Question # 1
Problem Scenario 45 : You have been given 2 files , with the content as given Below (spark12/technology.txt) (spark12/salary.txt) (spark12/technology.txt) first,last,technology Amit,Jain,java Lokesh,kumar,unix Mithun,kale,spark Rajni,vekat,hadoop Rahul,Yadav,scala (spark12/salary.txt) first,last,salary Amit,Jain,100000 Lokesh,kumar,95000 Mithun,kale,150000 Rajni,vekat,154000 Rahul,Yadav,120000 Write a Spark program, which will join the data based on first and last name and save the joined results in following format, first
Answer: See the explanation for Step by Step Solution and configuration. Explanation: Solution : Step 1 : Create 2 files first using Hue in hdfs. Step 2 : Load all file as an RDD val technology = sc.textFile(Msparkl2/technology.txt").map(e => e.splitf',")) val salary = sc.textFile("spark12/salary.txt").map(e => e.split(".")) Step 3 : Now create Key.value pair of data and join them. val joined =>((e(0),e(1)),e(2))).join(>((e(0),e(1)),e(2)))) Step 4 : Save the results in a text file as below. joined.repartition(1).saveAsTextFile("spark12/multiColumn Joined.txt")
Question # 2
Problem Scenario 55 : You have been given below code snippet. val pairRDDI = sc.parallelize(List( ("cat",2), ("cat", 5), ("book", 4),("cat", 12))) val pairRDD2 = sc.parallelize(List( ("cat",2), ("cup", 5), ("mouse", 4),("cat", 12))) operation1 Write a correct code snippet for operationl which will produce desired output, shown below. Array[(String, (Option[lnt], Option[lnt]))] = Array((book,(Some(4},None)), (mouse,(None,Some(4))), (cup,(None,Some(5))), (cat,(Some(2),Some(2)), (cat,(Some(2),Some(12))), (cat,(Some(5),Some(2))), (cat,(Some(5),Some(12))), (cat,(Some(12),Some(2))), (cat,(Some(12),Some(12)))J |
Answer: See the explanation for Step by Step Solution and configuration. Explanation: Solution : pairRDD1.fullOuterJoin(pairRDD2).collect fullOuterJoin [Pair] Performs the full outer join between two paired RDDs. Listing Variants def fullOuterJoin[W](other: RDD[(K, W)], numPartitions: Int): RDD[(K, (Option[V], OptionfW]))] def fullOuterJoin[W](other: RDD[(K, W}]}: RDD[(K, (Option[V], OptionfW]))] def fullOuterJoin[W](other: RDD[(K, W)], partitioner: Partitioner): RDD[(K, (Option[V], Option[W]))]
Question # 3
Problem Scenario 28 : You need to implement near real time solutions for collecting information when submitted in file with below Data echo "IBM,100,20160104" >> /tmp/spooldir2/.bb.txt echo "IBM,103,20160105" >> /tmp/spooldir2/.bb.txt mv /tmp/spooldir2/.bb.txt /tmp/spooldir2/bb.txt After few mins echo "IBM,100.2,20160104" >> /tmp/spooldir2/.dr.txt echo "IBM,103.1,20160105" >> /tmp/spooldir2/.dr.txt mv /tmp/spooldir2/.dr.txt /tmp/spooldir2/dr.txt You have been given below directory location (if not available than create it) /tmp/spooldir2 . As soon as file committed in this directory that needs to be available in hdfs in /tmp/flume/primary as well as /tmp/flume/secondary location.However, note that/tmp/flume/secondary is optional, if transaction failed which writes in this directory need not to be rollback. Write a flume configuration file named flumeS.conf and use it to load data in hdfs with following additional properties . 1. Spool /tmp/spooldir2 directory 2. File prefix in hdfs sholuld be events 3. File suffix should be .log 4. If file is not committed and in use than it should have _ as prefix. 5. Data should be written as text to hdfs |
Answer: See the explanation for Step by Step Solution and configuration. Explanation: Solution : Step 1 : Create directory mkdir /tmp/spooldir2 Step 2 : Create flume configuration file, with below configuration for source, sink and channel and save it in flume8.conf. agent1 .sources = source1 agent1.sinks = sink1a sink1bagent1.channels = channel1a channel1b agent1.sources.source1.channels = channel1a channel1b agent1.sources.source1.selector.type = replicating agent1.sources.source1.selector.optional = channel1b = channel1a agent1 = channel1b agent1.sources.source1.type = spooldir agent1 .sources.sourcel.spoolDir = /tmp/spooldir2 agent1.sinks.sink1a.type = hdfs agent1 .sinks, sink1a.hdfs. path = /tmp/flume/primary agent1 .sinks.sink1a.hdfs.tilePrefix = events agent1 .sinks.sink1a.hdfs.fileSuffix = .log agent1 .sinks.sink1a.hdfs.fileType = Data Stream agent1 .sinks.sink1b.type = hdfs agent1 .sinks.sink1b.hdfs.path = /tmp/flume/secondary agent1 .sinks.sink1b.hdfs.filePrefix = events agent1.sinks.sink1b.hdfs.fileSuffix = .log agent1 .sinks.sink1b.hdfs.fileType = Data Stream agent1.channels.channel1a.type = file agent1.channels.channel1b.type = memory step 4 : Run below command which will use this configuration file and append data in hdfs. Start flume service: flume-ng agent -conf /home/cloudera/flumeconf -conf-file /home/cloudera/flumeconf/flume8.conf -name age Step 5 : Open another terminal and create a file in /tmp/spooldir2/ echo "IBM,100,20160104" » /tmp/spooldir2/.bb.txt echo "IBM,103,20160105" » /tmp/spooldir2/.bb.txt mv /tmp/spooldir2/.bb.txt /tmp/spooldir2/bb.txt After few mins echo "IBM.100.2,20160104" »/tmp/spooldir2/.dr.txt echo "IBM,103.1,20160105" » /tmp/spooldir2/.dr.txt mv /tmp/spooldir2/.dr.txt /tmp/spooldir2/dr.txt
