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Juniper JN0-683 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

You are asked to set up an IP fabric thatsupports Al or ML workloads. You have chosen to use lossless Ethernet in this scenario, which statement is correct about congestion management?
A. The switch experiencing the congestion notifies the source device.
B. Only the source and destination devices need ECN enabled.
C. ECN marks packets based on WRED settings.
D. ECN is negotiated only among the switches that make up the IP fabric for each queue.

A. The switch experiencing the congestion notifies the source device.
Understanding Lossless Ethernet and Congestion Management:

Lossless Ethernet is crucial for AI and ML workloads, where packet loss can significantly degrade performance. To implement lossless Ethernet, congestion management protocols like ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) are used.

Role of ECN in Congestion Management:

Option A:In an IP fabric that supports lossless Ethernet, when a switch experiences congestion, it can mark packets using ECN. This marking notifies the source device of the congestion, allowing the source to reduce its transmission rate, thereby preventing packet loss.


Option A:Correct—The switch experiencing congestion notifies the source device via ECN marking.

Question # 2

You manage an IP fabric with an EVPN-VXLAN overlay. You have multiple tenants separated using multiple unique VRF instances. You want to determine the routing information that belongs in each routing instance's routing table. In this scenario, which property is used for this purpose?
A. the VRF target community
B. the routing instance type
C. the VRF table label
D. the route distinguisher value

D. the route distinguisher value

Understanding VRF and Routing Instances:

In an EVPN-VXLAN overlay network, multiple tenants are separated using unique VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding) instances. Each VRF instance maintains its own routing table, allowing for isolated routing domains within the same network infrastructure.

Role of Route Distinguisher:

Route Distinguisher (RD):The RD is a unique identifier used in MPLS and EVPN environments to distinguish routes belonging to different VRFs. The RD is prepended to the IP address in the route advertisement, ensuring that routes from different tenants remain unique even if they use the same IP address range.

Correct Property:

D. the route distinguisher value:This is the correct answer because the RD is crucial in determining which routing information belongs to which VRF instance. It ensures that each VRF’s routing table only contains relevant routes, maintaining isolation between tenants.

Data Center References:

The RD is a key element in MPLS and EVPN-based multi-tenant environments, ensuring proper routing segregation and isolation for different VRFs within the data center fabric.

Question # 3

You are preparing an sFlow monitoring system configuration. In this scenario, what Information will be included in the datagram sent to the sFlow collector? (Choose two.)
A. the interlace through which the packets entered the agent
B. the sending device's serial number
C. the CRC from the sampled packet
D. the source and destination VLAN for sampled packets

A. the interlace through which the packets entered the agent
D. the source and destination VLAN for sampled packets

Understanding sFlow Monitoring:

sFlow is a packet sampling technology used to monitor traffic in a network. It sends sampled packet data and interface counters to an sFlow collector, which analyzes the traffic patterns.

Information Included in sFlow Datagram:

Option A:The datagram sent to the sFlow collector includes information about the interface through which the packets entered the agent (the switch or router). This is crucial for understanding where in the network the traffic was captured.

Option D:sFlow datagrams also include the source and destination VLAN for the sampled packets. This allows for detailed analysis of the traffic flow within different VLANs.


Option A:Correct—The ingress interface is included in the sFlow datagram.

Option D:Correct—The source and destination VLANs are also included, providing context for the sampled traffic.

Question # 4

Which two statements are true about EVPN routes for Data Center Interconnect? (Choose two.)
A. Type 5 EVPN routes require a VXLAN tunnel to the protocol next hop.
B. Type 2 EVPN routes do not require a VXLAN tunnel to the protocol next hop.
C. Type 2 EVPN routes require a VXLAN tunnel to the protocol next hop.
D. Type 5 EVPN routes do not require a VXLAN tunnel to the protocol next hop.

B. Type 2 EVPN routes do not require a VXLAN tunnel to the protocol next hop.
D. Type 5 EVPN routes do not require a VXLAN tunnel to the protocol next hop.
Type 2 EVPN Routes:

Type 2 routesadvertise MAC addresses within an EVPN instance and are used primarily for Layer 2 bridging. These routes do not require a VXLAN tunnel to the protocol next hop because they operate within the same Layer 2 domain.

Type 5 EVPN Routes:

Type 5 routesare used to advertise IP prefixes (Layer 3 routes) within EVPN. Similar to Type 2 routes, they do not require a VXLAN tunnel to the protocol next hop because they represent L3 routes, which are managed at the routing layer without the need for VXLAN encapsulation.


Option B:Correct—Type 2 routes do not need a VXLAN tunnel to the next hop, as they are used for Layer 2.

Option D:Correct—Type 5 routes also do not need a VXLAN tunnel because they operate at Layer 3, handling IP prefixes.

Question # 5

You are deploying an IP fabric with an oversubscription ratio of 3:1. In this scenario, which two statements are correct? (Choose two.)
A. The oversubscription ratio decreases when you add leaf devices.
B. The oversubscription ratio remains the same when you remove leaf devices.
C. The oversubscription ratio increases when you remove leaf devices.
D. The oversubscription ratio remains the same when you add leaf devices.

C. The oversubscription ratio increases when you remove leaf devices.
D. The oversubscription ratio remains the same when you add leaf devices.
Understanding Oversubscription Ratio in IP Fabrics:

The oversubscription ratio in an IP fabric typically refers to the ratio of the available bandwidth at the edge of the network (leaves) to the available bandwidth at the core or spine. A 3:1 oversubscription ratio means that for every 3 units of bandwidth at the leaves, there is 1 unit of bandwidth at the spine.

Impact of Adding or Removing Leaf Devices:

Removing Leaf Devices:When you remove leaf devices, the amount of total edge bandwidth decreases while the bandwidth in the spine remains constant. This causes the oversubscription ratio toincreasebecause there is now less total bandwidth to distribute across the same amount of spine bandwidth.

Adding Leaf Devices:Conversely, when you add leaf devices, the total edge bandwidth increases. Since the spine bandwidth remains the same, the oversubscription ratio would remain the same if the additional leaves consume their share of the available bandwidth proportionally.


Option C:Correct—Removing leaf devices increases the oversubscription ratio.

Option D:Correct—Adding leaf devices typically maintains the oversubscription ratio assuming uniform bandwidth distribution.

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