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Juniper JN0-223 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which two statements about the REST API are correct? (Choose two.)
A. The TCP session state is maintained by the server.
B. The REST API application is stateless.
C. The TCP session state is maintained by the client
D. The REST API application is stateful.

B. The REST API application is stateless.
C. The TCP session state is maintained by the client

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing networked applications, and its key principles include:

Statelessness (B): Each request from the client to the server must contain all the information needed to understand and process the request. The server does not store any session state between requests, meaning each request is independent and does not rely on previous ones.

TCP Session State (C): While REST itself is stateless, the underlying TCP connection's state, such as keeping the connection alive or managing retries, is handled by the client. The server does not retain information about the TCP connection beyond the processing of the individual request.

Options A and D are incorrect because they imply that the REST API is stateful, which contradicts the stateless nature of REST.

REST API Design Principles: Describes the stateless nature of REST and the responsibility of clients in managing session state.

Web Development Documentation: Discusses how REST APIs operate, focusing on statelessness and client-server interaction.

Question # 2

You are using the curl tool to include multiple RPCs in a REST API request. Which HTTP method must be used for this request?


Question # 3

Which Junos API supports direct modification of the Ephemeral database?
B. WebSocket


In Junos, theJET (Junos Extension Toolkit)API supports direct modification of theEphemeral database. The Ephemeral database is a temporary configuration database used in Junos OS, allowing for changes that do not persist after a reboot unless explicitly committed to the permanent configuration.

JET API: Allows for high-performance interactions with Junos, including the ability to make changes to the Ephemeral database, which is useful for temporary configurations, dynamic policies, and other operational tasks.

Other options like WebSocket, SOAP, and REST do not provide direct access to the Ephemeral database in Junos.

Juniper Networks JET Documentation: Details how JET API interacts with the Ephemeral database.

Junos Automation and DevOps Documentation: Discusses the use of JET for automation and dynamic configuration.

Question # 4

Which two statements about NETCONF layers are correct? (Choose two.)
A. NETCONF layers use the messages layer to receive RPCs from a remote NETCONF server.
B. NETCONF layers use the messages layer to send RPCs to a remote NETCONF server.
C. NETCONF layers use the operations layer to receive RPCs from a remote NETCONF server.
D. NETCONF layers use the operations layer to send RPCs to a remote NETCONF server.

B. NETCONF layers use the messages layer to send RPCs to a remote NETCONF server.
C. NETCONF layers use the operations layer to receive RPCs from a remote NETCONF server.

NETCONF (Network Configuration Protocol) is a standard protocol defined for managing network devices. NETCONF operates in a layered architecture, which includes the following key layers:

Operations Layer: This layer deals with the actual operations like , , , and others. It receives RPC (Remote Procedure Call) requests from a remote NETCONF client and processes these requests.

Messages Layer: This layer is responsible for encoding the RPCs and sending them over the network. It handles the communication between the NETCONF client and server, ensuring that the RPC messages are correctly formatted (usually in XML) and transmitted.

Statement Bis correct because the Messages layer is responsible for sending RPCs to a remote NETCONF server.

Statement Cis correct because the Operations layer is where the NETCONF server receives and processes the RPCs sent by the client.

Supporting References:

Juniper Networks NETCONF Documentation:Provides a detailed breakdown of the NETCONF protocol layers and their functions.

RFC 6241:The official specification for NETCONF, which describes the layered architecture, including the operations and messages layers.

Question # 5

Which statement is valid regarding YAML and JSON?
A. YAML and JSON use indentation.
B. White space is ignored in YAML and JSON.
C. Comments are available in YAML and JSON.
D. YAML and JSON are case-sensitive.

D. YAML and JSON are case-sensitive.

Both YAML and JSON are case-sensitive, meaning that the distinction between uppercase and lowercase characters matters. For example, in JSON or YAML,Keyandkeywould be considered different.

Option D (case-sensitive)is correct because both YAML and JSON treat keys and values with different cases as distinct.

Option Ais incorrect because, while JSON does not use indentation, YAML does rely on indentation to define structure.Option Bis incorrect because whitespace can be significant in YAML for structure, andOption Cis incorrect because JSON does not support comments, while YAML does.

Supporting References:

YAML and JSON Documentation:The official specifications for both YAML and JSON emphasize their case sensitivity.

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