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CompTIA DS0-001 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A company needs to prepare a document that establishes the responsibilities, metrics, penalties, and other generalities that a provider would have to fulfill for customers to use its platforms. Which of the following documents meets these requirements?

Explanation: The document that meets these requirements is an SLA. An SLA, or Service Level Agreement, is a contract between a service provider and a customer that defines the scope, quality, and terms of the service delivery. An SLA typically includes the responsibilities, metrics, penalties, and other generalities that a provider would have to fulfill for customers to use its platforms. An SLA also establishes the expectations and obligations of both parties, as well as the methods for measuring and monitoring the service performance. The other options are either different types of documents or not related to service delivery. For example, a DOU, or Data Use Agreement, is a document that governs the sharing and use of data between parties; an MOU, or Memorandum of Understanding, is a document that expresses a mutual agreement or intention between parties; a SOW, or Statement of Work, is a document that describes the specific tasks and deliverables of a project or contract.

Question # 2

Which of the following cloud delivery models provides users with the highest level of flexibility regarding resource provisioning and administration?
A. DBaaS
B. IaaS
C. SaaS
D. PaaS

B. IaaS
Explanation: The cloud delivery model that provides users with the highest level of flexibility regarding resource provisioning and administration is IaaS. IaaS, or Infrastructure as a Service, is a cloud delivery model that provides users with access to virtualized computing resources, such as servers, storage, network, and operating systems, over the internet. Users can provision, configure, and manage these resources according to their needs and preferences, without having to worry about the maintenance or security of the physical infrastructure. IaaS offers users the most control and customization over their cloud environment, as well as the ability to scale up or down as needed. The other options are either different cloud delivery models or not related to cloud computing at all. For example, DBaaS, or Database as a Service, is a cloud delivery model that provides users with access to database management systems and tools over the internet; SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a cloud delivery model that provides users with access to software applications and services over the internet; PaaS, or Platform as a Service, is a cloud delivery model that provides users with access to development platforms and tools over the internet.

Question # 3

Which of the following concepts applies to situations that require court files to be scanned for permanent reference and original documents be stored for ten years before they can be discarded?
A. Data loss prevention
B. Data retention policies
C. Data classification
D. Global regulations

B. Data retention policies
Explanation: The concept that applies to situations that require court files to be scanned for permanent reference and original documents be stored for ten years before they can be discarded is data retention policies. Data retention policies are rules or guidelines that specify how long data should be kept and when it should be deleted or archived. Data retention policies are often based on legal, regulatory, or business requirements, and help organizations manage their data lifecycle, storage, and compliance. The other options are either not related or not specific to this situation. For example, data loss prevention is a process that aims to prevent data from being leaked, stolen, or corrupted; data classification is a process that assigns labels or categories to data based on its sensitivity, value, or risk; global regulations are laws or standards that apply to data across different countries or regions.

Question # 4

A database administrator needs to aggregate data from multiple tables in a way that does not impact the original tables, and then provide this information to a department. Which of the following is thebestway for the administrator to accomplish this task?
A. Create a materialized view.
B. Create indexes on those tables
C. Create a new database.
D. Create a function.

A. Create a materialized view.
Explanation: The best way for the administrator to accomplish this task is to create a materialized view. A materialized view is a type of view that stores the result of a query on one or more tables as a separate table in the database. A materialized view can aggregate data from multiple tables in a way that does not impact the original tables, and then provide this information to a department as a single source of truth. A materialized view also improves query performance and efficiency by reducing the need to recompute complex queries every time they are executed. The other options are either not suitable or not optimal for this task. For example, creating indexes on those tables may improve query performance on individual tables, but not on aggregated data; creating a new database may require additional resources and maintenance, and may introduce inconsistency or redundancy; creating a function may require additional coding and execution, and may not store the result as a separate table.

Question # 5

Which of the following types of RAID, if configured with the same number and type of disks, would provide thebestwrite performance?
D. RAID 10

D. RAID 10

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