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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Administrator Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

When customers use the Marketing Cloud default Profile Center link to unsubscribe it causes users to not receive emails from any other business unit. What could explain this behavior?
A. The user gets Added to a blocklist that causes an Enterprise level unsubscribe
B. The user Is getting deleted from the AN Subscribers list
C. Data in data extensions corresponding to the customer
D. Is removed Business unit unsubscribe setting causes an Enterprise level unsubscribe

D. Is removed Business unit unsubscribe setting causes an Enterprise level unsubscribe
Explanation: Business unit unsubscribe setting causes an Enterprise level unsubscribe is what could explain this behavior. Business unit unsubscribe setting is a setting that determines how unsubscribes are handled across different business units in an account. If this setting is enabled, when a subscriber unsubscribes from an email sent from one business unit, they will also be unsubscribed from all other business units in the account. This is also known as an Enterprise level unsubscribe.

Question # 2

Security and legal teams determine subscriber data available to EMEA teams should NOT be available to AMER teams. How could the Marketing Cloud admin ensure distinct data integrity across the regions?
A. Deploy Multi-Org with a single Marketing Cloud Account
B. Deploy separate Publication Lists for each region within one account
C. Filter data view permissions at the subscriber level
D. Separate regions into business units and apply Subscriber Filters

D. Separate regions into business units and apply Subscriber Filters

Separating regions into business units and applying subscriber filters is the best way to ensure distinct data integrity across the regions. Subscriber filters allow you to control which subscribers are visible in each business unit based on criteria such as location, language, or preference.

Question # 3

A Marketing Cloud admin discovers large sends are not meeting send speed goals set by the organization. What functionality would get messages out the door faster?
A. Burst Sending
B. Journey Builder Triggered Sends
C. Send Throttling
D. Marketing Cloud Connect

A. Burst Sending
Explanation: Burst sending is the functionality that would get messages out the door faster. Burst sending allows you to send large volumes of email in a short period of time by bypassing some of the standard send processes. Burst sending is ideal for time-sensitive or urgent messages that need to reach a large audience quickly.

Question # 4

A Marketing Cloud admin needs to warm their accounts Dedicated IP. What option for segmentation aligns with the IP Warming process?
A. Segment to those recipients receiving text email versions first
B. Segment subscribers with soft bounces in their own dedicated send
C. Segment by domain to limit number of sends to each email provider
D. Segment by geographic region as after-hours sends will be marked as spam

C. Segment by domain to limit number of sends to each email provider
Explanation: Segment by domain to limit number of sends to each email provider is the option for segmentation that aligns with the IP Warming process. IP Warming is the process of gradually increasing email volume from a new or unused IP address to build trust and credibility with Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Segmenting by domain means dividing the email list into smaller groups based on the email domain, such as gmail.com or yahoo.com. By segmenting by domain, marketers can limit the number of sends to each email provider and avoid being flagged as spam or blocked by the ISPs.

Question # 5

A Marketing Cloud admin has been asked to get the last 30 days of Bounce data from their account. What should the admin use to get granular bounce data in bulk in a pre-defined format?
A. CSV download of bounce data in My Tracking
B. Automation Studio Tracking Extract
C. Automation Studio Query Activity
D. Discover Deliverability Complaint Rate Report

B. Automation Studio Tracking Extract
Explanation: Automation Studio Tracking Extract is what the admin should use to get granular bounce data in bulk in a pre-defined format. Tracking Extract is a type of data extract activity that allows marketers to export tracking data from Marketing Cloud, such as bounces, clicks, opens, unsubscribes, and more. Tracking Extract can be configured to include specific fields and filters, such as date range, send type, or job ID. Tracking Extract can be run manually or scheduled via Automation Studio. The output file is in a CSV format that can be downloaded or transferred to an external location.

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