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  • Last Updation Date: 28-Mar-2025
  • Certification: CompTIA CASP
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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CompTIA CAS-004 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A security engineer needs to recommend a solution that will meet the following
Identify sensitive data in the provider’s network
Maintain compliance with company and regulatory guidelines
Detect and respond to insider threats, privileged user threats, and compromised accounts
Enforce datacentric security, such as encryption, tokenization, and access control
Which of the following solutions should the security engineer recommend to address these











Question # 2

An energy company is required to report the average pressure of natural gas used over the
past quarter. A PLC sends data to a historian server that creates the required reports.
Which of the following historian server locations will allow the business to get the required
reports in an and IT environment?


In the environment, use a VPN from the IT environment into the environment.


In the environment, allow IT traffic into the environment.


In the IT environment, allow PLCs to send data from the environment to the IT


Use a screened subnet between the and IT environments


In the environment, use a VPN from the IT environment into the environment.

Question # 3

An engineering team is developing and deploying a fleet of mobile devices to be used for
specialized inventory management purposes. These devices should:
* Be based on open-source Android for user familiarity and ease.
* Provide a single application for inventory management of physical assets.
* Permit use of the camera be only the inventory application for the purposes of scanning
* Disallow any and all configuration baseline modifications.
* Restrict all access to any device resource other than those requirement ?


Set an application wrapping policy, wrap the application, distributes the inventory APK
via the MAM tool, and test the application restrictions.


Write a MAC sepolicy that defines domains with rules, label the inventory application,
build the policy, and set to enforcing mode.


Swap out Android Linux kernel version for >2,4,0, but the internet build Android, remove
unnecessary functions via MDL, configure to block network access, and perform integration


Build and install an Android middleware policy with requirements added, copy the file
into/ user/init, and then built the inventory application.


Set an application wrapping policy, wrap the application, distributes the inventory APK
via the MAM tool, and test the application restrictions.

Question # 4

A security analyst is researching containerization concepts for an organization. The analyst
is concerned about potential resource exhaustion scenarios on the Docker host due to a
single application that is overconsuming available resources.
Which of the following core Linux concepts BEST reflects the ability to limit resource
allocation to containers?


Union filesystem overlay




Linux namespaces


Device mapper



Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/deep-dive-yarn-cgroups-hadoop-dev

Question # 5

A company’s SOC has received threat intelligence about an active campaign utilizing a
specific vulnerability. The company would like to determine whether it is vulnerable to this
active campaign.
Which of the following should the company use to make this determination?


Threat hunting


 A system penetration test


Log analysis within the SIEM tool


The Cyber Kill Chain


 A system penetration test

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