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  • Total Questions: 60
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025
  • Certification: IBM Certified Administrator - Security Guardium V10.0
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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IBM Certified Administrator - Security Guardium V10.0 Exam Dumps


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IBM C2090-623 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

All users have unrestricted access in a secured environment.
What must be modified to control this access?


 Delete the “All Authenticated Users” group.


Disable anonymous access using IBM Cognos Configuration.


Modify the advanced properties of the authorization namespace.


Remove the “Everyone” group from the “System Administrators” role


Disable anonymous access using IBM Cognos Configuration.

You can disable the Anonymous user account by changing the configuration parameters in
the configuration tool.
This entry represents a user account shared by members of the general public who can
access IBM Cognos software without being prompted for authentication. For example, this
type of access is useful when distributing an online catalog.
Anonymous users can see only those entries for which access permissions are not set, or
are set specifically for this account or for the Everyone group

Question # 2

An administrator sees that an environment has a long startup time and wants to remedy the
Which solution should be used?


Set load balancing to cluster compatible.


Check the Fast Startup option under IBM Cognos Configuration.


Increase the size of the JVM heap by selecting Large configuration.


Reduce the size of the Content Store through archiving and removal.


Set load balancing to cluster compatible.

If your IBM Cognos servers operate within a load balancing infrastructure, you can turn off
the weighted round robin format of load balancing for the dispatcher. Otherwise, load
balancing may be duplicated by the cluster and by IBM Cognos software, which can
degrade performance.
You can set the dispatcher property named loadBalancingMode either to
weightedRoundRobin or clusterCompatible.
References: IBM Cognos Administration Version 10.1.0, Administration and Security
Guide, page 163

Question # 3

An administrator is performing tasks in the IBM Cognos Administration console.
Which task can be performed on the Status > System page?


Enable and disable schedules to control resource utilization in the system.


Monitor upcoming activities, such as reports and jobs, to identify potential impact on
system resources.


Stop and start individual services under the control of a dispatcher, such as the
BatchReportService service.


Configure datasource connections so that reports can execute, query the datasource,
and return a result set.


Monitor upcoming activities, such as reports and jobs, to identify potential impact on
system resources.

The area: System, dispatcher, server, and service administration: is used to monitor
system performance using system metrics and administer servers.

Question # 4

A CQM report successfully runs in another environment but fails in IBM Cognos Analytics.
Environments are identical except for the versions.
How could the issue be identified?


Perform a UDA trace.


Modify the ipfserverconfig.xml.


Increase the logging level of the Query service.


Restart the IBM Cognos Analytics service to eliminate all remaining BIBus processes.


Modify the ipfserverconfig.xml.

The method for performing a UDA trace is different in Cognos 10 to previous versions due
to the removal of the Cognos Logging Console Program. This is specific to CQM
Please follow these steps:
This trace records all database activity so should be turned off as soon as the possible.
References: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21620597

Question # 5

An administrator would like to log the activity for a single user.
Which action is required?


Set the Report service logging to Trace.


Modify the ipfcogconfig.xml file in the bin64 directory.


Use the Remote Process service for Java Management Extensions (JMX).


Set the advanced parameter RSVP.REPORTUSER.LOG for the Report service.


Use the Remote Process service for Java Management Extensions (JMX).

You can use logs to diagnose a problem that is occurring for one or more specific users.
You enable and disable logging for specific users by using the Remote Process service for
Java Management Extensions (JMX), a technology that supplies tools to manage and
monitor applications and service-oriented networks. You connect to the JMX Remote
Process service using the jconsole executable that is provided with the Java JDK.

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