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  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025
  • Certification: Marketers
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We are providing all valid and updated Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Marketers certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Salesforce dumps and pass your Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist (SU24) exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A digital marketing internal Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) has been asked to quickly provide the delivery rate of the most recent email sent from the NTO business unit. Whereshould the Internal look to find this Information?
A. Automation Studio > Activities
B. Content Builder > Recent Sends
C. Email Studio > Overview

B. Content Builder > Recent Sends
Explanation: Content Builder > Recent Sends is the correct answer. This option allows you to view the delivery rate and other metrics of the most recent email sends from your business unit. You can also drill down into each send to see more details, such as the number of delivered, bounced, opened, or clicked emails. Automation Studio > Activities is not a validoption, as this option only shows the status and schedule of your automation activities, not the metrics of your email sends. Email Studio > Overview is not a valid option either, as this option only shows the summary and trend of your email performance across all business units, not the specific metrics of your recent email sends. You can learn more about this in the [Email Reporting Tools] module on Trailhead.

Question # 2

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) needs a quick listing of all emails sent from the past calendar year across all business units. It should include basic metrics for each send.
Which out-of-the-box report provides what NTO needs?
A. Account Send Summary
B. Email Performance Over Time
C. Email 5ends by User

A. Account Send Summary
Explanation: The Account Send Summary report provides a list of allemails sent from the account or business unit, along with basic metrics such as sends, deliveries, opens, clicks, bounces, and unsubscribes. This report can be filtered by date range and business unit

Question # 3

A marketer needs to send emails to the creative team for proofing as part of an email campaign. Which feature should help achieve this as an automatic flow?
A. ContentBuilder Approval Workflow
B. Einstein Approval Workflow
C. Subscriber Preview

A. ContentBuilder Approval Workflow

Question # 4

Northern Trail Outfitters wants to ensure that the Email Address field value is not duplicated in a data extension. What should a marketer do to ensure the Email Address field values are unique?
A. Mark the field as the Primary Key.
B. Mark the data extension as Sendable.
C. Use Email Address as Subscriber Key.

A. Mark the field as the Primary Key.
Explanation: marking the field as the Primary Key is what a marketer should do to ensure the Email Address field values are unique in a data extension. A primary key is a field or a combination of fields that uniquely identifies each row in a data extension.If a field is marked as a primary key, it cannot have duplicate values or null values. Marking the data extension as Sendable or using Email Address as Subscriber Key does not ensure uniqueness of field values.

Question # 5

A marketer is asked to create a sendable data extension from various tables including orders, subscribers, and product line items. The resulting data extension will be used as an entry source fora journey.
Which tool should help create this table?
A. Automation Studio
B. Data Designer
C. Audience Studio

B. Data Designer
Explanation: Data Designer is the tool that should beused to create a sendable data extension from various tables including orders, subscribers, and product line items. Data Designer allows you to create custom data extensions that can be used as an entry source for a journey. It also allows you to join multiple data sources together to create a single data extension. You can find more information about Data Designer and how to use it here: Data Designer. Automation Studio is a tool that allows you to automate tasks such as sending emails, importing files, extracting data, etc. Audience Studio is a tool that allows you to collect and unify data from various sources and create audience segments for personalized marketing.

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