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  • Last Updation Date: 24-Feb-2025
  • Certification: Fortinet Network Security Expert
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Fortinet FCP_FMG_AD-7.4 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Refer to the exhibit.

Given the configuration shown in the exhibit, which two conclusions can you draw from the installation targets in the Install On column? (Choose two.)
A. Policy seq.S will be installed on all managed devices and VDOMs that are listed under Installation Targets
B. Policy seq.# 3 will be skipped because no installation targets are specified.
C. Policy seq.# 2 will not be installed on the Local-FortiGate root VDOM because there is no root VDOM in the Installation Target
D. Policy seq.# 1 will be installed on the ISFW device root[NAT] and Student[NAT] VDOMs only.

A. Policy seq.S will be installed on all managed devices and VDOMs that are listed under Installation Targets
D. Policy seq.# 1 will be installed on the ISFW device root[NAT] and Student[NAT] VDOMs only.

Question # 2


What is true about the objects highlighted in the image?
A. They can be set to optional or required.
B. They are available across all ADOMs by default.
C. They can be used as variables in scripts.
D. They cannot be created in the global database ADOM.

C. They can be used as variables in scripts.

Question # 3

What is the purpose of ADOM revisions?
A. To save the current state of the whole ADOM
B. To save the current state of all policy packages and objects for an ADOM
C. To revert individual policy packages and device-level settings for a managed FortiGate
D. To save the FortiManager configuration in the System Checkpoints

B. To save the current state of all policy packages and objects for an ADOM
Option B: To save the current state of all policy packages and objects for an ADOMis the correct answer. ADOM (Administrative Domain) revisions in FortiManager are used to create a snapshot of the current state of all policy packages and objects associated with an ADOM. This allows administrators to save a specific configuration state and revert to it if necessary. It helps in managing changes and recovering from configuration errors or unintended changes.

Explanation of Incorrect Options:

Option A: To save the current state of the whole ADOMis incorrect because ADOM revisions specifically save only the policy packages and object configurations, not the entire state of the ADOM, which may include logs, reports, and other non-policy data.

Option C: To revert individual policy packages and device-level settings for a managed FortiGateis incorrect as ADOM revisions are not meant for reverting individual policy packages or device settings; they are designed to handle the entire set of policy packages and objects within an ADOM.

Option D: To save the FortiManager configuration in the System Checkpointsis incorrect because ADOM revisions do not function as system checkpoints for FortiManager itself; they are specific to ADOM policy packages and objects.

FortiManager References:

Refer to the FortiManager 7.4 Administration Guide, "ADOM Management" section, which describes the purpose and usage of ADOM revisions for configuration management and restoration.

Question # 4

An administrator has assigned a global policy package to custom ADOM1. Then the administrator creates a new policy package. Fortinet. in the custom ADOM1. What happens to the Fortinet policy package when it is created?
A. You must assign the global policy package from the global ADOM.
B. The global policy package is automatically assigned.
C. You must reapply the global policy package to ADOM1.
D. You can select the option to assign the global policies.

B. The global policy package is automatically assigned.

Question # 5

What is a characteristic of the FortiManager high availability (HA) feature?
A. When a secondary unit is removed, FortiManager updates the managed devices using TCP port 5199.
B. The primary unit synchronizes all configuration revision with the seconday units.
C. All secondary units must be in the same network as the primary unit.
D. Each cluster member must be upgraded manually, starting with the primary unit.

B. The primary unit synchronizes all configuration revision with the seconday units.
The characteristic of the FortiManager high availability (HA) feature is that the primary unit synchronizes all configuration revisions with the secondary units. This ensures that all devices in the HA cluster are up-to-date with the same configurations, providing redundancy and failover capabilities.

Options A, C, and D are incorrect because:

Arefers to a specific port number (5199), but FortiManager does not specifically use TCP port 5199 to update managed devices when a secondary unit is removed.

Cis incorrect as secondary units do not necessarily have to be in the same network as the primary unit; they just need to be able to communicate with each other.

Dis incorrect because HA upgrades can be automated and do not require manual upgrading, starting with the primary unit.

FortiManager References:

Refer to FortiManager 7.4 High Availability (HA) Guide: HA Synchronization and Configuration.

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