Cloud Professional Architect Materials:

IBM documentation on IBM Cloud Storage Tiers indicates that Tier 5 storage is suitable for long-term data storage and archival, where performance requirements are minimal.

Other options are incorrect:

B. Tier 2 storage,C. Tier 3 storage, andD. Tier 1 storageprovide higher performance than necessary for the described archival workload, resulting in potentially unnecessary costs.

Question # 2

What describes an IBM Cloud Virtual Private Endpoint?
A. A connection point from Classic infrastructure to custom-built microservices
B. A connection point from a VPC to other IBM Cloud services
C. A connection point from a VPC to an on-premises network
D. A connection point from Classic infrastructure to an on-premises network

B. A connection point from a VPC to other IBM Cloud services

An IBM Cloud Virtual Private Endpoint (VPE) provides a connection point from a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to other IBM Cloud services. This allows secure, private communication between resources within a VPC and IBM Cloud services without traversing the public internet, enhancing security and performance.

What is a Virtual Private Endpoint?VPE is a mechanism that enables private connections from a VPC to supported IBM Cloud services such as databases, object storage, and others. It eliminates the need for public IP addresses and reduces the exposure to potential attacks over the public internet.

Why This Option Describes VPE:It clearly explains that VPE is for connecting VPC resources to other IBM Cloud services, fitting the purpose of secure, internal cloud communication.

Comparison with Other Options:

A (Classic to microservices), C (VPC to on-premises), D (Classic to on-premises):None accurately describe the function of a Virtual Private Endpoint in IBM Cloud.


IBM Cloud VPC Virtual Private Endpoints Documentation
IBM Cloud Networking Services
IBM Cloud Architect Exam Study Guide

Question # 3

When evaluating different site strategies for an application’s resiliency in IBM Cloud, which describes the concept of local resiliency?
A. Ability of a site strategy to withstand physical events such as natural disasters and power outages
B. Practice of maintaining multiple copies of data across geographically dispersed sites to ensure redundancy and data availability
C. Process of regularly testing and validating the effectiveness of a site strategy to mitigate potential risks
D. Using a separate zone within a region that has independent power supply, cooling, and networking

D. Using a separate zone within a region that has independent power supply, cooling, and networking

Local resiliency in IBM Cloud refers to using a separate zone within the same region that has its own independent power supply, cooling, and networking. This approach provides redundancy within a single geographical region, ensuring that if one zone fails due to a localized event, other zones can continue to operate without interruption.

Local Resiliency Definition:By deploying resources in separate zones within the same region, clients achieve local resiliency that protects against localized failures such as power outages or hardware failures affecting only one zone.

Why This is Considered Local Resiliency:It offers redundancy and fault tolerance without requiring resources to be spread across multiple regions, reducing latency and providing a balance between availability and performance.

Comparison with Other Options:

A (Physical events):Describes regional or global resiliency.

B (Multiple copies of data across sites):Refers to data redundancy, which is different from local resiliency.

C (Testing site strategy):Focuses on testing rather than a strategy for resiliency.


IBM Cloud Resiliency Solutions

IBM Cloud Architect Exam Study Guide


Question # 4

What is the name of the program that IBM Cloud follows to ensure its services meet the security and compliance standards of the US government?


IBM Cloud follows theFedRAMP (Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program)to ensure its services meet the security and compliance standards of the US government.

FedRAMP: It is a U.S. government-wide program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services. FedRAMP authorization is mandatory for any cloud services used by federal agencies, ensuring they meet strict security requirements.

IBM Cloud Compliance: IBM Cloud adheres to FedRAMP standards to provide its services to government agencies, ensuring that its cloud solutions meet stringent security and compliance requirements, as documented in IBM's FedRAMP Certification.

Why Other Options are Incorrect:

A. CIS (Center for Internet Security)andB. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)are frameworks and standards organizations but not specific programs like FedRAMP.
D. FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards)defines security and interoperability standards but does not pertain to the overall authorization of cloud services.

Question # 5

IBM Cloud offers two content delivery networks: CDN and CIS. Which two networks underpin these two offerings?
A. Limelight and KeyCDN
B. Akamai and Cloudflare
C. CDN 77 and CloudFront
D. Cloudflare and Fastly

B. Akamai and Cloudflare

IBM Cloud offers two content delivery networks (CDNs): CDN and Cloud Internet Services (CIS). These two offerings are underpinned by the networks of Akamai and Cloudflare, respectively.

IBM Cloud CDN:IBM Cloud uses Akamai’s global network for its Content Delivery Network (CDN) service. Akamai is one of the largest and most trusted CDN providers globally, known for its expansive network that delivers content with low latency and high availability.

IBM Cloud Internet Services (CIS):This service is built on Cloudflare's global network and offers a suite of services, including a CDN, DDoS protection, web application firewall (WAF), and more. Cloudflare's network spans many data centers worldwide, optimizing traffic delivery and securing applications.

Comparison with Other Options:

Limelight and KeyCDN (A), CDN 77 and CloudFront (C), Cloudflare and Fastly (D):These are other CDN providers but do not represent the networks underpinning IBM Cloud's CDN offerings.


IBM Cloud CDN Documentation

IBM Cloud Internet Services (CIS) Documentation

IBM Cloud Architect Exam Study Guide

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