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Amazon Web Services DVA-C02 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A company is running Amazon EC2 instances in multiple AWS accounts. A developer needs to implement an application that collects all the lifecycle events of the EC2 instances. The application needs to store the lifecycle events in a single Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue in the company's main AWS account for further processing. Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Configure Amazon EC2 to deliver the EC2 instance lifecycle events from all accounts to the Amazon EventBridge event bus of the main account. Add an EventBridge rule to the event bus of the main account that matches all EC2 instance lifecycle events. Add the SQS queue as a target of the rule.
B. Use the resource policies of the SQS queue in the main account to give each account permissions to write to that SQS queue. Add to the Amazon EventBridge event bus of each account an EventBridge rule that matches all EC2 instance lifecycle events. Add the SQS queue in the main account as a target of the rule.
C. Write an AWS Lambda function that scans through all EC2 instances in the company accounts to detect EC2 instance lifecycle changes. Configure the Lambda function to write a notification message to the SQS queue in the main account if the function detects an EC2 instance lifecycle change. Add an Amazon EventBridge scheduled rule that invokes the Lambda function every minute.
D. Configure the permissions on the main account event bus to receive events from all accounts. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule in each account to send all the EC2 instance lifecycle events to the main account event bus. Add an EventBridge rule to the main account event bus that matches all EC2 instance lifecycle events. Set the SQS queue as a target for the rule.

D. Configure the permissions on the main account event bus to receive events from all accounts. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule in each account to send all the EC2 instance lifecycle events to the main account event bus. Add an EventBridge rule to the main account event bus that matches all EC2 instance lifecycle events. Set the SQS queue as a target for the rule.


Amazon EC2 instances can send the state-change notification events to Amazon EventBridge. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/monitoring-instance-state-changes.html Amazon EventBridge can send and receive events between event buses in AWS accounts. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-cross-account.html<br><br>

Question # 2

A company is building a serverless application on AWS. The application uses an AWS Lambda function to process customer orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Lambda function calls an external vendor's HTTP API to process payments.
During load tests, a developer discovers that the external vendor payment processing API occasionally times out and returns errors. The company expects that some payment processing API calls will return errors.
The company wants the support team to receive notifications in near real time only when the payment processing external API error rate exceed 5% of the total number of transactions in an hour. Developers need to use an existing Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that is configured to notify the support team.
Which solution will meet these requirements?
A. Write the results of payment processing API calls to Amazon CloudWatch. Use Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights to query the CloudWatch logs. Schedule the Lambda function to check the CloudWatch logs and notify the existing SNS topic.
B. Publish custom metrics to CloudWatch that record the failures of the external payment processing API calls. Configure a CloudWatch alarm to notify the existing SNS topic when error rate exceeds the specified rate.
C. Publish the results of the external payment processing API calls to a new Amazon SNS topic. Subscribe the support team members to the new SNS topic.
D. Write the results of the external payment processing API calls to Amazon S3. Schedule an Amazon Athena query to run at regular intervals. Configure Athena to send notifications to the existing SNS topic when the error rate exceeds the specified rate.

B. Publish custom metrics to CloudWatch that record the failures of the external payment processing API calls. Configure a CloudWatch alarm to notify the existing SNS topic when error rate exceeds the specified rate.

Question # 3

A company is building a scalable data management solution by using AWS services to improve the speed and agility of development. The solution will ingest large volumes of data from various sources and will process this data through multiple business rules and transformations.
The solution requires business rules to run in sequence and to handle reprocessing of data if errors occur when the business rules run. The company needs the solution to be scalable and to require the least possible maintenance.
Which AWS service should the company use to manage and automate the orchestration of the data flows to meet these requirements?
A. AWS Batch
B. AWS Step Functions
C. AWS Glue
D. AWS Lambda

B. AWS Step Functions

Question # 4

A company is offering APIs as a service over the internet to provide unauthenticated read access to statistical information that is updated daily. The company uses Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda to develop the APIs. The service has become popular, and the company wants to enhance the responsiveness of the APIs.
Which action can help the company achieve this goal?
A. Enable API caching in API Gateway.
B. Configure API Gateway to use an interface VPC endpoint.
C. Enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for the APIs.
D. Configure usage plans and API keys in API Gateway.

A. Enable API caching in API Gateway.

Question # 5

For a deployment using AWS Code Deploy, what is the run order of the hooks for in-place deployments?
A. BeforeInstall -> ApplicationStop -> ApplicationStart -> AfterInstall
B. ApplicationStop -> BeforeInstall -> AfterInstall -> ApplicationStart
C. BeforeInstall -> ApplicationStop -> ValidateService -> ApplicationStart
D. ApplicationStop -> BeforeInstall -> ValidateService -> ApplicationStart

B. ApplicationStop -> BeforeInstall -> AfterInstall -> ApplicationStart

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