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  • Last Updation Date: 28-Mar-2025
  • Certification: Salesforce Strategy Designer
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Salesforce Strategy Designer Exam Dumps


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Salesforce Certified-Strategy-Designer Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Cloud Kicks learns that some website visitors, especially those who can't see high-contrast color palettes, do not convert into customers. What should the strategy designer do to solve for this accessibility challenge"?
A. Ideate marketing concepts to reach new audiences.
B. Conduct an empathy workshop to understand the audience
C. Invite users to co-create as accessibility experts

C. Invite users to co-create as accessibility experts
Explanation: Inviting users to co-create as accessibility experts means involving users who have accessibility needs or challenges in the design process as collaborators and consultants. This helps solve for the accessibility challenge by ensuring that the design meets the standards and expectations of the target audience.

Question # 2

A strategy designer is working on a future digital commerce vision for Cloud Kicks. What should the designer focus on when engaging technical stakeholders7
A. Minimize technical stakeholders' input at this early stage.
B. Ensure all ideas have buy-in from technical stakeholders.
C. Explore feasibility and opportunities for future innovation.

C. Explore feasibility and opportunities for future innovation.

The designer should focus on exploring feasibility and opportunities for future innovation when engaging technical stakeholders. Feasibility refers to how possible or realistic it is to implement a solution, given the technical constraints or requirements. Opportunities for future innovation refer to the potential or possibilities for creating new or improved solutions, leveraging the latest technologies or trends. Both aspects help foster a collaborative and creative dialogue between the designer and the technical stakeholders, and ensure that the solution is both viable and desirable. References: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/modules/salesforce-strategy-designer-certification-prep/engage-technical-stakeholders

Question # 3

Cloud Kicks' primary business goal for its new customer acquisition program is to increase diversity. Which inclusive design tactic should help the company solve problems for the broadest possible audience?
A. Solve for one, extend to many through a persona spectrum.
B. Use Jobs to Be Done to increase empathy with the audience.
C. Hold focus groups with traditionally underrepresented participants.

A. Solve for one, extend to many through a persona spectrum.

Solving for one, extending to many through a persona spectrum is an inclusive design tactic that helps solve problems for the broadest possible audience. It involves creating personas that represent different levels of ability, context, and preference, and designing solutions that meet the needs of the most extreme cases, which can benefit everyone else as well. References: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/modules/salesforce-strategy-designer-certification-prep/solve-for-one-extend-to-many-through-a-persona-spectrum

Question # 4

The team at Cloud Kicks is spending too much time curating dashboards of the company's sales pipeline for multiple different levels of leadership, who are interested in different views of the same data. What should the strategy designer recommend to help the team efficiently share the right data?
A. Develop reports in Sales Cloud.
B. Provide Kanban view in Revenue Cloud
C. Create dashboards in Tableau.

C. Create dashboards in Tableau.


The best recommendation to help the team efficiently share the right data is to create dashboards in Tableau, as this allows them to visualize and analyze data from different sources, customize and filter views, and share insights with different audiences. Developing reports in Sales Cloud or providing Kanban view in Revenue Cloud may not offer the same level of flexibility and functionality as Tableau.

Question # 5

A global consumer package goods company is about to engage in a digital transformation effort to help siloed departments collaborate more efficiently. The strategy designer and an organizational designer partner to prototype new ways of cross-departmental collaboration What is a key objective the team should focus on?
A. Create a single enterprise-wide digital governance model.
B. Have the final say in all intra-departmental decisions.
C. Unify all organizational tech stacks under one platform

A. Create a single enterprise-wide digital governance model.

A key objective for prototyping new ways of cross-departmental collaboration in a digital transformation effort is to create a single enterprise-wide digital governance model, as this ensures consistency, accountability, and quality across different departments. Having the final say in all intra-departmental decisions or unifying all organizational tech stacks under one platform are not realistic or desirable objectives.

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