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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Intelligence Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which two statements are correct regarding variable Dimensions in marketing Cloud intelligence’s data model?
A. These dimensions are stored at the workspace level
B. Variable Dimensions hold a Many-to-Many relationship with its main entity
C. All variables exist in every data set type, hence are considered as overarching dimensions
D. These are stand alone dimensions that pertain to the data set itself rather than to a specific entity

A. These dimensions are stored at the workspace level
B. Variable Dimensions hold a Many-to-Many relationship with its main entity
Explanation: Variable dimensions in Marketing Cloud Intelligence's data model are flexible and can be associated with multiple entities, forming a many-to-many relationship. These dimensions are configured and stored at the workspace level, allowing for customization and alignment with specific reporting needs and analytics practices.

Question # 2

A client provides the following two data streams:
Data Stream 1:


The client would like to use a VLOOKUP formula to calculate the Cost per Campaign Advertiser on January 1st 2020. Which mapping options should the client apply to obtain the expected result?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

A. Option A
Explanation: To calculate Cost per Campaign Advertiser using a VLOOKUP formula, the client needs to look up the 'Cost' from Data Stream 2 based on a matching 'Media Buy Name' in Data Stream 1. Option A shows that 'Media Buy Name' is the lookup value, which is correct. The 'Campaign Advertiser' is then linked to the 'Cost' from Data Stream 2 through the VLOOKUP formula applied to the 'Media Buy Custom Attribute 01' in Data Stream 2. This setup will correctly associate the cost with the campaign advertiser.

Question # 3

A client provides the following three files:

Which proposed solution would cause a false connection between the two files?
A. Custom classification
B. Data Classification
C. VLOOKUP in Data Stream B. Vlookup will return “Day” and “Installs”
D. VLOOKUP in Data Stream C. Vlookup will return "MB Name”

C. VLOOKUP in Data Stream B. Vlookup will return “Day” and “Installs”
Explanation: With File A uploaded using the Ads data stream type, the client wishes to create a view incorporating data from Files B & C. A false connection would occur if VLOOKUP in Data Stream B is used incorrectly to return “Day” and “Installs”. In this scenario, VLOOKUP might inaccurately link data based on MB Name between File B and File A or File C, which do not have a "Day" field to correctly join on. Moreover, "Installs" data in File B doesn't exist, soVLOOKUP cannot correctly return this information. The correct method would be to use the "Media Buy New Name" to link File B and File C since they both have this field, ensuring accurate connection and avoiding data mismatches or false connections.

Question # 4

A client has integrated the following files:

The client would like to link the two files in order to view the two KPIs (‘Tasks Completed’ and ‘Tasks Assigned) alongside ‘Employee Name’ and/or ‘Squad’.

The client set the following properties:

+ File Ais set as the Parent data stream

* Both files were uploaded to a generic data stream type.
* Override Media Buy Hierarchies is checked for file A.
* The ‘Data Updates Permissions’ set for file B is ‘Update Attributes and Hierarchy’.

When filtering on the entire date range (1-30/8), and querying employee ID, Name and Squad with the two measurements - what will the result look like?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

C. Option C
Explanation: In Marketing Cloud Intelligence, when linking two data streams, the parent data stream (File A) provides the main structure. Since 'Override Media Buy Hierarchies' is checked for File A, the hierarchies from File B will be aligned with File A. Given 'Data UpdatesPermissions' set for file B as 'Update Attributes and Hierarchy', this means that attributes and hierarchy will be updated in the parent file based on the child file (File B), but the child file’s metrics won’t be associated with the parent file’s date.
Hence, when filtering on the entire date range (1-30/8), the resulting view will align with the structure of the parent data stream, showing the KPIs (‘Tasks Completed’ from File A and ‘Tasks Assigned’ from File B) alongside the employee names and squads from the respective files. Since the employee IDs align, the data can be linked properly. However, since the dates do not align (File A data is from 01/08/2019 and File B from 15/08/2019), only attributes from File B will be updated without date association.
The result will look like Option C, where the employee names are corrected based on File B's data, the squads are added from File B, and the tasks_completed and tasks_assigned are displayed from their respective files. The tasks_assigned from File B are shown without date association as File B's date doesn't match with File A's.

Question # 5

Which two statements are correct regarding LiteConnect?
A. It does not require any identification of entities, keys or any other categorization.
B. The dataset does not conform to the standard data model
C. All of the dimensions mapped within a LiteConnect data stream are considered overarching entities.
D. Data coming from LiteConnect cannot be harmonized with the rest of the workspace data via the harmonization center at a later step.

A. It does not require any identification of entities, keys or any other categorization.
B. The dataset does not conform to the standard data model
Explanation: LiteConnect is a feature in Salesforce Marketing Cloud Intelligence that allows users to bring external data into the platform quickly and easily. Here are the correct statements regarding LiteConnect:
A.LiteConnect allows for a quick setup by not requiring detailed identification of entities, keys, or categorization. Users can upload files without having to conform to the standard data model, which speeds up the process of data integration.
B.With LiteConnect, datasets are uploaded in their native format and do not conform to the standard data model of Marketing Cloud Intelligence. This means that the original structure of the dataset is maintained, and there is no need for extensive transformation or mapping upon the initial data import.
For C and D: While LiteConnect datasets might not conform to the standard data model initially, there are capabilities within Marketing Cloud Intelligence to further categorize and harmonize this data if needed. Therefore, C is not entirely correct, and D is incorrect because harmonization can indeed occur at a later step.

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