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Salesforce Financial-Services-Cloud Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

How can the Salesforce Admin change the configuration to summarize Financial Goals at the household level?
A. Add a custom Rollup By Lookup (RBL) rule.
B. Financial Goalscan not be summarized at the household level.
C. Create a formula field and add it to the Account page layout
D. Update the selection in "Activities & Objects to Roll Up' to indude Financial Goals

D. Update the selection in "Activities & Objects to Roll Up' to indude Financial Goals
Explanation: To change the configuration to summarizeFinancial Goals at the household level, you need to update the selection in “Activities & Objects to Roll Up” to include Financial Goals. This option is available in Setup > Financial Services Settings > Activities & Objects to Roll Up. By selecting Financial Goals, you enable Group-Level Rollups for Financial Goals, which display the total number of goals, completed goals, and completion percentage of all the goals that belong to a group. Verified References: : Salesforce Financial Services Cloud Implementation Guide, page 81.

Question # 2

Which three types of Account-Account relationships are displayed in the Actionable Relationship Center?
A. Accounts & Businesses
B. Accounts & Members
C. Accounts & Peers
D. Accounts & Groups

A. Accounts & Businesses
C. Accounts & Peers
D. Accounts & Groups
The following types of Account-Account relationships are displayed in the Actionable Relationship Center (ARC):
Accounts & Businesses: This type of relationship shows the accounts that are related to a business account, such as owners, partners, or beneficiaries. You can use this type of relationship to understand the ownershipstructure and financial interests of a business account. Accounts & Peers: This type of relationship shows the accounts that are related to another account by a peer-to-peer relationship, such as friends, colleagues, or associates. You can use this type ofrelationship to identify potential referrals and cross-selling opportunities from an account’s network.
Accounts & Groups: This type of relationship shows the accounts that are related to a group account, such as household members, trust members, or business group members. You can use this type of relationship to view the aggregated financial data and activities of a groupaccount.

Question # 3

The investor relations director of a large insurance company just published a press release after the company's Quarterly Earnings Call to report about its digital transformation implementing Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (FSC).
Which three value outcomes should the company's stakeholders expect?
A. Achieved higher CSAT & NPS scores attributed to personalized customer experiences driven by shorter waits due to decreased average case handle times and improved self- service solutions via Einstein Bots for FSC
B. Streamlined the entire deal lifecycle with FSC. leveraging relationship maps and interaction history in business development/discovery D to accelerate pipe management and research
C. Improved customer onboarding experiences by fast-tracking and simplifying document tracking and approvals via FSC Action Plans
D. Drove Advisor productivity with a daily task list, clientlife events, opportunities, and aggregated household information directly from D the FSC HomeT\e
E. Automated claims orchestration via straight through processing workflow rules from OmniStudio with minimal human intervention from insurance adjusters orunderwriters, allowing claims to be completed faster and at scale

A. Achieved higher CSAT & NPS scores attributed to personalized customer experiences driven by shorter waits due to decreased average case handle times and improved self- service solutions via Einstein Bots for FSC
C. Improved customer onboarding experiences by fast-tracking and simplifying document tracking and approvals via FSC Action Plans
D. Drove Advisor productivity with a daily task list, clientlife events, opportunities, and aggregated household information directly from D the FSC HomeT\e
The following value outcomes should the company’s stakeholders expect from implementing Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (FSC):
Achieved higher CSAT & NPS scores attributedto personalized customer experiences driven by shorter waits due to decreased average case handle times and improved self-service solutions via Einstein Bots for FSC. This outcome means that the company improved its customer satisfaction (CSAT) and net promoter score (NPS) metrics by providing customized and relevant interactions with customers, reducing their waiting time by handling cases more efficiently, and offering self-service options through chatbots powered by artificial intelligence.
Improvedcustomer onboarding experiences by fast-tracking and simplifying document tracking and approvals via FSC Action Plans. This outcome means that the company enhanced its customer onboarding process by speeding up and streamlining the document management andapproval workflow using Action Plans, which are features that allow users to create templates for common client processes, such as account opening, loan application, or financial review.
Drove Advisor productivity with a daily task list, client life events, opportunities, and aggregated household information directly from the FSC Home Page. This outcome means that the company increased its advisor productivity by providing them with a daily task list that shows their priorities and action items, a client life events component that shows important events in their clients’ lives, an opportunities component that shows potential sales deals, and an aggregated household information component that shows a holistic view of their clients’ financial situation, all onthe FSC Home Page

Question # 4

Lake Tahoe Bank, an existing Salesforce customer, is planning to implement Financial Services Cloud. Their Salesforce Admin is considering whether to use a new Salesforce org or upgrade the existing org. Which three of the considerations below indicate that a new Salesforce org is the better choice9
A. The bank wants to use this project as an opportunity to retire customization
B. The current implementation is using a product-centric view and the bank wants to move to a customer-centric view.
C. Data migration is a big concern The current org has a large amount of data and the Bank wants to minimize data migration efforts.
D. The bank has limited redesign opportunities for business capabilities.
E. Existing business capabilities and processes can be redesigned to deliver a higher business impact

A. The bank wants to use this project as an opportunity to retire customization
B. The current implementation is using a product-centric view and the bank wants to move to a customer-centric view.
E. Existing business capabilities and processes can be redesigned to deliver a higher business impact

The following considerations indicate that a new Salesforce org is the better choice for implementing Financial Services Cloud:

The bank wants to use this project as an opportunity to retire customization. A new org will allow the bank to start fresh and avoid carrying over unnecessary or outdated customization that may conflict with Financial Services Cloud features or best practices.

The current implementation is using a product-centric view and the bank wants to move to a customer-centric view. A new org will allow the bank to adopt the Financial Services Cloud data model, which is designed to provide a holistic view of the customer and their relationships, goals, financial accounts, activities, and interactions.

Existing business capabilities and processes can be redesigned to deliver a higher business impact. A new org will allow the bank to leverage the Financial Services Cloud capabilities, such as Action Plans, Relationship Groups, Rollup By Lookup, Service Processes, etc., to optimize their business processes and enhance their customer experience. Verified References: : Salesforce Help Article 6

Question # 5

Which three related lists are visible within the Actionable Relationship Center associated with the Account object?
A. Household Financial Accounts
B. Cases
C. Client Financial Goals
D. Financial Holdings
E. Notes and Attachments

A. Household Financial Accounts
C. Client Financial Goals
D. Financial Holdings

Reference: [Reference: View Preconfigured ARC Graphs (Original ARC) - Salesforce, Explanation: The Actionable Relationship Center (ARC) is a feature of FSC that allows users to view their customers’ relationships in an easy-to-navigate graph. ARC helps users understand relationships between people, groups, accounts, contacts, opportunities, deals, and other records. ARC also allows users to view and manage related lists for each node in the graph. Related lists are collections of records that are related to another record by a lookup or master-detail relationship., The related lists that are visible within ARC depend on the node type and configuration. For example, for an Account node with Household record type, some of the related lists that are visible are:, Household Financial Accounts: This related list shows all the financial accounts that are related to the household members by either ownership or beneficiary relationships., Cases: This related list shows all the cases that are related to the household account or its members., Client Financial Goals: This related list shows all the financial goals that are related to the household account or its members., Other related lists that can be visible for different node types include:, Contacts, Opportunities, Financial Deals, Interaction Summaries, Action Plans, Notes, Attachments, ]

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