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Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Review the following error traceback:

Which statement describes the error being raised?
A. The code executed was PvSoark but was executed in a Scala notebook.
B. There is no column in the table named heartrateheartrateheartrate
C. There is a type error because a column object cannot be multiplied.
D. There is a type error because a DataFrame object cannot be multiplied.
E. There is a syntax error because the heartrate column is not correctly identified as a column.

E. There is a syntax error because the heartrate column is not correctly identified as a column.

The error being raised is an AnalysisException, which is a type of exception that occurs when Spark SQL cannot analyze or execute a query due to some logical or semantic error1. In this case, the error message indicates that the query cannot resolve the column name ‘heartrateheartrateheartrate’ given the input columns ‘heartrate’ and ‘age’. This means that there is no column in the table named ‘heartrateheartrateheartrate’, and the query is invalid. A possible cause of this error is a typo or a copy-paste mistake in the query. To fix this error, the query should use a valid column name that exists in the table, such as ‘heartrate’. References: AnalysisException

Question # 2

A small company based in the United States has recently contracted a consulting firm in India to implement several new data engineering pipelines to power artificial intelligence applications. All the company's data is stored in regional cloud storage in the United States. The workspace administrator at the company is uncertain about where the Databricks workspace used by the contractors should be deployed. Assuming that all data governance considerations are accounted for, which statement accurately informs this decision?
A. Databricks runs HDFS on cloud volume storage; as such, cloud virtual machines must be deployed in the region where the data is stored.
B. Databricks workspaces do not rely on any regional infrastructure; as such, the decision should be made based upon what is most convenient for the workspace administrator.
C. Cross-region reads and writes can incur significant costs and latency; whenever possible, compute should be deployed in the same region the data is stored.
D. Databricks leverages user workstations as the driver during interactive development; as such, users should always use a workspace deployed in a region they are physically near.
E. Databricks notebooks send all executable code from the user's browser to virtual machines over the open internet; whenever possible, choosing a workspace region near the end users is the most secure.

C. Cross-region reads and writes can incur significant costs and latency; whenever possible, compute should be deployed in the same region the data is stored.

This is the correct answer because it accurately informs this decision. The decision is about where the Databricks workspace used by the contractors should be deployed. The contractors are based in India, while all the company’s data is stored in regional cloud storage in the United States. When choosing a region for deploying a Databricks workspace, one of the important factors to consider is the proximity to the data sources and sinks. Cross-region reads and writes can incur significant costs and latency due to network bandwidth and data transfer fees. Therefore, whenever possible, compute should be deployed in the same region the data is stored to optimize performance and reduce costs. Verified References: [Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional], under “Databricks Workspace” section; Databricks Documentation, under “Choose a region” section.

Question # 3

A Structured Streaming job deployed to production has been experiencing delays during peak hours of the day. At present, during normal execution, each microbatch of data is processed in less than 3 seconds. During peak hours of the day, execution time for each microbatch becomes very inconsistent, sometimes exceeding 30 seconds. The streaming write is currently configured with a trigger interval of 10 seconds. Holding all other variables constant and assuming records need to be processed in less than 10 seconds, which adjustment will meet the requirement?
A. Decrease the trigger interval to 5 seconds; triggering batches more frequently allows idle executors to begin processing the next batch while longer running tasks from previous batches finish.
B. Increase the trigger interval to 30 seconds; setting the trigger interval near the maximum execution time observed for each batch is always best practice to ensure no records are dropped.
C. The trigger interval cannot be modified without modifying the checkpoint directory; to maintain the current stream state, increase the number of shuffle partitions to maximize parallelism.
D. Use the trigger once option and configure a Databricks job to execute the query every 10 seconds; this ensures all backlogged records are processed with each batch.
E. Decrease the trigger interval to 5 seconds; triggering batches more frequently may prevent records from backing up and large batches from causing spill.

E. Decrease the trigger interval to 5 seconds; triggering batches more frequently may prevent records from backing up and large batches from causing spill.

The adjustment that will meet the requirement of processing records in less than 10 seconds is to decrease the trigger interval to 5 seconds. This is because triggering batches more frequently may prevent records from backing up and large batches from causing spill. Spill is a phenomenon where the data in memory exceeds the available capacity and has to be written to disk, which can slow down the processing and increase the execution time1. By reducing the trigger interval, the streaming query can process smaller batches of data more quickly and avoid spill. This can also improve the latency and throughput of the streaming job2.

The other options are not correct, because:

Option A is incorrect because triggering batches more frequently does not allow idle executors to begin processing the next batch while longer running tasks from previous batches finish. In fact, the opposite is true. Triggering batches more frequently may cause concurrent batches to compete for the same resources and cause contention and backpressure2. This can degrade the performance and stability of the streaming job.

