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Fortinet FCP_FMG_AD-7.4 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which statement about the upgrade of ADOMs on FortiManager is true?
A. To ensure database consistency, you must upgrade an ADOM before you upgrade the devices in it.
B. Upgrading the FortiManager version upgrades all existing ADOMs automatically.
C. You cannot import policies from a device until its FortiOS version matches the ADOM version.
D. ADOMs using global objects can be upgraded before or after upgrading the global database ADOM.

A. To ensure database consistency, you must upgrade an ADOM before you upgrade the devices in it.
Option A: To ensure database consistency, you must upgrade an ADOM before you upgrade the devices in it.This is the correct answer. When upgrading ADOMs on FortiManager, the ADOM must be upgraded first to match the FortiOS version of the devices it manages. This is necessary to ensure compatibility and consistency between the ADOM's database schema and the FortiGate's configuration.

Explanation of Incorrect Options:

Option B: Upgrading the FortiManager version upgrades all existing ADOMs automaticallyis incorrect because the ADOMs must be upgraded manually or individually after upgrading the FortiManager.

Option C: You cannot import policies from a device until its FortiOS version matches the ADOM versionis incorrect because while version matching is important, it is not strictly necessary for policy import.

Option D: ADOMs using global objects can be upgraded before or after upgrading the global database ADOMis incorrect as the order of upgrade matters to maintain compatibility.

FortiManager References:

Refer to "FortiManager Upgrade Guide" for detailed procedures on upgrading ADOMs and devices.

Question # 2

Which API method is used to create objects or overwrite existing ones?
A. Set
B. Add
C. Exec
D. Update

A. Set
In the context of the FortiManager JSON API, thesetmethod is used tocreate new objectsoroverwrite existing ones. The API allows administrators to manage FortiManager and its associated devices by automating tasks like configuration changes, policy updates, and object creation.

Explanation of Options:

A. Set:

This istrue. Thesetmethod is used to create a new object if it does not exist or overwrite an existing object if it already exists. This method is frequently used in API requests to configure settings and apply changes on FortiManager.

B. Add:

This isfalse. Theaddmethod is used to add new objects without overwriting any existing ones. It is used when you want to create a new entry and ensure it doesn't conflict with or replace an existing object.

C. Exec:

This isfalse. Theexecmethod is used to execute specific actions or commands, rather than creating or modifying objects. This is typically used for actions like running scripts or executing operational commands on FortiManager or FortiGate.

D. Update:

This isfalse. While "update" might seem relevant, FortiManager's API does not specifically use an "update" method for modifying or creating objects. Thesetmethod serves that function by both creating new objects and overwriting existing ones.

Question # 3

An administrator wants to create a policy on an ADOM that is in backup mode and install it on a FortiGate device in the same ADOM. How can the administrator perform this task?
A. The administrator must use the Policy & Objects section to create a policy first.
B. The administrator must use a FortiManager script.
C. The administrator must disable the FortiManager offline mode first.
D. The administrator must change the ADOM mode to Advanced to bring the FortiManager online.

B. The administrator must use a FortiManager script.
To create and install a policy on a FortiGate device in an ADOM (Administrative Domain) that is in backup mode, the administrator must use a FortiManager script. This is because backup mode restricts direct configuration changes, and scripts can be used to push specific configuration changes without altering the ADOM mode.

Options A, C, and D are incorrect because:

A requires the ADOM to be in normal or advanced mode to create policies directly in the Policy & Objects section.

C suggests disabling offline mode, which is irrelevant to the backup mode configuration.

D implies changing the ADOM mode, which is unnecessary if using a script to perform the task.

FortiManager References:

Refer to FortiManager 7.4 Administrator Guide: Working with ADOMs and Using Scripts for managing policies in backup mode.

Question # 4

An administrator has enabled Service Access on FortiManager. What is the purpose of Service Access on the FortiManager interface?
A. It allows administrative access to FortiManager.
B. It allows FortiManager to respond to requests for FortiGuard services from FortiGate devices.
C. It allows third-party applications to gain read/write access to FortiManager.
D. It allows FortiManager to determine the connection status of managed devices.

B. It allows FortiManager to respond to requests for FortiGuard services from FortiGate devices.
Option B: It allows FortiManager to respond to requests for FortiGuard services from FortiGate devices.This is the correct answer. When Service Access is enabled on FortiManager, it allows FortiManager to act as a local FortiGuard server for the managed FortiGate devices. This enables the FortiManager to respond to requests for FortiGuard services, such as updates for antivirus, web filtering, and other security services.

Explanation of Incorrect Options:

Option A: It allows administrative access to FortiManageris incorrect because Service Access is specifically for FortiGuard service communication, not for administrative access.

Option C: It allows third-party applications to gain read/write access to FortiManageris incorrect because Service Access does not provide API or third-party access capabilities.

Option D: It allows FortiManager to determine the connection status of managed devicesis incorrect because Service Access does not directly manage or check connectivity status of devices; it is used for FortiGuard service requests.

FortiManager References:

Refer to the "FortiManager Administration Guide," particularly the sections on "Service Access Settings" and "FortiGuard Services."

Question # 5

What is the purpose of ADOM revisions?
A. To save the current state of the whole ADOM
B. To save the current state of all policy packages and objects for an ADOM
C. To revert individual policy packages and device-level settings for a managed FortiGate
D. To save the FortiManager configuration in the System Checkpoints

B. To save the current state of all policy packages and objects for an ADOM
Option B: To save the current state of all policy packages and objects for an ADOMis the correct answer. ADOM (Administrative Domain) revisions in FortiManager are used to create a snapshot of the current state of all policy packages and objects associated with an ADOM. This allows administrators to save a specific configuration state and revert to it if necessary. It helps in managing changes and recovering from configuration errors or unintended changes.

Explanation of Incorrect Options:

Option A: To save the current state of the whole ADOMis incorrect because ADOM revisions specifically save only the policy packages and object configurations, not the entire state of the ADOM, which may include logs, reports, and other non-policy data.

Option C: To revert individual policy packages and device-level settings for a managed FortiGateis incorrect as ADOM revisions are not meant for reverting individual policy packages or device settings; they are designed to handle the entire set of policy packages and objects within an ADOM.

Option D: To save the FortiManager configuration in the System Checkpointsis incorrect because ADOM revisions do not function as system checkpoints for FortiManager itself; they are specific to ADOM policy packages and objects.

FortiManager References:

Refer to the FortiManager 7.4 Administration Guide, "ADOM Management" section, which describes the purpose and usage of ADOM revisions for configuration management and restoration.

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