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Juniper JN0-683 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

You are adding a server lo a tenant's network within your data center and must limit access to a specific traffic type within the tenant network without pushing all tenant traffic through a firewall. What will satisfy this requirement?
A. Use route leaking with EVPN and a routing policy.
B. Use filter-based forwarding.
C. Put the new server on a unique subnet within the tenant's network.
D. Use a static route in the tenant VRF with a firewall as the next hop for traffic to the new server.

B. Use filter-based forwarding.

Controlling Traffic Within a Tenant's Network:

The requirement is to limit access to specific traffic types within a tenant’s network without routing all tenant traffic through a firewall. This requires a selective method that can direct specific types of traffic to different paths based on the nature of the traffic.

Filter-Based Forwarding (FBF):

FBF is a technique that allows for routing decisions based on filters applied to the traffic, such as matching on source IP addresses, destination IP addresses, or even specific application types (like HTTP or FTP). This allows specific types of traffic to be forwardedto a specific next hop (e.g., a firewall) without affecting the entire traffic flow within the tenant's network.


Option B:Correct—Filter-based forwarding allows for granular control of traffic, ensuring that only specific types of traffic within the tenant's network are redirected through a firewall, satisfying the requirement.

Question # 2

Your organization is implementing EVPN-VXLAN and requires multiple overlapping VLAN-IDs. You decide to use a routing-instance type mac-vrf to satisfy this request. Which two statements are correct in this scenario? (Choose two.)
A. Host-facing interfaces must be configured using a service-provider style configuration.
B. Host-facing interfaces must be configured using enterprise-style configuration.
C. Spine-facing interfaces must be configured using an enterprise-styleconfiguration.
D. The routing-instance service type can be VLAN-based.

A. Host-facing interfaces must be configured using a service-provider style configuration.
D. The routing-instance service type can be VLAN-based.

Understanding the Scenario:

EVPN-VXLAN deployments often involve scenarios where multiple tenants or applications require overlapping VLAN IDs, which can be managed using the mac-vrf routing instance type. This allows you to segregate traffic within the same VLAN ID across different tenants.

Host-facing Interface Configuration:

A. Host-facing interfaces must be configured using a service-provider style configuration:This is correct. In mac-vrf configurations, host-facing interfaces (those connecting end devices) typically follow a service-provider style configuration, where each customer or tenant's traffic is isolated even if overlapping VLAN IDs are used.

B. Host-facing interfaces must be configured using enterprise-style configuration:This is incorrect for mac-vrf instances because enterprise-style configurations are more common in simpler, less segmented networks.

Routing Instance Service Type:

D. The routing-instance service type can be VLAN-based:This is correct. The service type in mac-vrf can indeed be VLAN-based, which is particularly useful in scenarios where VLAN ID overlap is needed between different tenants or services.

Data Center References:

The mac-vrf instance type is powerful for handling complex multi-tenant environments in EVPN-VXLAN, especially when dealing with overlapping VLAN IDs across different segments of the network.

Question # 3

You are designing a Layer 3 fabric underlay using EBGP. You will implement an EVPN-signaled VXLAN overlay on the Layer 3 fabric.
In this scenario, what must you do in the underlay to ensure that the VXLAN overlay will be able to function properly?
A. The underlay should advertise the host-connected interfaces on all leaf devices.
B. Each device in the underlay should advertise its loopback address.
C. The underlay should be configured with a separate VRF for each potential tenant.
D. The underlay should support the PIM protocol.

B. Each device in the underlay should advertise its loopback address.

Question # 4

You are asked to build redundant gateways in your EVPN-VXLAN environment, but you must conserve address space because these gateways must span across seven PES. What should you implement on the PEs lo satisfy these requirements?
A. Use IRB interfaces with the same IP address and different MAC addresses.
B. Use IRB interfaces with the same IP and VGA.
C. Use IRB interfaces with the same IP and MAC address.
D. Use IRB interfaces with different IP addresses and the same VGA.

C. Use IRB interfaces with the same IP and MAC address.
Redundant Gateways in EVPN-VXLAN:

In an EVPN-VXLAN environment, providing redundant gateway functionality typically involves the use of Anycast Gateway. This allows multiple PEs (Provider Edge devices) to use the same IP address and MAC address for the gateway, enabling seamless failover and redundancy without IP conflicts.

Conserving Address Space:

Using the same IP address across multiple PEs conserves address space because only one IP address is needed for the gateway function, regardless of the number of PEs. The shared MAC address ensures that ARP resolution and forwarding behavior are consistent across all the PEs.


Option C:Correct—Using IRB interfaces with the same IP and MAC address across all PEs satisfies the need for redundancy while conserving address space.

OptionsA, B,andDintroduce unnecessary complexity or do not fully utilize the efficient Anycast Gateway approach, which is best practice for conserving IP space and providing redundancy.

Question # 5

You work in a data center where VMs and hosts are frequently moved. Your design needs to eliminate inefficient traffic flows.
In this scenario, which two solutions will satisfy this requirement? (Choose two.)


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