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Marketing-Cloud-Consultant Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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  • Total Questions: 156
  • Last Updation Date: 28-Mar-2025
  • Certification: Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
  • Verified Answers by Experts
  • 24/7 customer support
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Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant Exam Dumps


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We are providing all valid and updated Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Consultant dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Salesforce dumps and pass your Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant Exam (WI25) exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Consultant Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) is launching a new campaign, driving it to redesign its data
structure. NTO needs to change the cardinality between two data extensions inside
Contact Builder. What are two consequences of this change? Choose 2 answers


All filters created before will adapt automatically to the new cardinality.


All scheduled sends using a filter based on one of the data extensions should be


A contact may NOT show up in the filter based on one of the data extensions.


One of the data extensions must be deleted from the attribute group in order to change
the cardinality.


All scheduled sends using a filter based on one of the data extensions should be


A contact may NOT show up in the filter based on one of the data extensions.

Question # 2

As part of their brand guidelines, NTO uses a custom brand font for all print marketing
materials. NTO wants to use their custom brand font in email as well.
What is the recommended best practices for font usage in email?


Use a web-safe font for text that closely matches the brand's custom font.


Build an email as one image, with all text saved in the brand font.


Edit an email's HTML to list the custom brand font in the style tag's font-family property.


Build an email using multiple images, with all text saved in the brand font.


Use a web-safe font for text that closely matches the brand's custom font.

Question # 3

Northern Trail Outfitters wants to integrate Marketing Cloud with its existing point-of-sale
system in order in email purchase receipt to its customers. The point-of-sale data will need
to be transformed to be received by the Marketing Cloud triggered send API.
What extension product should be used to accomplish this integration?


MuleSoft Anypoint Platform




Data Connector


Data Studio


Data Studio

Question # 4

By which three standard methods could contacts be injected into a journey? Choose 3


Mobile Response Event


Date-Based Event


Predictive Intelligence Event


CloudPages Form Submit Event


Sales/Service Cloud Event


Date-Based Event


CloudPages Form Submit Event


Sales/Service Cloud Event

Question # 5

A subscriber asked to be removed from a customer's email list multiple times by replying
directly to the customer's marketing message, but continues to receive emails.
Which steps will solve how replies are managed by the application?
Choose 3 answers


Confirm that Reply Mail Management (RMM) is configured for the customer's account.


Confirm that the RMM setting 'Unsubscribe Manual Requests' is set to YES.


Confirm that the RMM setting 'Delete auto-replies and out-of-office replies' is set to NO.


Confirm that an email address was provided as the Routing Address for Remaining


Confirm that the subscriber's request contained one of the standard terms that qualify for
automatic unsubscribe.


Confirm that Reply Mail Management (RMM) is configured for the customer's account.


Confirm that the RMM setting 'Unsubscribe Manual Requests' is set to YES.


Confirm that an email address was provided as the Routing Address for Remaining

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