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  • Last Updation Date: 28-Mar-2025
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We are providing all valid and updated Juniper JN0-252 dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by JNCIA-MistAI certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Juniper dumps and pass your Mist AI- Associate (JNCIA-MistAI) exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Juniper JN0-252 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

According to Juniper Networks, what are two best practices for AP placement (excluding AP12) for optimal accuracy and stability of location-based services? (Choose two.)
A. Mount the AP above the ceiling, the LED orientation does not matter.
B. Enable a wireless mesh.
C. Each AP should have an unobstructed line of sight to at least two other APs.
D. Mount the AP on the ceiling with the LED facing the floor.

C. Each AP should have an unobstructed line of sight to at least two other APs.
D. Mount the AP on the ceiling with the LED facing the floor.
Line of Sight: For optimal accuracy and stability of location-based services, each access point (AP) should have an unobstructed line of sight to at least two other APs. This ensures robust triangulation and accurate location tracking.
Ceiling Mounting: Mounting APs on the ceiling with the LED facing the floor is recommended. This position provides the best coverage and performance for both Wi-Fi and BLE signals, essential for reliable location services.

Question # 2

What does The "Exceeded" status mean for a subscription?
A. The subscription has been cancelled.
B. The subscription Is nesting its expiration date.
C. The allowed usage within the subscription has been surpassed.
D. The subscription exceeds the number of maximum allowable APs.

C. The allowed usage within the subscription has been surpassed.
The "Exceeded" status for a subscription means that the allowed usage defined within the subscription has been surpassed.
This typically refers to exceeding limits such as the number of devices, data usage, or other metrics specified in the subscription plan.
Exceeding these limits may require action such as upgrading the subscription plan to accommodate the additional usage.

Question # 3

An organization administrator, what are two ways to configure additional layers of security for administrator logins? (Choose two.)
A. Disable a password policy.
B. Enable two-factor authentication.
C. Enable a password policy.
D. Increase session timeouts.

B. Enable two-factor authentication.
C. Enable a password policy.

Question # 4

Which two Wi-Fi related SLEs are visible in the Mist UI? (Choose two.)
A. Switch Health
B. Capacity
C. Application Health
D. Throughput

B. Capacity
D. Throughput
Wi-Fi Related SLEs in Mist UI:
SLEs (Service Level Expectations) help monitor and ensure Wi-Fi network performance.
Visible SLEs:

B: Capacity SLE monitors the network's ability to handle the number of connected clients and their bandwidth requirements.
D: Throughput SLE measures the data transfer rates, ensuring that the network meets the expected performance levels.
Other Options:
Switch Health: Relates to wired network performance, not Wi-Fi.
Application Health: Generally focuses on application performance, not specifically Wi-Fi.
The correct answers are B and D.

Question # 5

Which three statements about Juniper Mist cloud's microservices are correct? (Choose three.)
A. They allow for manual control of feature updates and bug fixes.
B. They provide agile feature updates and bug fixes. ' They provide increased scalability.
C. They Implement machine learning.
D. They allow for Mist to be installed onsite or accessed from the cloud.

B. They provide agile feature updates and bug fixes. ' They provide increased scalability.
C. They Implement machine learning.
D. They allow for Mist to be installed onsite or accessed from the cloud.

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