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Amazon Web Services DVA-C02 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A developer wants to store information about movies. Each movie has a title, release year, and genre. The movie information also can include additional properties about the cast and production crew. This additional information is inconsistent across movies. For example, one movie might have an assistant director, and another movie might have an animal trainer.
The developer needs to implement a solution to support the following use cases:
For a given title and release year, get all details about the movie that has that title and release year.
For a given title, get all details about all movies that have that title.
For a given genre, get all details about all movies in that genre.
Which data store configuration will meet these requirements?
A. Create an Amazon DynamoDB table. Configure the table with a primary key that consists of the title as the partition key and the release year as the sort key. Create a global secondary index that uses the genre as the partition key and the title as the sort key.
B. Create an Amazon DynamoDB table. Configure the table with a primary key that consists of the genre as the partition key and the release year as the sort key. Create a global secondary index that uses the title as the partition key.
C. On an Amazon RDS DB instance, create a table that contains columns for title, release year, and genre. Configure the title as the primary key.
D. On an Amazon RDS DB instance, create a table where the primary key is the title and all other data is encoded into JSON format as one additional column.

A. Create an Amazon DynamoDB table. Configure the table with a primary key that consists of the title as the partition key and the release year as the sort key. Create a global secondary index that uses the genre as the partition key and the title as the sort key.

Question # 2

A financial company must store original customer records for 10 years for legal reasons. A complete record contains personally identifiable information (PII). According to local regulations, PII is available to only certain people in the company and must not be shared with third parties. The company needs to make the records available to third-party organizations for statistical analysis without sharing the PII.
A developer wants to store the original immutable record in Amazon S3. Depending on who accesses the S3 document, the document should be returned as is or with all the PII removed. The developer has written an AWS Lambda function to remove the PII from the document. The function is named remove PII.
What should the developer do so that the company can meet the PII requirements while maintaining only one copy of the document?
A. Set up an S3 event notification that invokes the removePii function when an S3 GET request is made. Call Amazon S3 by using a GET request to access the object without PII.
B. Set up an S3 event notification that invokes the removePii function when an S3 PUT request is made. Call Amazon S3 by using a PUT request to access the object without PII.
C. Create an S3 Object Lambda access point from the S3 console. Select the removePii function. Use S3 Access Points to access the object without PII.
D. Create an S3 access point from the S3 console. Use the access point name to call the GetObjectLegalHold S3 API function. Pass in the remove PII function name to access the object without PII.

C. Create an S3 Object Lambda access point from the S3 console. Select the removePii function. Use S3 Access Points to access the object without PII.

Question # 3

A developer is deploying a new application to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). The developer needs to securely store and retrieve different types of variables. These variables include authentication information for a remote API, the URL for the API, and credentials. The authentication information and API URL must be available to all current and future deployed versions of the application across development, testing, and production environments. How should the developer retrieve the variables with the FEWEST application changes?
A. Update the application to retrieve the variables from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. Use unique paths in Parameter Store for each variable in each environment. Store the credentials in AWS Secrets Manager in each environment.
B. Update the application to retrieve the variables from AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). Store the API URL and credentials as unique keys for each environment.
C. Update the application to retrieve the variables from an encrypted file that is stored with the application. Store the API URL and credentials in unique files for each environment.
D. Update the application to retrieve the variables from each of the deployed environments. Define the authentication information and API URL in the ECS task definition as unique names during the deployment process.

A. Update the application to retrieve the variables from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. Use unique paths in Parameter Store for each variable in each environment. Store the credentials in AWS Secrets Manager in each environment.

Question # 4

An application runs on multiple EC2 instances behind an ELB. Where is the session data best written so that it can be served reliably across multiple requests?
A. Write data to Amazon ElastiCache
B. Write data to Amazon Elastic Block Store
C. Write data to Amazon EC2 instance Store
D. Wide data to the root filesystem

A. Write data to Amazon ElastiCache


The solution that will meet the requirements is to write data to Amazon ElastiCache. This way, the application can write session data to a fast, scalable, and reliable in-memory data store that can be served reliably across multiple requests. The other options either involve writing data to persistent storage, which is slower and more expensive than in-memory storage, or writing data to the root filesystem, which is not shared among multiple EC2 instances.

Reference: [Reference: Using ElastiCache for session management, ]

Question # 5

A company has a web application that runs on Amazon EC2 instances with a custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI) The company uses AWS CloudFormation to provision the application The application runs in the us-east-1 Region, and the company needs to deploy the application to the us-west-1 Region

An attempt to create the AWS CloudFormation stack in us-west-1 fails. An error message states that the AMI ID does not exist. A developer must resolve this error with a solution that uses the least amount of operational overhead

Which solution meets these requirements?

A. Change the AWS CloudFormation templates for us-east-1 and us-west-1 to use an AWS AMI. Relaunch the stack for both Regions.
B. Copy the custom AMI from us-east-1 to us-west-1. Update the AWS CloudFormation template for us-west-1 to refer to AMI ID for the copied AMI Relaunch the stack
C. Build the custom AMI in us-west-1 Create a new AWS CloudFormation template to launch the stack in us-west-1 with the new AMI ID
D. Manually deploy the application outside AWS CloudFormation in us-west-1.

B. Copy the custom AMI from us-east-1 to us-west-1. Update the AWS CloudFormation template for us-west-1 to refer to AMI ID for the copied AMI Relaunch the stack



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