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  • Last Updation Date: 28-Mar-2025
  • Certification: Accredited Professional Certification
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Salesforce Manufacturing-Cloud-Professional Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Partner managers from Universal Containers (UC) are performing onsite visits to their distribution partners. During the visit they have a goal of getting partners to renew the terms of their sales agreements with UC. Leadership wants to understand how effective these in-person visits are in getting partners to renew. They would also like to standardize the tasks to be performed during these visits and report on this data in Salesforce. Which features should a Manufacturing Cloud consultant recommend to meet these requirements?
A. Partner Visit Management, Advanced Account Forecasting, and CRM Analytics for Manufacturing
B. Partner Visit Management, Action Plans, and Generic Visit Key Performance Indicators
C. Partner Visit Management, Experience Cloud, and Service Console for Manufacturing

B. Partner Visit Management, Action Plans, and Generic Visit Key Performance Indicators
Explanation: To meet the requirements of UC, a Manufacturing Cloud consultant should recommend the following features: Partner Visit Management, Action Plans, and Generic Visit Key Performance Indicators. Partner Visit Management helps sales managers schedule visits to dealer and distributor locations, monitor performance, follow up on sales agreements, and capture key metrics1. Action Plans allow sales managers to create lists of tasks and associated assessment indicators that are commonly repeated across multiple visits2. Generic Visit Key Performance Indicators enable sales managers to compare the expected metrics versus the actual metrics for the key performance indicators they defined and then take necessary actions3. These features help UC to standardize the tasks to be performed during visits, understand how effective these visits are in getting partners to renew, and report on this data in Salesforce. The other features are not relevant for the given scenario. Advanced Account Forecasting is used to create holistic forecasts based on sales agreements, orders, opportunities, and account metrics4. CRM Analytics for Manufacturing is used to gain insights into sales performance, pipeline health, and customer satisfaction. Experience Cloud is used to create branded digital experiences for customers, partners, and employees. Service Console for Manufacturing is used to provide customer service and support across multiple channels.

Question # 2

Universal Containers has a large number of stock keeping units (SKUs), which hinders the executive team from making decisions quickly. Which functionality should an administrator implement to help the executive team?
A. Account Based Forecasting
B. Product Categories
C. Sales Agreements

B. Product Categories

o help the executive team make decisions quickly, an administrator should implement Product Categories functionality. Product Categories are a way of grouping products based on common characteristics, such as type, brand, flavor, or package12. By using Product Categories, the executive team can easily filter, sort, and analyze the large number of SKUs in their business. They can also use Product Categories to create sales agreements and forecasts at different levels of granularity1. References: Manage Products and Categories in a Sales Agreement, Configure Product Hierarchies Unit

Question # 3

The warranty claim adjudicators on Universal Containers' global warranty team need visibility to all the claim-related data on a single page. This includes information on whether the asset is covered under warranty and a detailedbreakup in terms of replaced parts and labor costs. Which of the following permission set licenses do the claims adjudicators need for this?
A. Service Console for Manufacturing and Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl
B. Industry Service Excellence and Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl
C. Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl and Claims Management Foundation

B. Industry Service Excellence and Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl

Industry Service Excellence and Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl are the permission set licenses that the claims adjudicators need for this requirement. Industry Service Excellence gives users access to the Service Console app, which provides a unified view of all the claim-related data on a single page. Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl gives users access to the Warranty Lifecycle Management features, which enable users to manage warranty contracts, claims, and entitlements. The other options are not sufficient for this requirement. Service Console for Manufacturing does not include the Warranty Lifecycle Management features. Warranty Lifecycle Management Psl and Claims Management Foundation do not include the Service Console app. References: Permission Set Licenses, Set Up Users and Permissions for Manufacturing Cloud, Assign the Manufacturing Permission Sets to Users, Assign Users Permission Sets for Service Lifecycle Features in Manufacturing Cloud

Question # 4

Which two list views are provided by default to filter account manager targets by the assigned user?
A. Active Targets
B. Pending Targets
C. Assigned by Me
D. Assigned to Me
E. Assigned by Manager

C. Assigned by Me
D. Assigned to Me
Explanation: Account manager targets are records that represent the revenue goals for account managers. They can be filtered by different criteria using list views. By default, Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud provides two list views to filter account manager targets by the assigned user: Assigned by Me and Assigned to Me. Assigned by Me shows the targets that the current user has created and assigned to other users. Assigned to Me shows the targets that the current user owns and is responsible for achieving.

Question # 5

The Salesforce administrator at a small manufacturer of fasteners for the automobile industry is configuring Manufacturing Cloud. The sales operations manager wants accurate data so they can compare projected parts sales to actual orders The manufacturer currently manages orders and contracts in an external system (SAP). Which actuals calculation option should the administrator select to achieve the manager's request?
A. Manually using API upload
B. Automatically from orders through contracts
C. Automatically from direct orders

A. Manually using API upload

For a manufacturer managing orders and contracts in an external system like SAP, the administrator should select the option to manually use API upload. This allows for the bulk upload of updated quantities at regular intervals through integration, which the Salesforce org picks up during a daily scheduled job to update sales agreements .

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