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SAP C_ABAPD_2309 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which of the following are valid sort operations for internal tables?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Sort a standard table using
Sort a sorted table using
Sort a standard table using
C. SORT itab BY field1 field2.
Sort a standard table using
D. SORT itab.
Sort a sorted table using

A. Sort a standard table using
Sort a sorted table using
C. SORT itab BY field1 field2.
Sort a standard table using
D. SORT itab.
Sort a sorted table using

Question # 2

Class super has subclass sub. Which rules are valid for the sub constructor?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. The method signature can be changed.
B. Import parameters can only be evaluated after calling the constructor of super.
C. The constructor of super must be called before using any components of your own instance.
D. Events of your own instance cannot be raised before the registration of a handler in super.

A. The method signature can be changed.
C. The constructor of super must be called before using any components of your own instance.
The sub constructor is the instance constructor of the subclass sub that inherits from the superclass super. The sub constructor has some rules that it must follow when it is defined and implemented. Some of the valid rules are:

The method signature can be changed: This is true. The sub constructor can have a different method signature than the super constructor, which means that it can have different input parameters, output parameters, or exceptions. However, the sub constructor must still call the super constructor with appropriate actual parameters that match its interface.

The constructor of super must be called before using any components of your own instance: This is true. The sub constructor must ensure that the super constructor is called explicitly using super->constructor before accessing any instance components of its own class, such as attributes or methods. This is because the super constructor initializes the inherited components of the subclass and sets the self-reference me-> to the current instance.

You cannot do any of the following:

Import parameters can only be evaluated after calling the constructor of super: This is false. The sub constructor can evaluate its own import parameters before calling the constructor of super, as long as it does not access any instance components of its own class. For example, the sub constructor can use its import parameters to calculate some values or check some conditions that are needed for calling the super constructor.

Events of your own instance cannot be raised before the registration of a handler in super: This is false. The sub constructor can raise events of its own instance before calling the constructor of super, as long as it does not access any instance components of its own class. For example, the sub constructor can raise an event to notify the consumers of the subclass about some status or error that occurred during the initialization of the subclass.

Question # 3

When does SAP recommend to use a sorted or a hashed table respectively? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. A hashed table, when you read a single record and specify the complete key.
B. A hashed table, when you read a subset in a loop and specify a part of the key from the left without gaps.
C. A sorted table, when you read a subset in a loop and specify a part of the key from the left ^ without gaps.
D. A sorted table, when you read a single record and specify non key fields.

A. A hashed table, when you read a single record and specify the complete key.
B. A hashed table, when you read a subset in a loop and specify a part of the key from the left without gaps.

Question # 4

You want to define the following CDS view entity with an input parameter:
Define view entity Z_CONVERT With parameters currency : ???
Which of the following can you use to replace "???? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. built-in ABAP type
B. A built-in ABAP Dictionary type
C. A data element
D. A component of an ABAP Dictionary structure

A. built-in ABAP type
C. A data element
The possible replacements for “???” in the CDS view entity definition with an input parameter are A. built-in ABAP type and C. A data element. These are the valid types that can be used to specify the data type of an input parameter in a CDS view entity. A built-in ABAP type is a predefined elementary type in the ABAP language, such as abap.char, abap.numc, abap.dec, etc. A data element is a reusable semantic element in the ABAP Dictionary that defines the technical attributes and the meaning of a field12. For example:

The following code snippet defines a CDS view entity with an input parameter currency of type abap.cuky, which is a built-in ABAP type for currency key: Define view entity Z_CONVERT With parameters currency : abap.cuky as select from … { … }

The following code snippet defines a CDS view entity with an input parameter currency of type waers, which is a data element for currency key: Define view entity Z_CONVERT With parameters currency : waers as select from … { … }

You cannot do any of the following:

B. A built-in ABAP Dictionary type: This is not a valid type for an input parameter in a CDS view entity. A built-in ABAP Dictionary type is a predefined elementary type in the ABAP Dictionary, such as CHAR, NUMC, DEC, etc. However, these types cannot be used directly in a CDS view entity definition. Instead, they have to be prefixed with abap. to form a built-in ABAP type, as explained above12.

