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CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-003 - CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Exam Exam Dumps


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CompTIA CV0-003 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A marketing team is using a SaaS-based service to send emails to large groups of potential customers. The internally managed CRM system is configured to generate a list of target customers automatically on a weekly basis, and then use that list to send emails to each customer as part of a marketing campaign. Last week, the first email campaign sent emails successfully to 3,000 potential customers. This week, the email campaign attempted to send out 50,000 emails, but only 10,000 were sent. Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for not sending all the emails?

A. API request limit
B. Incorrect billing account
C. Misconfigured auto-scaling
D. Bandwidth limitation

A. API request limit


An API request limit is a restriction on the number of requests that can be made to a web service or application programming interface (API) within a certain time period. API request limits are often used by SaaS-based services to control the usage and traffic of their customers and prevent overloading or abuse of their resources. An API request limit can cause a failure to send all the emails if the marketing team exceeds the number of requests allowed by the SaaS-based service in a week. The service may reject or block any requests that go beyond the limit, resulting in fewer emails being sent than expected. References: CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Exam Objectives, page 13, section 2.5

[Reference: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/config/mgmt/v3/limits-quotas, ]

Question # 2

A systems administrator is securing a new email system for a large corporation. The administrator wants to ensure private corporate information is not emailed to external users. Which of the following would be MOST useful to accomplish this task?

Explanation: The most useful tool to prevent private corporate information from being emailed to external users is data loss prevention (DLP). DLP is a type of security solution that monitors and controls the flow of data in and out of a system or network. It can detect and prevent unauthorized access, transmission, or leakage of sensitive data, such as personal information, financial records, or intellectual property. DLP can also enforce encryption, masking, or deletion of sensitive data to protect its confidentiality.

Question # 3

A systems administrator is trying to establish an RDP session from a desktop to a server in the cloud. However, the connection appears to be refused even through the VM is responding to ICMP echo requests. Which of the following should the administrator check FIRST?
A. The firewall
B. The subnet
C. The gateway
D. The services

A. The firewall


The firewall is the first thing that the administrator should check if an RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) session from a desktop to a server in the cloud is refused even though the VM is responding to ICMP echo requests. A firewall is a device or software that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predefined rules or policies. A firewall may block RDP connections by default or require specific ports or rules to be opened or configured.

Question # 4

A production engineer is configuring a new application, which is running in containers, that requires access to a database. Which of the following methods will allow the application to authenticate to the database in the MOST secure way?
A. Store the credentials in a variable on every worker node
B. Store the credentials on a shared volume using whole-disk encryption
C. Store the credentials in a configuration file using SHA-256 inside the container image
D. Store the credentials using the orchestrator secret manager

D. Store the credentials using the orchestrator secret manager
Explanation: The most secure way to store the credentials for a new application that is running in containers and requires access to a database is to use the orchestrator secret manager. The orchestrator secret manager is a feature that allows storing and managing sensitive data, such as passwords, tokens, or keys, for containers in an encrypted and centralized way. It also provides access control, auditing, and rotation features for the secrets. This method will protect the credentials from being exposed or compromised by unauthorized parties or malicious actors.

Question # 5

A technician just received the lessons learned from some recent data that was lost due to an on-premises file-server crash. The action point is to change the backup strategy to minimize manual intervention. Which of the following is the BEST approach for the technician to implement?
A. Backup as a service
C. Long-term storage
D. New backup devices

A. Backup as a service


Backup as a service (BaaS) is the best approach for changing the backup strategy to minimize manual intervention after a data loss due to an on-premises file-server crash. BaaS is a cloud-based service that provides backup and recovery solutions for customers’ data and systems. BaaS can automate and simplify backup processes by using cloud storage, encryption, deduplication, compression, scheduling, etc., without requiring customers to purchase or maintain backup hardware or software.

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