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ACA Campus Access Associate Exam Dumps


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HP HPE6-A85 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which statement about manual switch provisioning with Aruba Central is correct?
A. Manual provisioning does not require DHCP and requires DNS
B. Manual provisioning does not require DHCP and does not require DNS
C. Manual provisioning requires DHCP and does not require DNS
D. Manual provisioning requires DHCP and requires DNS

B. Manual provisioning does not require DHCP and does not require DNS

Manual provisioning is a method to add switches to Aruba Central without using DHCP or DNS. It requires the user to enter the switch serial number, MAC address, and activation code in Aruba Central, and then configure the switch with the same activation code and Aruba Central’s IP address.


Question # 2

When using the OSPF dynamic routing protocol on an Aruba CX switch, what must match on the neighboring devices to exchange routes?
A. Hello timers
B. DR configuration
C. ECMP method
D. BDR configuration

A. Hello timers

OSPF Open Shortest Path First. OSPF is a link-state routing protocol that uses a hierarchical structure to create a routing topology for IP networks. OSPF routers exchange routing information with their neighbors using Hello packets, which are sent periodically on each interface. To establish an adjacency Adjacency is a relationship formed between selected neighboring routers for the purpose of exchanging routing information., OSPF routers must agree on several parameters, including Hello timers, which specify how often Hello packets are sent on an interface. If the Hello timers do not match between neighboring routers, they will not form an adjacency and will not exchange routes.


Question # 3

A network technician has successfully connected to the employee SSID via 802 1X Which RADIUS message should you look for to ensure a successful connection?
A. Authorized
B. Access-Accept
C. Success
D. Authenticated

B. Access-Accept

The RADIUS message that you should look for to ensure a successful connection via 802.1X is Access-Accept. This message indicates that the RADIUS server has authenticated and authorized the supplicant (the device that wants to access thenetwork) and has granted it access to the network resources. The Access-Accept message may also contain additional attributes such as VLAN ID, session timeout, or filter ID that specify how the authenticator (the device that controls access to the network, such as a switch) should treat the supplicant’s traffic.

The other options are not RADIUS messages because:
Authorized: This is not a RADIUS message, but a state that indicates that a port on an authenticator is allowed to pass traffic from a supplicant after successful authentication and authorization.

Success: This is not a RADIUS message, but a status that indicates that an EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is an authentication framework that provides support for multiple authentication methods, such as passwords, certificates, tokens, or biometrics. EAP is used in wireless networks and point-to-point connections to provide secure authentication between a supplicant (a device that wants to access the network) and an authentication server (a device that verifies the credentials of the supplicant). exchange has completed successfully between a supplicant and an authentication server.

Authenticated: This is not a RADIUS message, but a state that indicates that a port on an authenticator has received an EAP-Success message from an authentication server after successful authentication of a supplicant.

References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RADIUS#Access-Accept https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/security-vpn/remote-authentication-dial-user-service-radius/13838-10.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.1X#Port-based_network_access_control


Question # 4

When using Aruba Central what can identify recommended steps to resolve network health issues and allows you to share detailed information with support personnel?
A. Overview Dashboard
B. OAlOps
C. Alerts and Events
D. Audit Trail

B. OAlOps

OAlOps is a feature of Aruba Central that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify recommended steps to resolve network health issues and allows you to share detailed information with support personnel. OAlOps provides insights into network performance, root cause analysis, anomaly detection, proactive alerts, and automated remediation actions.OAlOps also integrates with Aruba User Experience Insight (UXI) sensors to measure and improve user experience across wired and wireless networks.


Question # 5

You have been asked to onboard a new Aruba 6300M in a customer deployment You are working remotely rather than on-site You have a colleague installing the switch The colleague has provided you with a remote console session to configure the edge switch You have been asked to configure a link aggregation going back to the cores using interfaces 1/1/51 and 1/1/52 The Senior Engineer of the project has asked you to configure the switch and 1Q uplink with these guidelines

1. Add VLAN 20 to the local VLAN database with name Mgmt
2. Add L3 SVl on VLAN 20 for Management using address 10 in the 10.1.1 0/24 subnet 3. Add LAG 1 using LACP mode active for the uplink
4 use vlan 20 as the native vlan on the LAG 5. Make sure the interfaces are all ON.

Which configuration script will achieve the task?
A. Edge1# conf t vlan 20 name Mgmt interface vlan 20 ip address no shut interface lag 1 shut vlan access 20 lacp mode active Int 1/1/51.1/1/52 shut no routing lag 1 interface lag 1 no shut
B. Edgel# conf t vlan 20 name Mgmt interface vlan 20 ip address 10 1.1 10/24 no shut interface 1/1/51.1/1/52 shut vlan trunk native 20 vlan trunk allowed all lag 1 lacp mode active interface 1/1/51.1/1/52 no shut
C. Edgel# conf t vlan 20 name Mgmt interface vlan 20 ip address 10 1 1 10/24 no shut interface lag 1 shut vlan trunk native 20 vlan trunk allowed all lacp mode active Int 1/1/51.1/1/52 shut no routing lag 1 interface lag 1 no shut interface 1/1/51.1/1/52 no shut
D. conf t vlan 20 name Mgmt ip address 10 1 1.10/24 no shut interface lag 1 shut vlan trunk native 1 vlan trunk allowed all lacp mode active int 1/1/51.1/1/52 shut no routing interface lag 1 no shut interface 1/1/51.1/1/52 no shut

C. Edgel# conf t vlan 20 name Mgmt interface vlan 20 ip address 10 1 1 10/24 no shut interface lag 1 shut vlan trunk native 20 vlan trunk allowed all lacp mode active Int 1/1/51.1/1/52 shut no routing lag 1 interface lag 1 no shut interface 1/1/51.1/1/52 no shut

This configuration script will achieve the task as it follows the guidelines given by the Senior Engineer. It creates VLAN 20 with name Mgmt, adds L3 SVI on VLAN 20 with IP address, creates LAG 1 with LACP mode active for the uplink, uses VLAN 20 as the native VLAN on the LAG, and ensures that the interfaces are all ON.


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