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SAP C_S43_2023 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

You want to schedule a performance-based maintenance plan. Which parameters are mandatory?
A. Scheduling period
B. Start counter reading
C. Estimated annual performance
D. Counter overflow reading

B. Start counter reading
C. Estimated annual performance
Explanation: To schedule a performance-based maintenance plan, you need to specify the start counter reading and the estimated annual performance of the equipment or functional location. The start counter reading is the initial value of the counter assigned to the maintenance plan. The estimated annual performance is the expected value of the counter for one year. These parameters are used to calculate the maintenance cycle and the due date for the maintenance plan. The scheduling period and the counter overflow reading are optional.

Question # 2

What are characteristics of the Preparation and Scheduling phase within phase-based maintenance?
A. If you use the Resource Scheduling apps, you always dispatch orders and operations.
B. The order moves to the Preparation phase once it is approved and released
C. Maintenance Planning Buckets give you a list of non-approved notifications
D. The configuration of the order type decides whether you use Resource Scheduling or not.

B. The order moves to the Preparation phase once it is approved and released
D. The configuration of the order type decides whether you use Resource Scheduling or not.
The Preparation and Scheduling phase within phase-based maintenance is the phase where the maintenance planner divides the maintenance effort into manageable groups, levels out the workload over several weeks, determines the concrete time period for the requested maintenance work, and checks the availability of all the resources, spare parts and services needed.

Option B (The order moves to the Preparation phase once it is approved and released) is correct, because the approval and release of the order is the last step of the previous phase (Approval phase)2. Once the order is approved and released, it is ready for preparation and scheduling.

Option D (The configuration of the order type decides whether you use Resource Scheduling or not) is also correct, because the order type determines whether the order is relevant for resource scheduling or not2. Resource scheduling is an optional step in the Preparation and Scheduling phase, where the planner can assign and dispatch the orders and operations to the technicians using the Resource Scheduling apps.

Option A (If you use the Resource Scheduling apps, you always dispatch orders and operations) is incorrect, because the Resource Scheduling apps allow the planner to either dispatch or assign the orders and operations2. Dispatching means that the planner assigns a specific technician and a specific time slot for the order or operation, while assigning means that the planner assigns only a technician or a team, but not a specific time slot.

Option C (Maintenance Planning Buckets give you a list of non-approved notifications) is also incorrect, because the Maintenance Planning Buckets app gives the planner a list of approved and released orders that are ready for preparation and scheduling2. The non-approved notifications are handled in the previous phase (Screening phase).

Question # 3

Which functionalities are available in the SAP Service and Asset Manager (SAP Asset Manager) for a maintenance worker?
A. Confirm time sheets
Attach documents
B. Schedule resources
Change task list
C. Display maps
Display and maintain technical objects
D. Change BOM
Create a work order on the ESRI map

A. Confirm time sheets
Attach documents
C. Display maps
Display and maintain technical objects
The SAP Service and Asset Manager application enables maintenance workers to perform various tasks related to asset management, such as:

Confirm time sheets: Maintenance workers can record the time spent on work orders and operations, and submit them for approval. They can also view the status of their time confirmations and edit or delete them if needed. This functionality helps to track the labor costs and efficiency of the maintenance work1.

Attach documents: Maintenance workers can attach documents, such as photos, videos, audio files, or PDFs, to work orders, notifications, or equipment. This functionality helps to provide additional information or evidence for the maintenance work2.

Display maps: Maintenance workers can view the location of assets, work orders, or notifications on a map. They can also use the map to navigate to the destination, filter the map items, or switch between different map layers. This functionality helps to improve the spatial awareness and planning of the maintenance work3.

Display and maintain technical objects: Maintenance workers can view the details of technical objects, such as equipment, functional locations, or linear assets, and perform actions on them, such as creating notifications, work orders, or measurements. They can also edit the technical object data, such as the status, serial number, or manufacturer. This functionality helps to manage the lifecycle and performance of the assets.

The functionalities that are not available in the SAP Service and Asset Manager application for a maintenance worker are:

Schedule resources: This functionality is available in the SAP S/4HANA Asset Management application, which is a web-based application that supports the planning and scheduling of maintenance work. Maintenance planners and schedulers can use this application to assign resources, such as technicians, tools, or materials, to work orders and operations, and optimize the resource utilization and availability.

Change task list: This functionality is also available in the SAP S/4HANA Asset Management application, which allows maintenance planners and engineers to create and modify task lists, such as general task lists, equipment task lists, or functional location task lists. Task lists are used to define the sequence of operations and activities for recurring maintenance work.

Change BOM: This functionality is also available in the SAP S/4HANA Asset Management application, which allows maintenance engineers and technicians to create and change bills of materials (BOMs) for technical objects, such as equipment or functional locations. BOMs are used to list the components and materials that are required for the maintenance work.

Create a work order on the ESRI map: This functionality is not available in the SAP Service and Asset Manager application, which only supports viewing the existing work orders on the map. To create a work order on the map, the maintenance worker would need to use the SAP Work Manager application, which is another mobile application that integrates with the ESRI ArcGIS platform. The SAP Work Manager application allows the maintenance worker to create a work order by tapping on a map location, and assign the work order to a technician or a crew.

Question # 4

You schedule a Maintenance Service Plan. Which call object is generated?
A. Maintenance Order which is linked to a Service Order Header
B. Customer Service Order with assigned DIP profile
C. Customer Service Order with an external order operation
D. Maintenance Order which is linked to a Service Order Item

D. Maintenance Order which is linked to a Service Order Item
Explanation: A Maintenance Service Plan is a type of Maintenance Plan that is used to schedule periodic services for external customers. When a Maintenance Service Plan is scheduled, a Maintenance Service Call is generated, which contains a Customer Service Order Header and a Maintenance Order. The Maintenance Order is linked to a Service Order Item, which represents the serviceable material or asset. The Maintenance Order contains the technical details of the service, such as operations, components, and confirmations. The Service Order Item contains the commercial details of the service, such as pricing, billing, and credit check. The Maintenance Order and the Service Order Item are integrated through the Dynamic Item Processor (DIP), which transfers the costs and revenues between them.

Question # 5

Which views can you assign to an equipment category via a view profile?
A. Warranty
B. Configuration
C. Serial data
D. Manufacturer data

A. Warranty
D. Manufacturer data

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