Option B is incorrect because increasing the trigger interval to 30 seconds is not a good practice to ensure no records are dropped. Increasing the trigger interval means that the streaming query will process larger batches of data less frequently, which can increase the risk of spill, memory pressure, and timeouts12. This can also increase the latency and reduce the throughput of the streaming job. Option C is incorrect because the trigger interval can be modified without modifying the checkpoint directory. The checkpoint directory stores the metadata and state of the streaming query, such as the offsets, schema, and configuration3. Changing the trigger interval does not affect the state of the streaming query, and does not require a new checkpoint directory. However, changing the number of shuffle partitions may affect the state of the streaming query, and may require a new checkpoint directory4.

Option D is incorrect because using the trigger once option and configuring a Databricks job to execute the query every 10 seconds does not ensure that all backlogged records are processed with each batch. The trigger once option means that the streaming query will process all the available data in the source and then stop5. However, this does not guarantee that the query will finish processing within 10 seconds, especially if there are a lot of records in the source. Moreover, configuring a Databricks job to execute the query every 10 seconds may cause overlapping or missed batches, depending on the execution time of the query.


Memory Management Overview, Structured Streaming Performance Tuning Guide, Checkpointing, Recovery Semantics after Changes in a Streaming Query, Triggers

Question # 4

A Databricks job has been configured with 3 tasks, each of which is a Databricks notebook. Task A does not depend on other tasks. Tasks B and C run in parallel, with each having a serial dependency on task A. If tasks A and B complete successfully but task C fails during a scheduled run, which statement describes the resulting state?
A. All logic expressed in the notebook associated with tasks A and B will have been successfully completed; some operations in task C may have completed successfully.
B. All logic expressed in the notebook associated with tasks A and B will have been successfully completed; any changes made in task C will be rolled back due to task failure.
C. All logic expressed in the notebook associated with task A will have been successfully completed; tasks B and C will not commit any changes because of stage failure.
D. Because all tasks are managed as a dependency graph, no changes will be committed to the Lakehouse until ail tasks have successfully been completed.
E. Unless all tasks complete successfully, no changes will be committed to the Lakehouse; because task C failed, all commits will be rolled back automatically.

A. All logic expressed in the notebook associated with tasks A and B will have been successfully completed; some operations in task C may have completed successfully.

The query uses the CREATE TABLE USING DELTA syntax to create a Delta Lake table from an existing Parquet file stored in DBFS. The query also uses the LOCATION keyword to specify the path to the Parquet file as

/mnt/finance_eda_bucket/tx_sales.parquet. By using the LOCATION keyword, the query creates an external table, which is a table that is stored outside of the default warehouse directory and whose metadata is not managed by Databricks. An external table can be created from an existing directory in a cloud storage system, such as DBFS or S3, that contains data files in a supported format, such as Parquet or CSV.

The resulting state after running the second command is that an external table will be created in the storage container mounted to /mnt/finance_eda_bucket with the new name prod.sales_by_store. The command will not change any data or move any files in the storage container; it will only update the table reference in the metastore and create a new Delta transaction log for the renamed table.

Verified References: [Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional], under “Delta Lake” section; Databricks Documentation, under “ALTER TABLE RENAME TO” section; Databricks Documentation, under “Create an external table” section.

Question # 5

A new data engineer notices that a critical field was omitted from an application that writes its Kafka source to Delta Lake. This happened even though the critical field was in the Kafka source. That field was further missing from data written to dependent, long-term storage. The retention threshold on the Kafka service is seven days. The pipeline has been in production for three months. Which describes how Delta Lake can help to avoid data loss of this nature in the future?
A. The Delta log and Structured Streaming checkpoints record the full history of the Kafka producer.
B. Delta Lake schema evolution can retroactively calculate the correct value for newly added fields, as long as the data was in the original source.
C. Delta Lake automatically checks that all fields present in the source data are included in the ingestion layer.
D. Data can never be permanently dropped or deleted from Delta Lake, so data loss is not possible under any circumstance.
E. Ingestine all raw data and metadata from Kafka to a bronze Delta table creates a permanent, replayable history of the data state.

E. Ingestine all raw data and metadata from Kafka to a bronze Delta table creates a permanent, replayable history of the data state.

This is the correct answer because it describes how Delta Lake can help to avoid data loss of this nature in the future. By ingesting all raw data and metadata from Kafka to a bronze Delta table, Delta Lake creates a permanent, replayable history of the data state that can be used for recovery or reprocessing in case of errors or omissions in downstream applications or pipelines. Delta Lake also supports schema evolution, which allows adding new columns to existing tables without affecting existing queries or pipelines. Therefore, if a critical field was omitted from an application that writes its Kafka source to Delta Lake, it can be easily added later and the data can be reprocessed from the bronze table without losing any information. Verified References: [Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional], under “Delta Lake” section; Databricks Documentation, under “Delta Lake core features” section.

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