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  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025
  • Certification: Salesforce Strategy Designer
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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Getting Ready For Salesforce Strategy Designer Exam Could Never Have Been Easier!

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Salesforce Strategy Designer Exam Dumps


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Salesforce Certified-Strategy-Designer Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Cloud Kicks (CK) is creating a loyalty program to deepen the engagement of its customers. CK has arrived at a concept that meets its brief, but the developer remains skeptical. Which approach should the strategy designer take to get the developer's support?
A. Persuade the developer's boss and product manager to lend their support to the project, and the developer will likely come around.
B. Invite the developer to do their own research and come up with alternate potential solutions that meet the brief.
C. Create a persuasive story about the concept focusing on what the developer cares about and using their language.

C. Create a persuasive story about the concept focusing on what the developer cares about and using their language.


To gain the developer's support, crafting a compelling narrative that resonates with their values and concerns is effective. This approach involves presenting the concept in a way that aligns with the developer's interests and technical perspective, facilitating understanding and buy-in.

Question # 2

The design team at Cloud Kicks is in the early stages of exploring an idea for a wearable device to track customers activity during workouts. They employ footwear designers and manufacturing experts, but they lack an engineer experienced in consumer hardware, What should the strategy designer do to determine whether or not to pursue this product idea?
A. Perform secondary research on common hardware issues.
B. Hire an engineer with experience in consumer devices.
C. Conduct an expert interview in consumer device engineering.

C. Conduct an expert interview in consumer device engineering.

The strategy designer should conduct an expert interview in consumer device engineering to determine whether or not to pursue this product idea. An expert interview is a way to gather information and insights from someone who has specialized knowledge or experience in a relevant domain. It can help validate assumptions, identify risks, and explore opportunities for innovation. Performing secondary research may not provide enough depth or specificity for this product idea. Hiring an engineer may be premature and costly at this stage.

Question # 3

A strategy designer is kicking off a project to reimagine the high-end private banking experience for a financial services company. What should they do to learn about the unique expectations of the company's customers?
A. Share prototypes of different interface directions with 100 people who regularly use their bank's app.
B. Send a survey to all stakeholders about their banking app attitudes, preferences, and desires.
C. Interview 8-10 customers about how banking fits Into their lives and their ideal relationship with their bank.

C. Interview 8-10 customers about how banking fits Into their lives and their ideal relationship with their bank.
Explanation: Interviewing 8-10 customers about how banking fits into their lives and their ideal relationship with their bank is the best way to learn about the unique expectations of the company’s customers. This method provides qualitative and contextual insights into the customers’ needs, goals, pain points, and emotions.

Question # 4

A consumer healthcare startup wants to collect data on patients' symptoms over time, and plans to research how to monetize this data. How should a strategy designer counsel leadership in consideration of ethical implications for both the company and its patients?
A. Perform user research with patients to understand their level of comfort of data being shared for monetization.
B. Facilitate a Consequence Scanning workshop before proceeding with any further investment.
C. Research similar healthcare organizations about how they are monetizing patient data

B. Facilitate a Consequence Scanning workshop before proceeding with any further investment.

A strategy designer should counsel leadership in consideration of ethical implications for both the company and its patients by facilitating a Consequence Scanning workshop before proceeding with any further investment. A Consequence Scanning workshop is a method to identify and mitigate potential negative consequences of a product or service, such as privacy, security, or social issues. It involves mapping out the intended and unintended outcomes of the product or service, assessing their likelihood and severity, and devising actions to prevent or reduce harm. Performing user research or researching similar organizations may provide some insights, but they do not address the ethical implications in a systematic and proactive way.

Question # 5

Cloud Kicks (CK) has developed a successful commerce solution for its customers in the health space o creation of an artificial intelligence (AI)-based recommendation engine. There are privacy concerns. What should a strategy designer suggest that would provide a focus on AI concerns?
A. Publish a publicly accessible set of ethical principles and guides
B. Create a focus group among internal stakeholders to advocate consideration of bias.
C. Evaluate multiple AI vendors with commerce solutions that must be ethical.

A. Publish a publicly accessible set of ethical principles and guides
Explanation: The best suggestion that would provide a focus on AI concerns for a company that develops an AI-based recommendation engine is to publish a publicly accessible set of ethical principles and guides, as this demonstrates transparency, accountability, and commitment to ethical AI practices. Creating a focus group among internal stakeholders or evaluating multiple AI vendors may not address the privacy concerns of the customers or the public.

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