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FCP_FGT_AD-7.4 Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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  • Total Questions: 88
  • Last Updation Date: 24-Feb-2025
  • Certification: Fortinet Network Security Expert
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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We are providing all valid and updated Fortinet FCP_FGT_AD-7.4 dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Fortinet Network Security Expert certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Fortinet dumps and pass your FCP - FortiGate 7.4 Administrator exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Fortinet FCP_FGT_AD-7.4 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

The HTTP inspection process in web filtering follows a specific order when multiple features are enabled in the web filter profile. Which order must FortiGate use when the web filter profile has features such as safe search enabled?
A. FortiGuard category filter and rating filter
B. Static domain filter, SSL inspection filter, and external connectors filters
C. DNS-based web filter and proxy-based web filter
D. Static URL filter, FortiGuard category filter, and advanced filters

D. Static URL filter, FortiGuard category filter, and advanced filters

FortiGate applies web filters in the following order: Static URL filter, FortiGuard category filter, Web content filter, Web script filter, and Antivirus scanning.

Question # 2

Which engine handles application control traffic on the next-generation firewall (NGFW) FortiGate?
A. Internet Service Database (ISDB) engine
B. Intrusion prevention system engine
C. Antivirus engine
D. Application control engine

D. Application control engine

Question # 3

A FortiGate administrator is required to reduce the attack surface on the SSL VPN portal. Which SSL timer can you use to mitigate a denial of service (DoS) attack?
A. SSL VPN dcls-hello-timeout
B. SSL VPN http-request-header-timeout
C. SSL VPN login-timeout
D. SSL VPN idle-timeout

B. SSL VPN http-request-header-timeout
Explanation: The SSL VPN http-request-header-timeout timer is used to mitigate denial of service (DoS) attacks by limiting the amount of time the FortiGate waits for the client to send an HTTP request header after a connection is established. This helps reduce the attack surface by preventing potential attacks that exploit prolonged connection times without fully completing requests.

Question # 4

Which two settings are required for SSL VPN to function between two FortiGate devices? (Choose two.)
A. The client FortiGate requires the SSL VPN tunnel interface type to connect SSL VPN
B. The server FortiGate requires a CA certificate to verify the client FortiGate certificate.
C. The client FortiGate requires a client certificate signed by the CA on the server FortiGate.
D. The client FortiGate requires a manually added route to remote subnets.

B. The server FortiGate requires a CA certificate to verify the client FortiGate certificate.
C. The client FortiGate requires a client certificate signed by the CA on the server FortiGate.

For SSL VPN to function correctly between two FortiGate devices, the following settings are required:

B. The server FortiGate requires a CA certificate to verify the client FortiGate certificate: The server FortiGate must have a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate installed to authenticate and verify the certificate presented by the client FortiGate device.

C. The client FortiGate requires a client certificate signed by the CA on the server FortiGate: The client FortiGate must have a client certificate that is signed by the same CA that the server FortiGate uses for verification. This ensures a secure SSL VPN connection between the two devices.

The other options are not directly necessary for establishing SSL VPN:

A. The client FortiGate requires the SSL VPN tunnel interface type to connect SSL VPN: This is incorrect as SSL VPN does not require a specific tunnel interface type; it typically uses an SSL VPN client profile.

D. The client FortiGate requires a manually added route to remote subnets: While routing may be necessary, it is not specifically required for the SSL VPN functionality between two FortiGates.

Question # 5

Refer to the exhibit.

Examine the intrusion prevention system (IPS) diagnostic command shown in the exhibit. If option 5 is used with the IPS diagnostic command and the outcome is a decrease in the CPU usage, what is the correct conclusion?
A. The IPS engine is blocking all traffic.
B. The IPS engine is inspecting a high volume of traffic.
C. The IPS engine is unable to prevent an intrusion attack.
D. The IPS engine will continue to run in a normal state.

B. The IPS engine is inspecting a high volume of traffic.
If there are high-CPU use problems caused by the IPS, you can use the diagnose test application ipsmonitor command with option 5 to isolate where the problem might be. Option 5 enables IPS bypass mode. In this mode, the IPS engine is still running, but it is not inspecting traffic. If the CPU use decreases after that, it usually indicates that the volume of traffic being inspected is too high for that FortiGate model.

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