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Juniper JN0-105 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

In the Junos OS, which keyboard shortcut allows you to move to the start of the line?
A. Ctrl+a
B. Ctrl+e
C. Ctrl+w
D. Ctrl+k

A. Ctrl+a

Question # 2

Your router has a route to the network with a next hop of r jet. In this scenario, which action will your router perform when traffic destined to the network is received?
A. The traffic will be discarded and an ICMP unreachable message will be sent to the destination of the traffic.
B. The traffic will be discarded and an ICMP unreachable message will be sent to the source of the traffic.
C. The traffic will be redirected using a default route.
D. The traffic will be silently discarded.

D. The traffic will be silently discarded.

In a scenario where a router has a route to a specific network (in this case, with a next hop that is unreachable or incorrectly specified (e.g., "r jet" seems to be a typo or an undefined entity), the router will typically discard the traffic destined for that network. This action is taken because the router cannot determine a valid path to forward the traffic. Unlike some scenarios where the router might generate an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) unreachable message, in many configurations, especially in production networks, the traffic might be silently discarded without providing feedback to the sender, as generating ICMP messages for all undeliverable packets could lead to additional network congestion and potential security concerns.

Question # 3

You are asked to convert the number 7 from decimal to binary. Which number is correct in this scenario?
A. 00001000
B. 00010000
C. 00000111
D. 11100000

C. 00000111

To convert the decimal number 7 to binary, the correct representation is 00000111 (C). In binary, 7 is represented as 1+2+4 (2^0 + 2^1 + 2^2), which corresponds to the last three digits being 1 in the binary format, with leading zeros added for clarity.

Question # 4

When considering routing tables and forwarding tables, which two statements are correct? (Choose two.)
A. The routing table is used by the RE to select the best route.
B. The forwarding table stores all routes and prefixes from all protocols.
C. The forwarding table is used by the RE to select the best route.
D. The routing table stores all routes and prefixes from all protocols.

A. The routing table is used by the RE to select the best route.
D. The routing table stores all routes and prefixes from all protocols.

The routing table and forwarding table play distinct roles in a Junos OS device. The correct answers are A and D. The routing table (A) is used by the Routing Engine (RE) to select the best route among all the learned routes, while the routing table (D) stores all routes and prefixes learned from all routing protocols. The forwarding table, in contrast, contains only the active routes chosen by the RE and is used by the Packet Forwarding Engine for actual packet forwarding.

Question # 5

What information does the forwarding table require so that the device forwards traffic? (Choose three.)
A. OSPF metric value
B. next hop IP address
C. BGP local preference value
D. outgoing interface name
E. next hop MAC address

B. next hop IP address
D. outgoing interface name
E. next hop MAC address
Explanation: The forwarding table in a network device requires specific information to efficiently forward traffic toward its destination. This includes the next hop IP address, which indicates the next router or device in the path to the destination. The outgoing interface name identifies the physical or logical interface through which the packet should be sent to reach the next hop. Lastly, the next hop MAC address is crucial for Layer 2 forwarding decisions, allowing the device to encapsulate the IP packet in a frame that can be understood by Ethernet or other Layer 2 protocols. OSPF metric values and BGP local preference values are used in the routing decision process to select the best path and populate the forwarding table but are not directly used by the forwarding table to forward traffic.

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