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CompTIA DA0-001 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which of the following is a difference between a primary key and a unique key?
A. A unique key cannot take null values, whereas a primary key can take null values.
B. There can be only one primary key in a data set, whereas there can be multiple unique keys.
C. A primary key can take a value more than once, whereas a unique key cannot take a value more than once.
D. A primary key cannot be a date variable, whereas a unique key can be.

B. There can be only one primary key in a data set, whereas there can be multiple unique keys.
The correct answer is B. There can be only one primary key in a data set, whereas there can be multiple unique keys.
A primary key is a column or a set of columns that uniquely identifies each row in a table. A table can have only one primary key, which also enforces the NOT NULL constraint on the column(s) involved. A primary key can also be referenced by a foreign key of another table to establish a relationship between the tables.
A unique key is a column or a set of columns that also uniquely identifies each row in a table, but it is not the primary key. A table can have more than one unique key, which also allows one NULL value for the column(s) involved. A unique key can also be referenced by a foreign key of another table to establish a relationship between the tables.
Some of the differences between a primary key and a unique key are:
A primary key creates a clustered index on the column(s), whereas a unique key creates a non-clustered index on the column(s).
A primary key does not allow any NULL values, whereas a unique key allows one NULL value for the column(s).
A primary key can be a unique key, but a unique key cannot be a primary key.

Question # 2

A data analyst is creating a report that will provide information about various regions, products, and time periods. Which of the following formats would be the most efficient way to deliver this report?
A. A workbook with multiple tabs for each region
B. A daily email with snapshots of regional summaries
C. A static report with a different page for every filtered view
D. A dashboard with filters at the top that the user can toggle

D. A dashboard with filters at the top that the user can toggle
The best format to deliver this report is D. A dashboard with filters at the top that the user can toggle.
A dashboard is a visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives, consolidated and arranged on a single screen so the information can be monitored at a glance1 A dashboard with filters at the top that the user can toggle would allow the user to easily and quickly access the information they need about various regions, products, and time periods, without having to navigate through multiple tabs, pages, or emails. A dashboard with filters would also enable the user to compare and contrast different views of the data and see how they change over time. A dashboard with filters would also be more interactive and engaging than a static or email report.
A workbook with multiple tabs for each region would not be an efficient way to deliver this report, because it would require the user to switch between different tabs to see the information they need. This would make it harder to compare and contrast different regions, products, and time periods, and also increase the risk of errors or confusion. A workbook with multiple tabs would also be less visually appealing and more cluttered than a dashboard.
A daily email with snapshots of regional summaries would not be an efficient way to deliver this report, because it would limit the user’s ability to explore the data in depth and customize their view. A daily email would also be dependent on the frequency and timing of the email delivery, which might not match the user’s needs or preferences. A daily email would also be more likely to be ignored or deleted than a dashboard that is always accessible.
A static report with a different page for every filtered view would not be an efficient way to deliver this report, because it would create a very long and cumbersome report that would be difficult to read and understand. A static report would also not allow the user to change or update the filters as they wish, or see how the data changes over time. A static report would also be less interactive and engaging than a dashboard.

Question # 3

Which of the following is an example of a flat file?
A. CSV file
B. PDF file
C. JSON file
D. JPEG file

A. CSV file
Explanation: A CSV file is a type of flat file that stores data as plain text in a table-like structure with rows and columns. Each row represents a single record, while columns represent fields or attributes of the data. A CSV file uses commas or other delimiters to separate the values in each row. A CSV file can be easily imported or exported by various applications and programs.

Question # 4

You are working with a dataset and need to swap the values in rows with those in columns. What action do you need to perform?
A. Recording
B. Filtering
C. Aggregation
D. Transposition

D. Transposition
Transpose creates a new data file in which the rows and columns in the original data file are transposed so that cases (rows) become variables and variables (columns) become cases. Transpose automatically creates new variable names and displays a list of the new variable names.
Transposing data is useful for data analysis. At times, we have to pull data from various files with different formats for analysis and preparing reports. In such circumstances, we may have to transpose some data from one file to the other. In excel, we can transpose data in multiple ways.

Question # 5

Which one of the following values will appear first if they are sorted in descending order?
A. Aaron
B. Molly
C. Xavier
D. Adam

C. Xavier
Explanation: The value that will appear first if they are sorted in descending order is Xavier. Descending order means arranging values from the largest to the smallest, or from the last to the first in alphabetical order. In this case, Xavier is the last name in alphabetical order, so it will appear first when sorted in descending order. The other names will appear in the following order: Molly, Adam, Aaron.

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