Question # 4
Problem Scenario 26 : You need to implement near real time solutions for collecting information when submitted in file with below information. You have been given below directory location (if not available than create it) /tmp/nrtcontent. Assume your departments upstream service is continuously committing data in this directory as a new file (not stream of data, because it is near real time solution). As soon as file committed in this directory that needs to be available in hdfs in /tmp/flume location Data echo "I am preparing for CCA175 from" > /tmp/nrtcontent/.he1.txt mv /tmp/nrtcontent/.he1.txt /tmp/nrtcontent/he1.txt After few mins echo "I am preparing for CCA175 from" > /tmp/nrtcontent/.qt1.txt mv /tmp/nrtcontent/.qt1.txt /tmp/nrtcontent/qt1.txt Write a flume configuration file named flumes.conf and use it to load data in hdfs with following additional properties. 1. Spool /tmp/nrtcontent 2. File prefix in hdfs sholuld be events 3. File suffix should be Jog 4. If file is not commited and in use than it should have as prefix. 5. Data should be written as text to hdfs
Answer: See the explanation for Step by Step Solution and configuration. Explanation: Solution : Step 1 : Create directory mkdir /tmp/nrtcontent Step 2 : Create flume configuration file, with below configuration for source, sink and channel and save it in flume6.conf. agent1 .sources = source1 agent1 .sinks = sink1 agent1.channels = channel1 agent1 .sources.source1.channels = channel1 agent1 = channel1 agent1 .sources.source1.type = spooldir agent1 .sources.source1.spoolDir = /tmp/nrtcontent agent1 .sinks.sink1 .type = hdfs agent1 .sinks.sink1.hdfs.path = /tmp/flume agent1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.filePrefix = events agent1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.fileSuffix = .log agent1 .sinks.sink1.hdfs.inUsePrefix = _ agent1 .sinks.sink1.hdfs.fileType = Data Stream Step 4 : Run below command which will use this configuration file and append data in hdfs. Start flume service: flume-ng agent -conf /home/cloudera/flumeconf -conf-file /home/cloudera/fIumeconf/fIume6.conf -name agent1 Step 5 : Open another terminal and create a file in /tmp/nrtcontent echo "I am preparing for CCA175 from" > /tmp/nrtcontent/.he1.txt mv /tmp/nrtcontent/.he1.txt /tmp/nrtcontent/he1.txt After few mins echo "I am preparing for CCA175 from" > /tmp/nrtcontent/.qt1.txt mv /tmp/nrtcontent/.qt1.txt /tmp/nrtcontent/qt1.txt
Question # 5
Problem Scenario 80 : You have been given MySQL DB with following details. user=retail_dba password=cloudera database=retail_db table=retail_db.products jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db Columns of products table : (product_id | product_category_id | product_name | product_description | product_price | product_image ) Please accomplish following activities. 1. Copy "retaildb.products" table to hdfs in a directory p93_products 2. Now sort the products data sorted by product price per category, use productcategoryid colunm to group by category |
Answer: See the explanation for Step by Step Solution and configuration. Explanation: Solution : Step 1 : Import Single table . sqoop import -connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db -username=retail_dba - password=cloudera -table=products -target-dir=p93 Note : Please check you dont have space between before or after '=' sign. Sqoop uses the MapReduce framework to copy data from RDBMS to hdfs Step 2 : Step 2 : Read the data from one of the partition, created using above command, hadoop fs -cat p93_products/part-m-00000 Step 3 : Load this directory as RDD using Spark and Python (Open pyspark terminal and do following}. productsRDD = sc.textFile(Mp93_products") Step 4 : Filter empty prices, if exists #filter out empty prices lines Nonempty_lines = productsRDD.filter(lambda x: len(x.split(",")[4]) > 0) Step 5 : Create data set like (categroyld, (id,name,price) mappedRDD = line: (line.split(",")[1], (line.split(",")[0], line.split(",")[2], float(line.split(",")[4])))) tor line in mappedRDD.collect(): print(line) Step 6 : Now groupBy the all records based on categoryld, which a key on mappedRDD it will produce output like (categoryld, iterable of all lines for a key/categoryld) groupByCategroyld = mappedRDD.groupByKey() for line in groupByCategroyld.collect(): print(line) step 7 : Now sort the data in each category based on price in ascending order. # sorted is a function to sort an iterable, we can also specify, what would be the Key on which we want to sort in this case we have price on which it needs to be sorted. tuple: sorted(tuple[1], key=lambda tupleValue: tupleValue[2])).take(5) Step 8 : Now sort the data in each category based on price in descending order. # sorted is a function to sort an iterable, we can also specify, what would be the Key on which we want to sort in this case we have price which it needs to be sorted. on tuple: sorted(tuple[1], key=lambda tupleValue: tupleValue[2] , reverse=True)).take(5)
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