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CompTIA CAS-005 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Asecuntv administrator is performing a gap assessment against a specific OS benchmark The benchmark requires the following configurations be applied to endpomts:
• Full disk encryption
* Host-based firewall
• Time synchronization
* Password policies
• Application allow listing
* Zero Trust application access
Which of the following solutions best addresses the requirements? (Select two).


To address the specific OS benchmark configurations, the following solutions are most appropriate:

C. SCAP (Security Content Automation Protocol): SCAP helps in automating vulnerability management and policy compliance, including configurations like full disk encryption, host-based firewalls, and password policies.

D. SASE (Secure Access Service Edge): SASE provides a framework for Zero Trust network access and application allow listing, ensuring secure and compliant access to applications and data.

These solutions together cover the comprehensive security requirements specified in the OS benchmark, ensuring a robust security posture for endpoints.


CompTIA SecurityX Study Guide: Discusses SCAP and SASE as part of security configuration management and Zero Trust architectures.

NIST Special Publication 800-126, "The Technical Specification for the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)": Details SCAP's role in security automation. "Zero Trust Networks: Building Secure Systems in Untrusted Networks" by Evan Gilman and Doug Barth: Covers the principles of Zero Trust and how SASE can implement them.

By implementing SCAP and SASE, the organization ensures that all the specified security configurations are applied and maintained effectively.

Question # 2

A security architect is establishing requirements to design resilience in un enterprise system trial will be extended to other physical locations. The system must

• Be survivable to one environmental catastrophe

• Re recoverable within 24 hours of critical loss of availability

• Be resilient to active exploitation of one site-to-site VPN solution

A. Load-balance connection attempts and data Ingress at internet gateways
B. Allocate fully redundant and geographically distributed standby sites.
C. Employ layering of routers from diverse vendors
D. Lease space to establish cold sites throughout other countries
E. Use orchestration to procure, provision, and transfer application workloads lo cloud services

B. Allocate fully redundant and geographically distributed standby sites.

To design resilience in an enterprise system that can survive environmental catastrophes, recover within 24 hours, and be resilient to active exploitation, the best strategy is to allocate fully redundant and geographically distributed standby sites. Here’s why: Geographical Redundancy: Having geographically distributed standby sites ensures that if one site is affected by an environmental catastrophe, the other sites can take over, providing continuity of operations.

Full Redundancy: Fully redundant sites mean that all critical systems and data are replicated, enabling quick recovery in the event of a critical loss of availability. Resilience to Exploitation: Distributing resources across multiple sites reduces the risk of a single point of failure and increases resilience against targeted attacks.

Question # 3

Which of the following is the main reason quantum computing advancements are leading companies and countries to deploy new encryption algorithms?
A. Encryption systems based on large prime numbers will be vulnerable to exploitation
B. Zero Trust security architectures will require homomorphic encryption.
C. Perfect forward secrecy will prevent deployment of advanced firewall monitoring techniques
D. Quantum computers will enable malicious actors to capture IP traffic in real time

A. Encryption systems based on large prime numbers will be vulnerable to exploitation

Advancements in quantum computing pose a significant threat to current encryption systems, especially those based on the difficulty of factoring large prime numbers, such as RSA. Quantum computers have the potential to solve these problems exponentially faster than classical computers, making current cryptographic systems vulnerable. Why Large Prime Numbers are Vulnerable:

Shor's Algorithm: Quantum computers can use Shor's algorithm to factorize large integers efficiently, which undermines the security of RSA encryption. Cryptographic Breakthrough: The ability to quickly factor large prime numbers means that encrypted data, which relies on the hardness of this mathematical problem, can be decrypted.

Other options, while relevant, do not capture the primary reason for the shift towards new encryption algorithms:

B. Zero Trust security architectures: While important, the shift to homomorphic encryption is not the main driver for new encryption algorithms. C. Perfect forward secrecy: It enhances security but is not the main reason for new encryption algorithms.

D. Real-time IP traffic capture: Quantum computers pose a more significant threat to the underlying cryptographic algorithms than to the real-time capture of traffic.


CompTIA SecurityX Study Guide
NIST Special Publication 800-208, "Recommendation for Stateful Hash-Based Signature Schemes"

"Quantum Computing and Cryptography," MIT Technology Review

Question # 4

An incident response team is analyzing malware and observes the following:

• Does not execute in a sandbox
• No network loCs
• No publicly known hash match
• No process injection method detected

Which of the following should the team do next to proceed with further analysis?
A. Use an online vims analysis tool to analyze the sample
B. Check for an anti-virtualization code in the sample
C. Utilize a new deployed machine to run the sample.
D. Search oilier internal sources for a new sample.

B. Check for an anti-virtualization code in the sample

Malware that does not execute in a sandbox environment often contains anti-analysis techniques, such as anti-virtualization code. This code detects when the malware is running in a virtualized environment and alters its behavior to avoid detection. Checking for anti-virtualization code is a logical next step because:

It helps determine if the malware is designed to evade analysis tools. Identifying such code can provide insights into the malware's behavior and intent. This step can also inform further analysis methods, such as running the malware on physical hardware.


CompTIA Security+ Study Guide
SANS Institute, "Malware Analysis Techniques"
"Practical Malware Analysis" by Michael Sikorski and Andrew Honig

Question # 5

The material finding from a recent compliance audit indicate a company has an issue with excessive permissions. The findings show that employees changing roles or departments results in privilege creep. Which of the following solutions are the best ways to mitigate this issue? (Select two).

Setting different access controls defined by business area

A. Implementing a role-based access policy
B. Designing a least-needed privilege policy
C. Establishing a mandatory vacation policy
D. Performing periodic access reviews
E. Requiring periodic job rotation

A. Implementing a role-based access policy

D. Performing periodic access reviews


To mitigate the issue of excessive permissions and privilege creep, the best solutions are: Implementing a Role-Based Access Policy:

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): This policy ensures that access permissions are granted based on the user's role within the organization, aligning with the principle of least privilege. Users are only granted access necessary for their role, reducing the risk of excessive permissions.


CompTIA Security+ SY0-601 Study Guide by Mike Chapple and David Seidl NIST Special Publication 800-53: Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations

Performing Periodic Access Reviews:

Regular Audits: Periodic access reviews help identify and rectify instances of privilege creep by ensuring that users' access permissions are appropriate for their current roles. These reviews can highlight unnecessary or outdated permissions, allowing for timely adjustments.


CompTIA Security+ SY0-601 Study Guide by Mike Chapple and David Seidl

ISO/IEC 27001:2013 - Information Security Management

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