D. A component of an ABAP Dictionary structure: This is not a valid type for an input parameter in a CDS view entity. A component of an ABAP Dictionary structure is a field that belongs to a structure type, which is a complex type that consists of multiple fields. However, an input parameter in a CDS view entity can only be typed with an elementary type, which is a simple type that has no internal structure12.

Question # 5

Which of the following results in faster access to internal tables?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. In a sorted internal table, specifying the primary key partially from the left without gaps.
B. In a sorted internal table, specifying the primary key completely.
C. In a standard internal table, specifying the primary key partially from the left without gaps.
D. In a hashed internal table, specifying the primary key partially from the left without gaps.
E. In a hashed internal table, specifying the primary key completely.

B. In a sorted internal table, specifying the primary key completely.
D. In a hashed internal table, specifying the primary key partially from the left without gaps.
E. In a hashed internal table, specifying the primary key completely.
The access to internal tables can be optimized by using the appropriate table type and specifying the table key. The table key is a set of fields that uniquely identifies a row in the table and determines the sorting order of the table. The table key can be either the primary key or a secondary key. The primary key is defined by the table type and the table definition, while the secondary key is defined by the user using the KEY statement1.

The following results in faster access to internal tables:

B. In a sorted internal table, specifying the primary key completely. A sorted internal table is a table type that maintains a predefined sorting order, which is defined by the primary key in the table definition. The primary key can be either unique or non-unique. A sorted internal table can be accessed using the primary key or the table index. The access using the primary key is faster than the access using the table index, because the system can use a binary search algorithm to find the row. However, the primary key must be specified completely, meaning that all the fields of the primary key must be given in the correct order and without gaps2.

D. In a hashed internal table, specifying the primary key partially from the left without gaps. A hashed internal table is a table type that does not have a predefined sorting order, but uses a hash algorithm to store and access the rows. The primary key of a hashed internal table must be unique and cannot be changed. A hashed internal table can only be accessed using the primary key, not the table index. The access using the primary key is very fast, because the system can directly calculate the position of the row using the hash algorithm. The primary key can be specified partially from the left without gaps, meaning that some of the fields of the primary key can be omitted, as long as they are the rightmost fields and there are no gaps between the specified fields.

E. In a hashed internal table, specifying the primary key completely. A hashed internal table is a table type that does not have a predefined sorting order, but uses a hash algorithm to store and access the rows. The primary key of a hashed internal table must be unique and cannot be changed. A hashed internal table can only be accessed using the primary key, not the table index. The access using the primary key is very fast, because the system can directly calculate the position of the row using the hash algorithm. The primary key can be specified completely, meaning that all the fields of the primary key must be given in the correct order.

The following do not result in faster access to internal tables, because:

A. In a sorted internal table, specifying the primary key partially from the left without gaps. A sorted internal table is a table type that maintains a predefined sorting order, which is defined by the primary key in the table definition. The primary key can be either unique or non-unique. A sorted internal table can be accessed using the primary key or the table index. The access using the primary key is faster than the access using the table index, because the system can use a binary search algorithm to find the row. However, the primary key must be specified completely, meaning that all the fields of the primary key must be given in the correct order and without gaps. If the primary key is specified partially from the left without gaps, the system cannot use the binary search algorithm and has to perform a linear search, which is slower2.

C. In a standard internal table, specifying the primary key partially from the left without gaps. A standard internal table is a table type that does not have a predefined sorting order, but uses a sequential storage and access of the rows. The primary key of a standard internal table is the standard key, which consists of all the fields of the table row in the order in which they are defined. A standard internal table can be accessed using the primary key or the table index. The access using the primary key is slower than the access using the table index, because the system has to perform a linear search to find the row. The primary key can be specified partially from the left without gaps, but this does not improve the access speed, because the system still has to perform a linear search.

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