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  • Last Updation Date: 28-Mar-2025
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Salesforce MuleSoft-Platform-Architect-I Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A company has created a successful enterprise data model (EDM). The company is committed to building an application network by adopting modern APIs as a core enabler of the company's IT operating model. At what API tiers (experience, process, system) should the company require reusing the EDM when designing modern API data models?
A. At the experience and process tiers
B. At the experience and system tiers
C. At the process and system tiers
D. At the experience, process, and system tiers

C. At the process and system tiers

Correct Answer: At the process and system tiers


Experience Layer APIs are modeled and designed exclusively for the end user's experience. So, the data models of experience layer vary based on the nature and type of such API consumer. For example, Mobile consumers will need light-weight data models to transfer with ease on the wire, where as web-based consumers will need detailed data models to render most of the info on web pages, so on. So, enterprise data models fit for the purpose of canonical models but not of good use for experience APIs.

That is why, EDMs should be used extensively in process and system tiers but NOT in experience tier.

Question # 2

What is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures the success of a typical C4E that is immediately apparent in responses from the Anypoint Platform APIs?
A. The number of production outage incidents reported in the last 24 hours
B. The number of API implementations that have a publicly accessible HTTP endpoint and are being managed by Anypoint Platform
C. The fraction of API implementations deployed manually relative to those deployed using a CI/CD tool
D. The number of API specifications in RAML or OAS format published to Anypoint Exchange

D. The number of API specifications in RAML or OAS format published to Anypoint Exchange

Correct Answer: The number of API specifications in RAML or OAS format published to Anypoint Exchange


>> The success of C4E always depends on their contribution to the number of reusable assets that they have helped to build and publish to Anypoint Exchange. >> It is NOT due to any factors w.r.t # of outages, Manual vs CI/CD deployments or Publicly accessible HTTP endpoints

>> Anypoint Platform APIs helps us to quickly run and get the number of published RAML/OAS assets to Anypoint Exchange. This clearly depicts how successful a C4E team is based on number of returned assets in the response.

Reference: https://help.mulesoft.com/s/question/0D52T00004mXSTUSA4/how-should-acompany-measure-c4e-success

Question # 3

Refer to the exhibits.

Which architectural constraint is compatible with the API-led connectivity architectural style?
A. Always use a tiered approach by creating exactly one API for each of the three layers (Experience, Process, and System)

B. Use a Process API to-orchestrate calls to multiple System APIs but not to other Process APIs:
C. Allow System APIs to return data that is not currently required by the identified Process or Experience APIs

D. Handle customizations for the end-user application at the Process layer rather than at the Experience layer

B. Use a Process API to-orchestrate calls to multiple System APIs but not to other Process APIs:

Question # 4

A company has started to create an application network and is now planning to implement a Center for Enablement (C4E) organizational model. What key factor would lead the company to decide upon a federated rather than a centralized C4E?
A. When there are a large number of existing common assets shared by development teams
B. When various teams responsible for creating APIs are new to integration and hence need extensive training
C. When development is already organized into several independent initiatives or groups
D. When the majority of the applications in the application network are cloud based

C. When development is already organized into several independent initiatives or groups

Correct Answer: When development is already organized into several independent initiatives or groups


>> It would require lot of process effort in an organization to have a single C4E team coordinating with multiple already organized development teams which are into several independent initiatives. A single C4E works well with different teams having at least a common initiative. So, in this scenario, federated C4E works well instead of centralized C4E.

Question # 5

What are 4 important Platform Capabilities offered by Anypoint Platform?
A. API Versioning, API Runtime Execution and Hosting, API Invocation, API Consumer Engagement
B. API Design and Development, API Runtime Execution and Hosting, API Versioning, API Deprecation
C. API Design and Development, API Runtime Execution and Hosting, API Operations and Management, API Consumer Engagement
D. API Design and Development, API Deprecation, API Versioning, API Consumer Engagement

C. API Design and Development, API Runtime Execution and Hosting, API Operations and Management, API Consumer Engagement
Explanation: Explanation
Correct Answer: API Design and Development, API Runtime Execution and Hosting, API Operations and Management, API Consumer Engagement
>> API Design and Development - Anypoint Studio, Anypoint Design Center, Anypoint Connectors
>> API Runtime Execution and Hosting - Mule Runtimes, CloudHub, Runtime Services
>> API Operations and Management - Anypoint API Manager, Anypoint Exchange
>> API Consumer Management - API Contracts, Public Portals, Anypoint Exchange, API Notebooks

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