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HP HPE7-A02 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An admin has configured an AOS-CX switch with these settings:

port-access role employees
vlan access name employees

This switch is also configured with CPPM as its RADIUS server. Which enforcement profile should you configure on CPPM to work with this configuration?
A. RADIUS Enforcement type with HPE-User-Role VSA set to "employees"
B. HPE Aruba Networking Downloadable Role Enforcement type with role name set to "employees"
C. HPE Aruba Networking Downloadable Role Enforcement type with gateway role name set to "employees"
D. RADIUS Enforcement type with Aruba-User-Role VSA set to "employees"

D. RADIUS Enforcement type with Aruba-User-Role VSA set to "employees"

To ensure that the AOS-CX switch properly assigns the "employees" role when using CPPM (ClearPass Policy Manager) as the RADIUS server, you should configure a RADIUS Enforcement profile on CPPM with the Aruba-User-Role VSA (Vendor-Specific Attribute) set to "employees". This configuration ensures that when an endpoint authenticates, CPPM sends the appropriate role assignment to the AOS-CX switch, which then applies the corresponding policies and VLAN settings defined for the "employees" role.

[Reference: Aruba's ClearPass documentation and AOS-CX configuration guides detail the integration and configuration of RADIUS enforcement profiles using Aruba-User-Role VSAs for role-based access control., , , ]

Question # 2

What role can Internet Key Exchange (IKE)/IKEv2 play in an HPE Aruba Networking client-to-site VPN?
A. It provides an alternative to IPsec that is suitable for legacy clients.
B. It provides a more modern and secure alternative to IPsec.
C. It helps to negotiate the IPsec SA automatically and securely.
D. It helps remote clients download IPsec profiles for later use.

C. It helps to negotiate the IPsec SA automatically and securely.
Internet Key Exchange (IKE)/IKEv2 plays a crucial role in an HPE Aruba Networking client-to-site VPN by helping to negotiate the IPsec Security Association (SA) automatically and securely. IKE/IKEv2 handles the authentication and key exchange processes, ensuring that both the client and the VPN gateway can establish a secure IPsec tunnel.

1.SA Negotiation: IKE/IKEv2 automates the negotiation of the Security Association, which defines the parameters for the secure IPsec tunnel.
2.Secure Authentication: It provides a secure method for authenticating the communicating parties and exchanging cryptographic keys.

Question # 3

A company has HPE Aruba Networking APs and AOS-CX switches, as well as HPE Aruba Networking ClearPass. The company wants CPPM to have HTTP User- Agent strings to use in profiling devices. What can you do to support these requirements?
A. Add the CPPM server's IP address to the IP helper list in all client VLANs on routing switches.
B. Schedule periodic subnet scans of all client subnets on CPPM.
C. Configure mirror sessions on the APs and switches to copy client HTTP traffic to CPPM.
D. On the APs and switches, configure a redirect to ClearPass Guest in the role for devices being profiled.

A. Add the CPPM server's IP address to the IP helper list in all client VLANs on routing switches.

To support the requirement for HPE Aruba Networking ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) to have HTTP User-Agent strings for profiling devices, you should add the CPPM server's IP address to the IP helper list in all client VLANs on routing switches. This configuration ensures that DHCP requests and other relevant client traffic are forwarded to CPPM, allowing it to capture HTTP User-Agent strings and use them for device profiling.

1.IP Helper Configuration: Adding CPPM to the IP helper list ensures that the switch forwards DHCP and other client traffic to CPPM, enabling it to gather necessary information for profiling.
2.User-Agent Strings: By receiving client traffic, CPPM can analyze HTTP headers and capture User-Agent strings, which provide valuable information about the client's device and browser.
3.Profiling Support: This approach supports the comprehensive profiling of devices, allowing CPPM to apply appropriate policies based on detailed device information.

[Reference: Aruba ClearPass and AOS-CX switch configuration guides detail the process of setting up IP helper addresses and the benefits of forwarding client traffic to CPPM for enhanced profiling and policy enforcement., , ]

Question # 4

What correctly describes an HPE Aruba Networking AP's Device (TPM) certificate?
A. It is signed by an HPE Aruba Networking CA and is trusted by many HPE Aruba Networking solutions.
B. It works well as a captive portal certificate for guest SSIDs.
C. It is a self-signed certificate that should not be used in production.
D. It is installed on APs after they connect to and are provisioned by HPE Aruba Networking Central.

A. It is signed by an HPE Aruba Networking CA and is trusted by many HPE Aruba Networking solutions.
An HPE Aruba Networking AP's Device (TPM) certificate is signed by an HPE Aruba Networking Certificate Authority (CA) and is trusted by many HPE Aruba Networking solutions. This certificate is used for secure communications and device authentication within the Aruba network ecosystem.

1. CA-Signed Certificate: The Device (TPM) certificate is signed by a trusted Aruba CA, ensuring its authenticity and integrity.
2. Trust Across Solutions: Because it is signed by an Aruba CA, it is recognized and trusted by various Aruba solutions, facilitating secure interactions and communications.
3. Security: Using a CA-signed certificate enhances the security of the network by preventing unauthorized access and ensuring that communications are secure.

Aruba's documentation on AP certificates and security protocols outlines the use and trust relationships of Device (TPM) certificates within the Aruba network infrastructure.

Question # 5

HPE Aruba Networking Central displays an alert about an Infrastructure Attack that was detected. You go to the Security > RAPIDS events and see that the attack was "Detect adhoc using Valid SSID." What is one possible next step?
A. Use HPE Aruba Networking Central floorplans or the detecting AP identities to locate the general area for the threat.
B. Look for the IP address associated with the offender and then check for that IP address among HPE Aruba Networking Central clients.
C. Make sure that you have tuned the threshold for that check, as false positives are common for it.
D. Make sure that clients have updated drivers, as faulty drivers are a common explanation for this attack type.

A. Use HPE Aruba Networking Central floorplans or the detecting AP identities to locate the general area for the threat.

When HPE Aruba Networking Central detects an Infrastructure Attack, such as "Detect adhoc using Valid SSID," the next step is to locate the general area of the threat. You can use HPE ArubaNetworking Central floorplans or the identities of the detecting APs to pinpoint the approximate location of the adhoc network. This allows you to physically investigate and address the source of the threat, ensuring that unauthorized or rogue networks are quickly identified and mitigated.

[Reference: Aruba Central documentation and RAPIDS events management guides offer strategies for locating and responding to detected security threats, emphasizing the use of network tools and floorplans to effectively address potential vulnerabilities., , , ]

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