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  • Last Updation Date: 28-Mar-2025
  • Certification: CompTIA Cloud+
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CompTIA CV0-004 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An organization has been using an old version of an Apache Log4j software component in its critical software application. Which of the following should the organization use to calculate the severity of the risk from using this component?




The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is what the organization should use to calculate the severity of the risk from using an old version of Apache Log4j software component. CVSS provides an open framework for communicating the characteristics and impacts of IT vulnerabilities.


CompTIA Cloud+ Study Guide (Exam CV0-004) - Chapter on Risk Management

Question # 2

An e-commerce store is preparing for an annual holiday sale. Previously, this sale has increased the number of transactions between two and ten times the normal level of transactions. A cloud administrator wants to implement a process to scale the web server seamlessly. The goal is to automate changes only when necessary and with minimal cost. Which of the following scaling approaches should the administrator use?
A. Scale horizontally with additional web servers to provide redundancy.
B. Allow the load to trigger adjustments to the resources.
C. When traffic increases, adjust the resources using the cloud portal.
D. Schedule the environment to scale resources before the sale begins.

B. Allow the load to trigger adjustments to the resources.
Explanation: To seamlessly scale the web server for an e-commerce store during an annual sale, it's best to allow the load to trigger adjustments to the resources. This approach uses auto scaling to automatically adjust the number of active servers based on the current load, ensuring an automated change that is cost-effective.

Question # 3

A cloud engineer needs to deploy a new version of a web application to 100 servers. In the past, new version deployments have caused outages. Which of the following deployment types should the cloud engineer implement to prevent the outages from happening this time?
A. Rolling
B. Blue-green
C. Canary
D. Round-robin

C. Canary


A canary deployment is a pattern that reduces the risk of introducing a new software version in production by slowly rolling out the change to a small subset of users before rolling it out to the entire infrastructure. It's an effective strategy to prevent outages since it allows for monitoring and quick rollback if issues arise without affecting all users.


Canary releases are part of deployment strategies that can help mitigate the risk of outages during updates, a concept included in the CompTIA Cloud+ curriculum.

Question # 4

Two CVEs are discovered on servers in the company's public cloud virtual network. The CVEs are listed as having an attack vector value of network and CVSS score of 9.0. Which of the following actions would be the best way to mitigate the vulnerabilities?
A. Patching the operating systems
B. Upgrading the operating systems to the latest beta
C. Encrypting the operating system disks
D. Disabling unnecessary open ports

A. Patching the operating systems
Explanation: For vulnerabilities with a high CVSS score and a network attack vector, the most effective and direct mitigation action is to patch the operating systems. Patching addresses the specific vulnerabilities that have been identified and helps to secure the servers against the known exploits that could take advantage of these CVEs.

Question # 5

Which of the following is a direct effect of cloud migration on an enterprise?
A. The enterprise must reorganize the reporting structure.
B. Compatibility issues must be addressed on premises after migration.
C. Cloud solutions will require less resources than on-premises installations.
D. Utility costs will be reduced on premises.

D. Utility costs will be reduced on premises.
Explanation: Cloud migration typically results in a reduction of on-premises utility costs because the physical infrastructure requirements, such as power and cooling, are transferred to the cloud provider. This shift can lead to significant savings in utility expenses for the enterprise.

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