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We are providing all valid and updated Cloud Security Alliance CCZT dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Zero Trust certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Cloud Security Alliance dumps and pass your Certificate of Competence in Zero Trust (CCZT) exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Cloud Security Alliance CCZT Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

In a continual improvement model, who maintains the ZT policies?
A. System administrators
B. ZT administrators
C. Server administrators
D. Policy administrators

B. ZT administrators


In a continual improvement model, policy administrators are the ones who maintain the ZT policies. Policy administrators are ZTA policy entities that are responsible for crafting and maintaining the policies that govern the access to resources in a ZT environment1. Policy administrators define the rules and conditions that specify who, what, when, where, and how an entity can access a resource, based on the principle of least privilege2. Policy administrators also update and review the policies periodically to ensure they are aligned with the changing business and security requirements3.


Zero Trust Architecture | NIST<br>
Zero Trust Architecture: Policy Engine and Policy Administrator<br>
Zero Trust Architecture: Policy Administration<br>

Question # 2

Within the context of risk management, what are the essential components of an organization's ongoing risk analysis?
A. Gap analysis, security policies, and migration
B. Assessment frequency, metrics, and data
C. Log scoping, log sources, and anomalies
D. Incident management, change management, and compliance

B. Assessment frequency, metrics, and data


The essential components of an organization’s ongoing risk analysis are assessment frequency, metrics, and data. Assessment frequency refers to how often the organization conducts risk assessments to monitor and measure the effectiveness of the zero trust architecture and policies. Metrics refer to the quantitative and qualitative indicators that are used to evaluate the security posture, performance, and compliance of the zero trust architecture. Data refers to the information that is collected, analyzed, and reported from various sources, such as telemetry, logs, audits, and feedback, to support risk analysis and decision making.

References =

Zero Trust Planning - Cloud Security Alliance, section “Monitor & Measure”
How to improve risk management using Zero Trust architecture | Microsoft Security Blog, section “Monitoring and reporting”
Zero Trust Adoption: Managing Risk with Cybersecurity Engineering and Adaptive Risk
Assessment - SEI Blog, section “Continuous Monitoring and Improvement”

Question # 3

Which activity of the ZT implementation preparation phase ensures the resiliency of the organization's operations in the event of disruption?
A. Change management process
B. Business continuity and disaster recovery
C. Visibility and analytics
D. Compliance

B. Business continuity and disaster recovery


Business continuity and disaster recovery are the activities of the ZT implementation preparation phase that ensure the resiliency of the organization’s operations in the event of disruption. Business continuity refers to the process of maintaining or restoring the essential functions of the organization during and after a crisis, such as a natural disaster, a cyberattack, or a pandemic. Disaster recovery refers to the process of recovering the IT systems, data, and infrastructure that support the business continuity. ZT implementation requires planning and testing the business continuity and disaster recovery strategies and procedures, as well as aligning them with the ZT policies and controls.


Zero Trust Planning - Cloud Security Alliance, section “Monitor & Measure”
Zero Trust architecture: a paradigm shift in cybersecurity - PwC, section “Continuous monitoring and improvement”
Zero Trust Implementation, section “Outline Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) implementation steps”

Question # 4

Of the following, which option is a prerequisite action to understand the organization's protect surface clearly?
A. Data and asset classification
B. Threat intelligence capability and monitoring
C. Gap analysis of the organization's threat landscape
D. To have the latest risk register for controls implementation

A. Data and asset classification


Data and asset classification is a prerequisite action to understand the organization’s protect surface clearly because it helps to identify the most critical and sensitive data and assets that need to be protected by Zero Trust principles. Data and asset classification also helps to define the appropriate policies and controls for different levels of data and asset sensitivity.


Certificate of Competence in Zero Trust (CCZT) - Cloud Security Alliance, Zero Trust Training (ZTT) - Module 2: Data and Asset Classification

Question # 5

Of the following options, which risk/threat does SDP mitigate by mandating micro-segmentation and implementing least privilege?
A. Identification and authentication failures
B. Injection
C. Security logging and monitoring failures
D. Broken access control

D. Broken access control


SDP mitigates the risk of broken access control by mandating micro-segmentation and implementing least privilege. Micro-segmentation divides the network into smaller, isolated segments that can prevent unauthorized access and contain lateral movement. Least privilege grants the minimum necessary access to users and devices for specific resources, while hiding all other assets from their view. This reduces the attack surface and prevents attackers from exploiting weak or misconfigured access controls

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