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  • Last Updation Date: 28-Mar-2025
  • Certification: Consumer Goods Cloud
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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Consumer Goods Cloud Exam Dumps


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Salesforce Consumer-Goods-Cloud-Accredited-Professional Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

How can an Account Manager visualize store visits in their territory for the day by their current status?
A. By creating a Map Layer using retail store search filters by status and color code the markers by status
B. By creating a map layer using accounts as a base object and color code the markers by status
C. By creating a map layer using retail store as the base object and represent the markers by shape
D. By creating a map layer using visits as the base object and color code the markers by status

D. By creating a map layer using visits as the base object and color code the markers by status

To visualize store visits in theirterritory for the day by their current status, an Account Manager can create a map layer using visits as the base object and color code the markers by status. A map layer is a visual representation of data on a map that can be filtered and customized. A visit is an object that represents a scheduled or unscheduled interaction between a field rep and a retail store. The status of a visit indicates whether it is planned, in progress, completed, or canceled. Verified References: [Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Implementation Guide], page 34.

Question # 2

A consultant for Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) has been asked to setup Tableau CRM for Consumer Goods Cloud to gain insights into factors that might affect store sales. Which Einstein Discovery story should the consultant select to address this concern?
A. Einstein Discovery story ‘Strategic Sales’
B. Einstein Discovery story ‘Maximize Store Sales’
C. Einstein Discovery story ‘Minimize Out-of-Stock occurrences'
D. Einstein Discovery story ‘Promotion Management

B. Einstein Discovery story ‘Maximize Store Sales’

Question # 3

Which step is required to link an Action Plan to a Visit record?
A. Create an Action Plan based on the template where the template owners are the Sales Reps.
B. Create an Action Plan Template by specifying Visit' as the target object and publish it.
C. Activate the Visit to generate Action Plan Tasks.
D. Activate the Action Plan.

B. Create an Action Plan Template by specifying Visit' as the target object and publish it.

To link an Action Plan to a Visit record, the first step is to create an Action Plan Template by specifying Visit’ as the target object and publish it. An Action Plan Template is a template that defines the tasks and steps for an action plan. An action plan is a set of tasks that need to be completed for a specific purpose or goal. A visit is an object that represents a scheduled or unscheduled interaction between a field rep and a retail store. By specifying Visit as the target object, the Action Plan Template can be linked to any visit record that matches the criteria defined in the template. By publishing the template, the Action Plan Template becomes available for use. Verified References: [Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Implementation Guide], page 25.

Question # 4

Which of the following is accurate regarding the Einstein Vision model?
A. The model is created automatically by Einstein based on uploading the perfect image
B. The model is created via crowdsourcing of images available via public copyright licenses
C. The model is created in store as reps perform their daily tasks during phase 1 rollout
D. The model needs to be created as part of the development process using a base set of images

D. The model needs to be created as part of the development process using a base set of images

The Einstein Vision model is a representation of how objects are detected and counted in an image. The model needs to be created as part of the development process using a base set of images. The base set of images should contain images of the products that need to be detected on the shelf, as well as labels and annotations for each product. The model is then trained and tested using these images and can be improved by adding more images or adjusting the parameters. Verified References: [Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Implementation Guide], page 23-24.

Question # 5

Which are the two primary use cases for performing an in-store survey?
A. Gathering data on inventory reconciliation
B. Gathering feedback from customers, consumers shoppers, and staff
C. Gathering point of sale data
D. Gathering data on promotions, inventory requirements and product quality
E. Saving time for the Field Rephttps://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.retail_concept_user_survey.htm&type= 5

B. Gathering feedback from customers, consumers shoppers, and staff
D. Gathering data on promotions, inventory requirements and product quality

Two primary use cases for performing an in-store survey are:

Gathering feedback from customers, consumers, shoppers, and staff. An in-store survey can be used to collect feedback from various stakeholders who interact with the products or services offered by the consumer goods company. For example, an in-store survey can ask customers about their satisfaction, preferences, or suggestions; consumers about their awareness, perception, or loyalty; shoppers about their behavior, motivation, or barriers; and staff about their challenges, needs, or opinions.

Gathering data on promotions, inventory requirements and product quality. An instore survey can be used to collect data on various aspects of the product performance and availability in the retail store. For example, an in-store survey can ask about the compliance, effectiveness, or impact of promotions; the demand, supply, or replenishment of inventory; and the condition, quality, or issues of products

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