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  • Last Updation Date: 28-Mar-2025
  • Certification: Salesforce Health Cloud
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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Salesforce Health Cloud Exam Dumps


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Salesforce Health-Cloud-Accredited-Professional Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which step is recommended to be completed before migrating from Service Cloud to HC?
A. Migrate all existing leads to candidate leads.
B. Migrate patient data to person accounts.
C. Uninstall any Sales Cloud related packages.
D. Log a Salesforce support case.

B. Migrate patient data to person accounts.

Question # 2

Which of the following Salesforce and Health Cloud objects can be used to represent Provider and their relationship in a Provider Management data model? (Choose Three.)
A. Contact
B. Healthcare Practitioner Facility
C. Lead
D. Case
E. Healthcare Provider

A. Contact
B. Healthcare Practitioner Facility
E. Healthcare Provider

Question # 3

Bloomington Caregivers would like to send patient clinical data to an external payer, How should a consultant advise Bloomington Caregivers to make this information available to the payer using the most cost-effective method in out-of-the-box Health Cloud?
A. Build a custom remote call-in API into Salesforce.
B. Leverage the FHIR R4 Patient API
C. Use MuleSoft Accelerator with H 7 APL
D. use a third-party tool from AppEx Change.

B. Leverage the FHIR R4 Patient API
Explanation: The FHIR R4 Patient API is a Health Cloud feature that allows users to create, update, and query patient data in Salesforce using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard1. FHIR is a widely adopted standard for exchanginghealthcare information electronically2. By using the FHIR R4 Patient API, Bloomington Caregivers can make their patient clinical data available to the external payer in a cost-effective and interoperable way, without requiring any custom development or third-party tools. The FHIR R4 Patient API supports the US Core Patient profile, which defines the minimum set of data elements for exchanging patient information3.

Question # 4

An administrator wants to add additional fields to their Provider Searchcapabilities. Which two objects can they map fields from? (Choose Two.)
A. Healthcare Practitioner Facility
B. Care Provider Searchable Field
C. Person Account
D. Account
E. Healthcare Provider

A. Healthcare Practitioner Facility
E. Healthcare Provider

Question # 5

How would a Health Cloud administrator indicate which tab should appear when a patient record is opened in the Patient Console?
A. In the CardView dropdown custom setting for that tab, enter Default for Category Name.
B. In the CardView dropdown custom setting for that tab, select Subtab for Tab Type.
C. Edit the Patient Card configuration for the tab and enable Default Subtab
D. In the CardView dropdown custom setting for that tab, enable Default subtab.

C. Edit the Patient Card configuration for the tab and enable Default Subtab

According to the Salesforce documentation2, the Patient Card configuration allows you to customize how patient information is displayed in the patient console. You can create different tabs for different types of information, such as demographics, medications, or referrals. To indicate which tab should appear when a patient record is opened in the patient console, you need to edit the Patient Card configuration for that tab and enable Default Subtab. This will make that tab the default subtab for all patient records2.

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